I wonder how many of you watched the entire vid.. I can tell who didn't...
Also, the guy wasn't attempting to get there as fast as possible (not exactly on a closed course, not to mention hills, etc. You know, since the Earth isn't flat). The point was to simply find the top speed.
As far as "my grandmother reaches that speed faster in her Tempo", etc., two things:
1. Unless your car is more aerodynamic and/or has proportionately more hp to overcome said aerodynamics, then no, it's not faster. I don't give a shit what you think.
2. If your car is better aero/more hp, then of course, dumbass, it should get to top speed faster. What's your point?
It's a 200hp CRANK car weighing almost 2800 lbs w/o driver. How fast is it supposed to get to top speed? haha