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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Awesome, man! Glad you're excited.
  2. That was mind-boggling... And hilarious.
  3. I think I'm going to enjoy that thread. Off to read.
  4. That's close to what I'm saying. Some people have a hard time deciphering the line between illogical fear and preparation. I'm not saying you're either one. To be honest, I do my best to never attach anyone's personal beliefs to their online personas here. This way, it helps me to answer people honestly and on topic. Anyway, it does go both ways. Some people are the grasshopper and some are the ant. As I stated above, it's about extremist and uncompromising beliefs, whether those are fed by fear, misinformation or whatever.
  5. lmao I misread your post at first and didn't even see you specified white people until I quoted it. I originally intended to type this: "Correction, this is how white people with sax's fight on the NYC subway." lol No kidding. I gotta kick out of him preparing his "weapon of choice" for the battle.
  6. But everyone is a marksman! What if they shoot you in the peehole! Especially if you have time to get it "to attention". Who wouldn't be distracted by that? I like to use a clear shower curtain with a glory hole cut into the middle of it. Whenever I'm intruded upon while showering, I just shove the ol' boy right through the hole at them. The tattoo'd eyeballs on it just add to the confusion and lets them know I see them. (I got the idea from a shield bug on Discovery.) Nothing is more wonderful and at the same time frightening as my love gun.
  7. For sure. Balancing out your white contrast with your color tubes... I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Nice pics, man. Here's is something I can add that's useful. The names of the listed birds in the order they appear in this thread: 1st Post Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-winged Blackbird House Finch White-breasted Nuthatch Tufted Titmouse 2nd Post Black-capped Chickadee Mourning Dove Eastern Bluebird
  8. Who is this mysterious guy who keeps running around and cutting off people, causing them to wreck thru no fault of their own and then speeding away? Who, I ask?! Who?! :gabe: In all seriousness, glad the guy's ok.
  9. I think Farkas means more about living in fear than trusting everyone you pass that day. The reasoning of some people on here, it seems, is that they need to have a firearm within reach every moment of everyday; there is no other option for them. Their reasoning is that you never know when something may go down. I can understand that. However, what are the chances that you'll find yourself in that exact situation? I bet it's less that the possibility of getting in an accident and seriously injuring or killing yourself or being seriously injured or killed by another in an accident. Before anyone answers, I mean that perfect storm of an incident that directly involves you and the use of a firearm where you'll find yourself able to protect yourself with well placed shots; no panic, not injuring a bystander, making things worse or injuring yourself. Of all the incidents in the world in one day, how often does that really happen? I know, even if it's one in a billion, you want to be ready, right? Well... With this reasoning, why aren't you doing other things to stave off possible death? Do those who think as I've said above sit down and bathe as opposed to standing in a shower? Wouldn't want to risk slipping. How about boarding your windows up for obvious reasons? Another thing I question is why is it many of you are into extreme motorsports? I thought you were super concerned with you and your family's well-being? I mean, you want to carry a gun that makes others uncomfortable in public; into private establishments; others' opinions be damned. And when you cannot, you attack those without your beliefs? Why stop there? Perhaps, you should start wearing latex gloves and a mask everytime you're in public, too. Better have your family wear them, as well. Just to be safe. Lotta of diseases out there and they only seem to be increasing. No more walking thru the woods. Don't wanna get bit by a tick and spider. Hell, what if one of you is allergic? Do you see what I'm saying. I could give examples like this for days. Bear with me, there's a reason why I point these things out. Do you see the extremes of living in fear? Those are just different branches of the same tree. This is why some pro firearm people catch so much flak and not just from those who think guns are bad. (Suprise, many of us do not and many of us own firearms, as well.) It just doesn't make reasonable sense. It's the illogical and extreme thinking and actions by some gun carriers that causes this rift. I know, I know, TLDR. I'm almost done. I'm not saying what's right and what's wrong. Some find certain things are worth more risk than others. I apparently believe it's worth the risk to go out without a firearm. Who am I to put a limit on your personal beliefs? However, when that reason is blinded by fear and your beliefs are so strong as to blind you to the fact, then you've gone too far. It's about more than guns, it's about extremist and uncompromising beliefs. Something that affects far too many facets of our culture. Just my .02.
  10. Holy shit. That poor kid's leg...
  11. But they left you with your most powerful gun; your love gun. Perfect. Was going reply to Wonderboy but this does the job nicely.
  12. I think one of these Supras was in an earlier vid, however this isn't that... So, there. Enjoy.
  13. I don't believe there are any laws regarding personal attack drones at this time. Perhaps, you can still have your wings and be protected from the 300lb fatass who's never going to move fast again in their lives anyway let alone attack you outside of their eating range.
  14. This thread is silly. Shoot me.
  15. It's been too many years. I don't even own a glove anymore.
  16. I don't think it'll look like all the pics I'm seeing. However, damn near any derivative would have more flavor than the current WRX. I think the hood is too high. (I get the new/notsonew pedestrian laws, etc, but you don't use such a low center powertrain and then build it up the sills and hood like an old 300C. I don't think the scoop will exist. They took it away for a reason and unless having a scoop suddenly helps drag, then I doubt it'll be back. Im also curious if that GTR styling touch on the front fenders will stay. Ford has a 4door Aston, now, so who knows. All imho, of course. Like I said, who knows.
  17. Someone needs to find more oil or something over there. You know, so we can suddenly care and do something about it.
  18. http://drawception.com/pub/panels/2013/2-21/hO5TfdHSOp-10.png
  19. No kidding. I don't recall any snake that'll sit around while you stumble upon it, leave to get gas and matches, pour gas on it and then set it on fire. Then I'm supposed to believe it was such a large snake with so much gas absorbed by it, that it was able to set my house on fire. Fine, let's just say the snake did meet those requirements. How in the fuck are you smart enough to put a match to gasoline and not water to fire?!
  20. Love them. Good luck with the sale.
  21. haha Pussy ass dog. I took a buddy of mine fishing to this little lake in Cali one time years ago. It was the first time he'd ever been fishing. Some geese didn't like us hanging around and chased his ass. Funniest fucking thing ever watching him run like a girl. I used to love teasing them as a kid just enough to piss them off so they'd chase me.
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