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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This is what you get when you wipe out or control all of our natural predators.
  2. Ol' Leroy really has lost some weight there. RX's gonna look good with some thick meats and a fender roll. Which is strangely the exact thing I was asked for late last night.
  3. I thought some of the jokes were a little meh or forced but I did get a kick out of a couple things especially the end of the bet.
  4. :See both quotes and post below: Here in Columbus compared to most women in Florida? Yes, 3 of them would weigh as much as 10 normal.
  5. That's crazy. You just never know. "Bro, I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Something is wrong here." lol
  6. Good vid. I get a kick out of how the Jeeps park.
  7. Guessing he sold it or really isn't interested in selling it? Anyone else get an email back, yet?
  8. Will probably stop by for a few.
  9. Heard about this yesterday. Seems more like the guy wanted to die more than he really wanted to kill others. Also, a fucking retard wrote that article above for CBS...
  10. Wait, so the correct answer you are a picky homosexual?
  11. You see? Didn't I tell you in another thread you started a Jinx?! Luckily, it ended up being another Subie driver and not you. Jinx complete. You're safe now.
  12. "It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!" On a seriously fucked up note: I don't know what meat they package there, but I'm betting if this guy has family, they won't be eating anything remotely related ever again.
  13. But then he wouldn't have gotten the attention he wanted or selfishly affected his peers as greatly. I'm sure you giving props to the kid is simply a mispoken statement. I think, I hope, I know what you mean. Your second sentence I cannot begin to fathom. How can you make an excuse like that for him? He's probably permanently fucked up half those people. Are you saying all those involved in his cowardly exit deserved to see and experience it? Those questions are rhetorical, btw. Simply put, there's no excuse for his actions in my opinion.
  14. Anyone else notice this new trend of talking shit about men's balls? Mine are fucking glorious and demand respect.
  15. We did this with a towel over a closed umbrella after an 18 wheeler, unprovoked, started riding our ass dangerously close. Not just riding us, but would speed up like he was going to rearend us, let off and repeat. This was probably 18years ago. The truck swerved, hit the brakes hard and immediately got off the freeway. This was just south of Houston on the way to Galveston.
  16. This is why I carry a large photocopy of my ass for placing in the window. I'll make you drive beside that until you get home.
  17. There is a shift for the current generation. The ability to social network to such a high degree and the "shrinking" of the world around us has lessened the need for transportation in a sense. I agree it may not neccessarily be the end of the automotive circle, however. There was an excellent article in Road & Track (which I believe was posted on CR somewhere here a couple weeks ago, too), on this same subject. Should be available online or do a search here for the link. Synopsis: RT grabs a disinterested youth and tries to expose him to the various types of autos and automotive sports to peak his interest. I'll leave the conculsion to be discovered by the reader. UPDATE: Here's the link. Finally found it. http://www.roadandtrack.com/features/magazine/magazine-features-will-ellis-drive
  18. lol Ahole. Then it'll just look like the Timex everyone else is wearing.
  19. Talking shit doesn't make you a coward. Backing down from it does. Also, you're not done posting until CR says you're done posting. We will be entertained!
  20. Yes. Not much of an improvemnt, imo. Not worth paying for them until I need them. Texas has gone back to offering their old black plates and I think Cali went back to offering their old blue ones. I like those both. Not exactly relevant here, though.
  21. Ridiculous. I was in Marietta and around the border there yesterday. Near the bridge that crosses the Ohio at a light, I watched auto after auto with no front plate. (Those were mostly W. Virginia plates.) None of them exploded, my safety was never compromised, and the world never ended. At least half the autos I noticed had no front license plate yet were driving in Ohio (just out of state plates). You think they all got pulled over? One more little tidbit. Drove my Supra around with no front plate and Texas plate on the back for I don't know how long here. (Some of you are well aware of this. lol) Never pulled over for the plate thing. My conclusion? The front plate law exist solely to harass and/or "tax" Ohioans. It's a crock of shit.
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