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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I like Krispy Kreme better. I wonder if it has to do anything with copyright naming issues.
  2. Sucks. Good luck. It can act up pretty bad for me, too. But it's mostly in my wrists, thumbs, and pointer fingers.
  3. Fake. Front tires aren't even rotating when he leaves the pit.
  4. They need to stop the endless handouts to Jar Jar and his people and use the money to build it! :gabe:
  5. You didn't really miss it unless you were in Texas. Also, not a rotor-only thing either as Norm has a LS swap.
  6. Any 5-1/4in speakers? I believe that's the size I need for a '10 RAV.
  7. Hmm, probably alot of crackheads who thought along the same lines. Can't be addicted to your own product, man! haha
  8. Why in the fuck do they need to know how much gold I have?! That's rhetorical, btw.
  9. Perhaps that's your definition of it and therefore, he's not referring to you. However, let's not pretend that's the way everyone in here defines "excellent news". I think those are those ones he's really addressing. Excellent news for me is: "A suspcious man was seen leaving the residence of Christian Rodriguez today after having left various delicious pies by his front door."
  10. You shouldn't be in a thread with BOOBS in the title if you're worried about NWS in the first damn place. 1. Do your fuckin job. 2. Check CR at home.
  11. What there needs to be are stories indicating whethert simply locking their door or improving their home security in the first place may've stopped the intruder from ever entering. I'm betting you'll find that's the case more often than not. Proper security will nearly negate the need for a firearm and a possibly bad outcome leaving the use of a firearm as an absolute last choice. Don't know what the actual case here is, I'm just speaking in general terms.
  12. Don't see the problem. Now, everyone knows I have a gun and is likely to attack me or my home. At least, that'd be thought. Of course, on a serious note, I would be upset that someone is posting my address to purposely cause angst.
  13. Did you screw with the cps at all?
  14. Damn. I thought this thread title would lead me to a little Xmas porn...
  15. Perhaps, but I'm betting if it wasn't that, it would've been something else.
  16. Good luck with the build, man. You seem really on top of things with a well laid out plan.
  17. That is some bullshit. That is all.
  18. It's cool looking but far too complicated of a design for what's essentially a covered porch.
  19. The apocalypse arrived. None of you are real anymore. It's just me and billions of evil doppelgangers. I will destroy you all...:fuuuu:
  20. ImUrOBGYN


    Sure, we hav.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................
  21. Judge may still overrule but I see where you're going with this.
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