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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. I was just talking to someone about this! I want to be cremated and have been giving my wife instructions on what to do with my ashes, a little at a time Garden Dust Put me in coffee Bullets Drop me in Grand Cayman Add me to my dogs ashes, etc....
  2. I'm just glad the state will be recouping their costs of the trial from her earnings. So that said, yeah, I'll peak at her pooper and then dream of hitting it..........with a baseball bat.
  3. You absolutely made the right choice man. The surgery today isn't that seriously difficult. It's tough because it's your kid and he's young, but kids are very resilient in terms of recovery from both the emotional issues of it and physically recovering. Vision issues are always best tackled right away and especially when young. Hang in there.
  4. Knee Surgeon. School man. Live it.
  5. I have a busy week but would be happy to Talk Monday after 6pm. I work in the industry and my customers are opthamologists. We can conf in a good friend of mine who can answer any questions. If you need any glasses now or in the future just let me know. -tim 614-795-4907 cell
  6. " I know my rights God Dangit! " Cop wasn't playing around. I like how he whipped him up off the ground too.
  7. WTF, I thought that thing was part of the toy! Is that a turtle dick? Damn, please God, don't let me come back as a female turtle.
  8. Was that the main reason you sold the GTO? Not sure I'd want to pack three kids in a car that tight even in a pinch. I'm sure it's fun though. Can't wait to see the pics. Reaction of the kids is fun. I need to get some of my kids like that.
  9. someone else asked first. sorry.
  10. WOW! That's some serious dedication and skill. Not to mention time involved there. I would definitely get that pic to go viral on the web and I'd bet a nice set of offers will stream into him. I'm not sure if it would be worth selling though.
  11. Andy officially wins the contest of one having the nicest car on this board. /thread. I officially covet thy car too. I'm glad I wasn't there as I'd be in jail for dry humping it in public.
  12. Very nice. Now you just need to get Andy over there to clean the beast up and post back some nice pics. I know someone that would take them for you :gabe:
  13. Very nice pickup. Extra clean for having 40k+ on the clock too. That's likely one of the huge benefits of having a car where there's no crappy weather. I really like the silver and black combo too.
  14. Date night with the wifey last night and with a roll in of 2am., I'll await your pics here as I have coffee in my boxers at home.
  15. I've left my V1 in the drawer for 3yrs now. Never use it. Don't miss it either. Over the years, I've found that so long as you pay attention you need a detector. My commute is 30-35 minutes around 270 or down 315 to 270 and I am not a light foot. Key is to just be aware of where cops sit on your route and watch traffic. Don't speed if you're alone, the lead car or traffic is extremely light. Just keep it at 74-75mph then and they won't bother you. I do it all the time. I often have fun high speed blasts but you just have to be aware. Around here they always shoot laser anyway, unless they are on the other side of the freeway coming towards you. In that case, if you're blasting down the fast lane you're dumb anyway and deserve to get busted. I stick to the inside lanes passing only where needed and can average 75+ or in my case just pace alone side someone else using them as a shield. I did that just yesterday at 270 and Alum just before my exit 49. I know they wait there often as you come up over the crest. Kept my speed at 74mph in the center lane come off the gas at the top of the hill and had two cars between me and him as I was in the fast lane. Speed was in check and view obstructed. Then I took it back up to near 80mph until the exit. Never blinked. The other key is keeping an eye on traffic in front and in back of you. If traffic is anything but light, you will see brake lights or clumping. Like clockwork really. Keeping an eye on the rear view is important as often they will be coming down the fast lane and traffic moves over and or clumps. You rarely see them cruising in the slow or center lanes as it would prevent them from using radar against oncoming traffic. Shield affect works there too. Just don't slingshot around folks to draw attention. If you have one I suppose use it as it couldn't hurt. I just feel they are much protection. I use my habit of spirited driving and record as my benchmark. Outside the ticket I fought in Feb 06, I've not had any speed related issues. The only other time in 08 was a lane change without signal and it was just a warning and my bad for not doing the rear view check or simply using a signal.
