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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Actually, the test isn't that hard and I'm sure I could do considerably better job than many officers. But that's how I am at every job I've had. Some people still take the utmost pride in being the best at whatever they do.
  2. Whether they were 'baiting' or not is irrelevant. Rights are rights. If the officers weren't attempting to violate them, there wouldn't have been a problem. Besides, who the FUCK is going to hang up some ar15's that are real?! Which is what the fucking pussy who called it in should've asked themselves before calling the cops, reporting the garage sale and wasting everybody's time. Get your lazy, historyonic ass out of the suv and take a look yourself...
  3. And you shouldn't bitch about getting bit. But you should also have that right, ignorant thought it may be, without worry of being harassed.
  4. Well, a YZ is about 7-9k new. I'm sure you can tack on another few grand for equipment, etc. Expensive when it's all said and done, but that's a relative term.
  5. I've been getting these "opportunites" to switch electric companies. Are any of them worth it? Which would be the best to switch to, etc? I know this was touched upon earlier in the thread but I'm still ignorant.
  6. You guys are moving through time faster than most of us. Deal with it. Science.
  7. I would've hid under a donkey. Or preemptively, I would've worn a donkey or camel suit.
  8. I hear that was being swapped into a certain Lambo...
  9. Whatever... You still wanna by those plans for a manual turbo timer from me?
  10. You may find this helpful or at least enlightening. http://www.jblmk3.com/cars/pvc.php
  11. I wonder how many of you watched the entire vid.. I can tell who didn't... Also, the guy wasn't attempting to get there as fast as possible (not exactly on a closed course, not to mention hills, etc. You know, since the Earth isn't flat). The point was to simply find the top speed. As far as "my grandmother reaches that speed faster in her Tempo", etc., two things: 1. Unless your car is more aerodynamic and/or has proportionately more hp to overcome said aerodynamics, then no, it's not faster. I don't give a shit what you think. 2. If your car is better aero/more hp, then of course, dumbass, it should get to top speed faster. What's your point? It's a 200hp CRANK car weighing almost 2800 lbs w/o driver. How fast is it supposed to get to top speed? haha
  12. It works fine. I've run a full high temp pvc i/c piping setup (cool side - from i/c to intake manifold) on an old turbo supra years ago running approx 10-12psi. I had some issues with the pipe running across the top of the turbo to the intake manifold. I used steel sleeves approx. 2-3in in length on the inside of the pipe opening and wrapped that section on the outside in aluminum cans :gabe:, then wrapped the whole thing in heat wrap. Never had a single issue with leaks or heat deformation afterward. In other words, it will be absolutely fine for your intake done properly. Just keep an eye on it for awhile, of course.
  13. The world minus one self-sustaining island. The Republic of Christian. Stay the hell away from it and you can have the rest if you don't mess it up.
  14. I love the use of a pressure cooker, as well! Of course, that could've been used to build a Railway Rifle. It's sad some people are unable to appreciate innovation and outside the box thinking.
  15. Thanks for finding the link.
  16. Good luck and welcome. (As I missed your intro thread.)
  17. Yes, I ended up picking up one from Walmart for $16. New hard drive is in and everything's working great on the first try. Thanks all. This thread can be locked up and thrown away.
  18. I'm in here for some learning. I've been curious about all this rate shit. I've wondered if it's worth switching away from AEP but I'm just not knowledgable enough about this electricity business. Please, keep this thread informative! Most of us could use the xtra dollars.
  19. This is what I saw. lol Somone needs to gif it with that sign popping up. lol Says below the vid he not only lived but is making a full recovery. I wonder if the guy filming was supposed to jump, too. Looks like he was changing his mind and going back down the slow way.
  20. That was pretty nice.
  21. Well, of course you did... lol I think I have it taken care of. I'll know tonight for sure but I'll keep the cable in mind (can't believe that hadn't crossed my mind) as I do have a spare harddrive lying around. Thanks.
  22. Anyone around the Delaware area have an external hard drive formatted in FAT32 (or that can be) that I may borrow? I need about 30gigs of free space to transfer my ps3 crap so I can install the new hard drive. Thank you.
  23. I seriously thought, "How bad could they be?" For fuck's sake, they're terrible.
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