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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. No kidding. Only someone from Florida Gulf Coast has the remotest chance of a perfect bracket this year. lol
  2. This. lol I don't know how often I hear the same shit. Coincidentally, they'll have you treat it like it's a bacterial infection. Not that sometimes it's not a spider bite or that it's not the case this time. Seriously, though, if it looks like a pimple, it could be any number of insects or... a pimple. The only way you're can be sure if you want to go all insectacidal is to bomb the house. Otherwise, move furniture and vacuum in all the dark places and prepare yourself. It's spring and everything and its babies will be on the prowl. haha If you're truly worried, time to hit up an exterminator who'll have the knowledge and chemicals to set up a defense around your house. Seriously, many of those guys have the knowlege and understanding (though, not all), to truly make a difference compared to your average homeowner running around randomly squirting shit. I choose to use my "bug" knowledge elsewhere.
  3. I've always been interested in this over the normal v8 simply for the fact it's not nearly as common and I like forced induction. Good luck with the build, man.
  4. Ditto. Even better, the pile of snow they've created is still there fucking up their yard.
  5. Crazy bitch. Though, I've never known anyone to act anything of the sort on weed and x, crazy is crazy. haha I wonder how small the guy is that he was overpowered by her? Anyway, that's why you just don't stick your dick in any ol' hole. It's never a guarantee but you wanna lessen those chances.
  6. Train a falcon. Teach it to not be obvious about where it lives. Problem solved.
  7. Damn Oregon. I had them in till the last minute. Even after convincing my gf to go with Oregon I ended up going with dumbass Ok St... I regretted that decision almost immediately and now permanently. haha
  8. I'm lazy so here's a pic of one of my brackets. Being a PAC 12 fan, I thought they really got overlooked and underestimated in their seedings. (Which hurt most of them in this case.) So, I don't have any of them going thru tho I'm worried about the UCLA game, even with missing one of their starters. http://scc2011.mayhem.cbssports.com/brackets/printable-image/0/910e0e3b90560909ca5c2be76de72100//700735415/file.png
  9. Weird such a large bird would attempt to stay perched on your head. Could be why all the scracthes are there. haha Or perhaps it's reflection goaded it on. I've seen small birds upto Blue Jays attack their reflection in the RAV's black paint. For awhile, this damn Robin would do it every damn day. I would actually hear him pecking at the hood and shit. Infuriated me. Had to chase that bastard off until he got the point. lol
  10. One of the heaviest tv's I've ever owned was a damn Mitsubishi. We used to joke it ran on an actual Mitsu motor included inside the set. I picked up a huge Sony HD Trinitron awhile back as an extra tv. That fucker was pretty heavy, too, if not heavier. Took f'n forever to get it upstairs cuz the gf (who's not weak compared to your average woman) had to stop every two damn stairs. haha Had to help the guy I bought it from cuz his gf couldn't move it at all.
  11. Why didn't anyone finish it? Why shoot the gun and not even kill it? How terrible of a shot is the officer? (Note to self: If said officer is giving backup, do not rely on it..) Also, the way you worded it created a vision in my head of the 3 of you standing around for 30min while this deer just stared at the cop. haha Funny and sad.
  12. Not the worst car if you want to do some offroading. Excellent little platforms with a large aftermarket. They're basically Geo-Chevy Trackers/Suzuki Sidekicks.
  13. I finished up the season the other day. You're spot on. Little slow to start, I think partly due to the fact I was expecting something different. Especially, aft4er reading a few reviews of people who've obviously never fucki9ng watched the show. For example, a couple critics bitched he was making fun of mentally disabled, etc when it's about as opposite of that as can be. THe characters really flesh out over time and it's a rare show than can make you tear up and laugh out loud in less than 10min. I'm able to relate to the show a bit as I worked in a Rehab center (not a drug rehab; mostly elderly and a couple mentally insufficient adults). Especially, the episode with one of the male volunteers, (don't recall his name, he played a black, British rapper in the particular episode), his views and how they were altered. Of course, Karl Pilkington is funny as he behaves pretty much like Karl. haha He plays the janitor. Anyway, good show. I just recommended it to another friend of mine the other day.
  14. Here little buddy. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jWNhyMUpjSE/TLyhBgA8jYI/AAAAAAAAHfE/4IVuyVS1vbc/s1600/1286334158251.jpg (He's hungry.)
  15. Even for the "$100" charge, it's left to the judge's discretion to suspend your license not to mention the addition of "court costs", etc. Believe me, they will still bend you over. I've seen and heard it happen. Yes, it's all about the old school joint rollings. Smoke the evidence! Get you some of these, use a roller, and your set. lol http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4107/5154088177_824d67c905.jpg
  16. This just in: Swimming in croc infested waters may prove hazardous to your health! Seriously, if you're eating at McDonalds do you really give two shits, (or probably more - you are eating McDonalds), about what's in it?
  17. This what you're looking for? http://www.looxcie.com/ This place has a ton of bluetooth cameras. I'm not familiar with the site but figured it may be a starting point. http://www.lightinthebox.com/Popular/Bluetooth_Mini_Camera.html Otherwise, I'd give MicroCenter a call or something and ask about Android compatible wireless cameras. I've never felt I needed a backup camera but if I did and wanted to do it on the cheap, I'd breakdown an old phone and repurpose it for this. No, it wouldn't be wireless, but once the wiring was extended and hidden within the trim, you wouldn't know anyway. You could always store the ph0one itself in the center console or even wire it with a small harness near the phone so you could still disconnect and store it wherever.
  18. What's missing for me is who he sold them to.
  19. Nice. When I got to the engine shot, I genuinely smiled and laughed a little out loud.
  20. I wonder if all these little track car guys, ie; KTM, TRex, Morgan, etc, will offer upgrades. Seems TREX (if memory serves me right and I weren't too lazy to look it up for confirmation) is going to offer a 2.3L 6 from BMW. Which is almost kinda weird to me.
  21. Hmm, our houses are crap but apparently our tents are able to withstand gale force winds and weather? Also, I'm truly glad it snowed today a little this morning. I won't be starving today!
  22. I have something similar. DashCommand and a bluetooth OBD reader. DashCommand last I checked was kinda expensive (tons of options, etc) but when I got mine it was less than $10 on Amazon (EVERYWHERE else it was still expensive.) I think they may offer a stripped version for free or cheap, as well, now. Here's the website: http://www.palmerperformance.com/products/dashcommand/index.php/
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