  16. Use a macro to shoot it or no more than 70mm on a standard zoom.
  17. Your issue there is the fact that you're shooting it at roughly 195mm or nearly a 300mm in 35mm equiv. mode. f/4.8 is pretty wide open. If it's not a macro lens you will need to back way way up and stop down. However, don't go beyond f/11 or it's going to have diffraction issues pretty apparent. What lenses to you have? Here's a simliar photo of one of Anthony's. Hand lends some scale to the image and DOF while shallow focuses the attention on the face. http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/133560575/original.jpg
  18. Too bad no one he's pulled over with a gun has shot him. World would be better off with him not on the force.
  19. http://www.libertysblog.com/uploaded_images/White%20Trash%20Survival%20Kit-772407.JPG http://www.straferight.com/forums/attachments/general-chit-chat/14568d1206678999-white-trash-parent-awards-image007.jpg
  20. I have little doubt that travel history, emails, web visits, phone calls and money are being tracked in a number of cases. But I think that the focus is squarely on a set of specific people and not applied to a group of people.
  21. They were just scared and hoping you weren't there to rob them
  22. Hear me out, I'm not here to right out all the details of what it would look like. I don't see anything wrong in the gov't putting a hammer down and saying anyone with muslim background or who has originated from the middle east, etc. that fits a filter should have to pass through a second level of checks. I'm sorry but again, we're not talking wire taps and strip searches. I'm looking for a history of travels, associates, weapons, following their money ie...wire transfers, etc....the basic shit that would easily expose if Johnny Museph the third generation Egyption is really just a kid who grew up in the states and simply joined the army as any other kid here has or is he a a corrupt nut job that collects guns, is tied to a militia group and has traveled back to Saudi Arabia to reacquaint himself with childhood friends and out to cause trouble.
  23. Then do these background checks and filters on everyone or in a selective way. As I've said before, if you don't have anything to fear, the don't worry. Some call that gov't big brother bullshit, I call it the world begin different and having to do what is necessary to protect our people and land. If Abdul Mushi gets pissed, tough shit, put on your big boy pants, get over it and deal with it. It's time to call the white elephants out and quite hiding behind peoples bullshit loopholes. yes and no. you don't go do pat-downs on grandma smiths at airports, but you sure as fuck do them on those that fit a profile and you do it every time. again, sorry, but deal with it. when the wife and I go to Jamaica, the fucks there always beg us for money and make lude comments and treat us as tourists. I hate that place. However, I deal with it because it's cheap and I like the beaches. I don't see it as black and white. The extremists want it to be see that way, but WE can decide to make it gray and apply to high risk groups. When the bad guys hide behind our own of civil liberties, then we can do a better job of targeting those bad guys remove their hiding places. If some innocents get tossed in that's fine. We can prevent it from going overboard. I'm not suggesting tossing mattresses and asking for papers every time they go outside. Again, we can control who is asked for what and when and under what circumstances and determine when the criteria fits without going overboard or destroying the civil liberties of 98% of the people here. It's a cool debate. I bring crazy shit to the table. It's the internet. In terms of civil liberties, we need to find a way to keep the bad guys from hiding behind them. Filtering them out is the only way. If not, that's fine too, I'll live here just the same. However, the country is then accepting the shit that we are getting and will likely see more of.
  24. TTQ B4U

    Be jones

    Anyone want to share some popcorn?
  25. I don't think so. There's a process that we go through to purchase handguns, get CCW's, etc....there's no police state fear in having to do all that. I'm just simply stating that profiling someone with names like this and looking for other key indicators is common sense to me. We background check every employee that works in our company and filter them 100x over using the internet and everything else to find dirt on them to insure we are hiring the right folks. Again, no police state fears here. I actually feel safer knowing it. Pretty sad when the every day employers do a better job about acting on information aout their employees than the gov't does about it's own citizens and guys in uniform. Again, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, let's look to see if it really is a duck. Especially if we're going to put him through military training and hand him access to firearms. When the constitution was written there wasn't a fear of a nut job name Aamil Muhsi Muhaimin or what ever coming over and living among us or traveling on our land secretly trying to plan a bombing attack against civilians. I'm sorry, right or wrong, someone with a name like that coming from the middle east is not going to pass the filter test with me as easily as Alex Smith who was born in Anywhere, USA. That's common sense when searching for bad guys. Unless Alex is flying to Pakistan all the time and buying explosives like candy. No different than profiling the shit-hole areas of cbus for prostitutes and drug dealers. Much more a profile area down there than here in the burbs of Dublin. No 100% perfect, but 95% is good enough for me.
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