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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. I got the entire birth of my daughter on video. Pretty graphic in places too. I had our video camera off on the window and totally forgot it was on as she was born very quickly and there were lots of people flying around. FUnny thing is I had no idea as the tape ran to the end and shut the camera off so I wasn't aware until a few days later. :lolguy:
  2. No, actually to use that absurd anaology would be to suggest a pizza shop should be charging less for each pizza they make because all the gear they purchased years ago has depreciated over time and is now paid for thus the product produced using it is near worthless WOW. Don't apply for your MBA just yet. :dumb: Really? So the pics I'm selling today are valued less than my pics from 20yrs ago simply because I've owned my gear and sold stuff for as long as I have? That experience and ownership somehow correlates to their value in court? Again, really? So by that theory, I should be able to pirate Bon Jovi's debut album without much penalty at all since it's been out in circulation for so long http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/../ubb/confused.gif or is it that I should be able to download their latest album with no penalty because the group has been making albums for so long?
  3. ^^ this for sure. With the birth of our first, the nurse who had years and years of experience, just looked at me and said "grab a leg honey....you're helping...." You'll be fine. You'll never look at your wife the same way, but you'll be fine. It won't blow your mind until you see an entire 8lb kid shoulders and head pop out. It's the reason size does matter :gabe:
  4. and request the doctor to include a few extra stitches upon clean up. :gabe:
  5. TTQ B4U

    Short Cuts.

    ^^ this. never fails that I get the dumb ass in front of me who leaves 4-6 car lengths wide open cruising 5-10mph below everyone else while in the far left lane. I'm all cool for pacing ones self, but in heavy traffic, they are also the same people flailing arms ever 30 seconds when someone cuts in front of them. what else do they expect when they are leaving the door wide open. I usually just pass around them to the right and leave them in the dust as they fall farther and farther back with others doing the same. KEEP RIGHT ASSHOLE!! and / or put the cell phone down look out the windshield and you won't have to leave 6 car lenghts in front to prevent from rear ending someone. It's called bumper to bumper traffic for a reason, don't leave gaps all over. same thing for lights. you get that one knucklehead who has zero clue what those metal rectangular strips on the road are for and it causes you to not get an arrow because they are not over them. he's then the same pussy that doesn't pull INTO the intersection to turn but rather waits 4 car lengths back behind said metal strips/traffic indicators. in the end, a line of cars waiting to turn left get screwed by them! both of the above are likely the sames dumb asses that pull to the far right to turn left when exiting a major shopping center. get a fucking clue people!! keep left to turn left and when stopping at a red light where right turn on red is permitted, pay fucking attention and keep as far left as you can so others can turn right next to you. don't stop in the middle or to the right or 4 cars back from the lines and block everyone!! This is the #1 reason I always cut through CVS at Sawmill and Hard. Dumb fucks!! :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu: lastly, when driving on a road with two lanes in each direction, don't fucking drive side by side with the dude next to you. pass or fall back and clear a place for those of us that really do want to drive over your ass to go around. Move to the right with all the other slow people and GTFO our way!!!
  6. Enjoy the ride man! Sleep in tonight too. It may be a while before you do so again. just remember that 1h + 2hrs + 3hrs +1hr + 1hr of sleep does not equal a true 8hrs of sleep. However you will survive.
  7. great, the fucking casino's aren't even here yet and they already screwing things up :fuuuu:
  8. WTF are they doing around the west side outer belt anyway?
  9. ^^ that's what I was thinking. All black and be done with it.
  10. tall vehicle to have bent the hood too. sucks. really sucks.
  11. Not a fuck is given in my world as I'll continue to go 72-75mph with bursts above that when I feel the desire.
  12. No. I've not looked into it if there's an app that will allow any control over the camera. I know some Droids like the N8 allow it but so far, I think it's only auto for the 4s. 800 is as high as it goes.
  13. "Morning Snack" Apple iPhone 4s @ ISO 800 Watermarked to drive Ben fucking crazy http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/140875138/original.jpg
  14. Yes. I used a couple HTC's and still have plenty of access as our company supports both. Every single rep I have in the field has a choice of phones to use and can switch anytime to any of the 8 different ones we support and only one of them is on an Android device. However, he is old and hates change so he litterally still has his phone that's a couple three years old.
  15. Accessories, etc...is other huge benefit of an iPhone. Over the years of having phones prior to my move to iPhones severa years back, my wife and I have a small tub of chargers, plugs, adapters, ect. that were always ever changing. Now even after 3 version of iPhones, the wife and I still use the same chargers and accessories (outside a case change) as we did from our old versions. No need to buy a new $20 car charger with every new phone.
  16. Sounds like if you were so reliant on Google to being with why did you go with an iPhone and not an Android device that is based on Google?
  17. Nope. You no longer need iTunes for either. OTA updates are actually faster.
  18. Honestly, the N8 and soon N9 have the very best cameras and lens design hands down. 4s is good and is an excellent low end P&S replacement but the bokeh sucks so don't count on Leica like images, but again, hats off to the N8.
  19. Really? Define better. I think that will vary for everyone.
  20. Thought this appropriate for this thread. http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/140868116/original.jpg
  21. You have PM. I'll include a nice case too.
  22. ^ this. even now, my wife is reading and the TV is on but no one is watching.
  23. My old Playboys would be worth more money I bet :masturboy:
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