To the "We shouldnt have been there in the first place" people...
Remember they attacked our country killed tons of people and change our lives and our way of life forever. We needed to do something.
Most countries lets say China. If a 911 style attack happened to them they would bomb the shit out of Iraq/Iran/Afgany then bounce the fuck out.
America took the liberty to go after the bad guy, and help the innocent people of the countries we invaded rebuild there country for a better life. 78 billion dollars does not matter. We were already hundreds of billion dollars in debt.
Name one country that would do what we do?
Now I agree, the plan is not working, our troops are dying, they are way under paid, but they did volunteer and knew what they were getting into. I am in no way shape or form talking down on soldiers or their worth of life. I have 8 friends all over the world now and one is back home with 8 bullets in him but survived.