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Everything posted by Crossle

  1. LOL what a hodge podge of SHIT
  2. Also note in that picture that it looks like there is a black O-ring at the base of the nut that would seal the line/nut area where your claiming it's leaking. What ever is easiest for you....I would give that a shot first though. I can't think of a situation as to why it would leak there other than a sealing problem.
  3. Thats cool as hell....looking. Especially the GC8 Impreza in the background of the last picture.
  4. Or you could use a pair of pliers like the previous owner of my red MR2 did...
  5. Is the line itself bad, or just the washer? If you had the pump off did you put a washer on the hose? Not claiming your dumb or anything, I just have to ask since we weren't there.
  6. Christian, I can easily pick it up for you. I'm right down the street from him if you want to meet up later.....you have my cell.
  7. That certainly makes it tough have you tried pulling trouble codes? Being 1995 you will probably have to jump 2 pins in the diagnostic connector and count the engine light flashes. Hop online and see if there is a write up. I don't have time to post a how to right this second, but if you can pull the codes and post the numbers up here I could tell you what they are real quick, or a number of other people have access to that information. If the crankshaft position sensor or another key TDC related sensor is intermittantly having a issue it may/should throw a code for it. Thus pointing you in a direction.
  8. Like I said, we got what we needed. Thanks
  9. Did you check for fuel pressure before you started throwing parts at it? I am going to "guess" it's a PCM issue. I had a "simple" no start issue that turned out to be the PCM on the MR2 several years ago. Sounds like you need to sit down with a wiring diagram and actually diagnose the problem instead of relying on the internet for a "best sounding answer" to throw a part at it and have it not work out.
  10. Go change your tampon Hal, one could say likewise about your relationship. You get married, disappear from here and come back and your posting and what not has changed greatly. Whats wrong with getting an alternative opinion other than your immediate friends and family? Not mad about any of this, there is some great advice in this thread, some useless banter that is to be expected, and she has had some positive response "behind the scenes" that has not been posted here because she made this thread. Thread....great success
  11. I didn't see any bitching other than other people in the thread?? She knew what to expect.
  12. That will be the day...when farmer brown comes inner city to buy his indoor heat lamps for his tamters.
  13. DAMN, hold the fuck on lol. Thats badass. Oh and ater watching it again, take it to the track and learn to drive with both hands. Hanging it out and tossing the wheel around with 1 hand is a great way to destroy that thing. Jeez.
  14. LOL @ LJ (in a good way). I like their cake to and if your ladies tried it in a sample and said it was the best then thats awesome. Don't get what the big deal is over that. +rep haha
  15. Good, he mainly posts work he has done on his car. Everything is super clean that he decides to share with the board.
  16. This is also who I would be talking too.....KD93R1 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92364
  17. Kevin did a great job on Erica's Dad's Saturn. Even hand laid the pin striping that matched perfectly. Couldn't be happier with the work.
  18. I would stay away from the super beetle's. Get a standard bug. The super Beetles are the ones that the spare tire sits verticle in the nose. I could type an essay on Beetles, it's really hard to impress me with them as far as condition goes. A Beetle that would be in "great" condition is going to be $7000+ at this point. A good, safe driver that is all there with some floor pan issues that have been "repaired" ie. patched will be somewhere in the $4000-$5000 range.
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