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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. you're seeking a yes or no answer to whether I blame gov't and I'm telling you that my answer involves far more than whatever you define as gov't. long story short, don't blame guns, they aren't the problem; people are the problem. go address the people and how to remove them from society. removing a gun does nothing but leave all the Nikolas Cruz's and those fucked up people to continue to walk among us. that doesn't nothing to protect society. again, I think the lack of action by we the people to address the correct problem is where the answer you seek lies. if you're looking for a yes or no answer around whether I blame the lack of "gov't action" then I'll say 1) I'm flattered you seek my opinion, 2)I'll say either way you won't likely see any value in it (based on your don't like what I say very often) and thus I'm providing you a much more valid and thoughtful answer instead. Maybe that's frustrating you or something because you can't counter-slam an opinion from me that you are clearly trying to provoke. I'm telling you that in such an accident the driver is more of a factor than speed. How many times do we hear that "speed was a factor" when the reality is the fuck-tard action of a dumb-ass driver is what really led to the crash. Of course "speed is a factor" because the only way it wouldn't have been is if the fucking car was parked. guns are a factor in gun deaths...it took Einstein to figure that shit out right? the reality is however, a gun never fucking killed anyone, a person killed the other person. go figure out how to remove the person from society to protect society not the gun he used. otherwise, you left the real danger among them.
  2. are they preventing you from funding the Anti-NRA or publishing studies of your own? there's lots of data out there Kerry and lots of studies that can be done and are done. is the big bad NRA responsible for others coming up with solutions or exploring other avenues that you seek? really? they are that big and overpowering that not one single group can exist to come up with the solutions you seek? vise versa. go find a solution and bring the research...the NRA isn't stopping you or others from that. if you're waiting on the Gov't to come up with something, you've been a lost soul since the founding of any gov't.
  3. I don't need to pick one Kerry, they have no place in school but evidently the liberal minds feel they do so but just because a conservative responds doesn't negate the initial point. To say that it does is a lame attempt and quite ironic. You are indeed a private citizen Kerry and not a gov't (although in your mind you are the voice of the country) and as such if these were happening in private schools which are funded by private money, the parents paying tuition can argue and do what they want. These however are in public schools funded by public dollars so their administrations should not be pushing forward with a political agenda from either side. that's the point here so you can stop trying to spin and deflect off the topic.
  4. hence why I've responded that "I can't say what I would support until the details are presented" thus apparently hell has frozen over as we're on the same page here.
  5. there's no yes or no response. read what I wrote, that's my response. if you're looking to blame any one entity then I'd say your more wrong than right by doing so. collectively we the people are the gov't so if you blame one, you're blaming both. my answer puts the solution in the hands of all of us as we are all responsible for addressing the correct problem. so far we haven't. but hey, let's go have another anti gun protest....
  6. I think the blame is to be shared by many for continuing to tolerate letting individuals like this kid who is clearly fucked up in the head to threaten our society by walking among us. Again, look at the long long long ass list of shit he's done and work to figure a way to have those at some point add up to his removing himself from society and stop focusing on the shiny sparkly things in life such as weapons. If we continue instead to focus on guns vs people and behaviors and not hold them accountable then we will continue to have these whack jobs among us and only further divide our country and trample the rights of the innocent and productive. A double fuck up IMO. Kerry will however, continue to blame the NRA and scary guns as he seems to enjoy allowing zombies to walk among us.
  7. I guess that would depend on what level of gov't the law resides wouldn't it?
  8. then by definition we're on equal levels so you can lose your higher than tho attitude that you have expressed and been called out for doing here to so many countless times in the past. so you're comparing a response to the initiation of one? sad. typical liberal.....yelling at others for responding when actually they are the ones in the wrong for even initiating the originating argument in a place that should be reserved for education not a political agenda. gotcha. we're only allowed to listen to your side but not voice ours in return. I haven't turned the news on in the last hour so who knows, maybe there are indeed a bunch of pro-gun walk outs being initiated by conservatives during school hours..... So are my words to you showing that I don't understand the concept or is my clearly sharing that I don't agree with it just not making it through your head? I think many of us here have shared that we see your point but are noting that it has no place in the middle of a fucking school day. boy, reading comprehension is not on your side today. or perhaps you're still trying to spin the conversation as you always seem to do. Hey look, Kerry discovered memes and .gifs...... does it take an expert to know school spending doesn't including supporting anti-gun legislation agendas? oh wait......you're from NY where apparently it does. Perhaps you need to move back home. I was just there....they miss you. I would start by not applying comments from one conversation to others but hey, that's just me. You seem to like the copy/paste and apply to all way of discussing things. ^^ classic Kerry Spin and deflection. well played sir.
  9. perhaps instead of focusing on how to remove guns from people they need to focus on how to apply that huge list of red flags noted in the article to preventing mentally fucked int he head people walking among us as a free citizens. clearly he was fucked up in the head and needed to be removed from society for the safety of others. no need to trample on the gun rights of the 99.9999% of the rest of us gun owners when all that needs done is to address the CLEARLY fucked up people in our society. details matter so until they are defined I don't see how a an answer that won't change or could vary would be valid. I stand my point above first, address the real problem which isn't a gun or guns. Address the people.
  10. I think Kerry said there already are such forms of this on the books. I can't say what I would support until the details are presented. Clearly it won't matter if the authorities don't act to take action on the red flags raised......pretty much what happened in Florida. but when it comes to abortion and the right to choose to have one, it is acceptable right? I mean the freedom to have one is ours and no one should take that no matter what the cost in human lives which are prevented from continuing through birth totals out to be....gotcha.
  11. funny thing is though I made myself crystal clear that in the Florida shooting the cost of those 17 was in part to "stupid" and the authorities from many areas that pretty didn't connect the dots. thus it seems they lost their lives over the right for others to do a poor job. but hey, let's continue to spin...
  12. I'm off to an Anti-Uber/Smart Car protest and to see if the kids at the high school will walk out to mourn the death of the citizen killed by one today. Oh wait....no gun was used so it doesn't fit the liberal agenda and won't likely get traction...
  13. because it gets your attention where as the cause and reasoning behind it doesn't since you seem to ignore the reality but chase the lures/bate so easily. guess that fits your agenda thus why you do it.
  14. play Forrest Gump but it's a role that's beneath you. has nothing to do with it. keep the political bullshit agendas out of school period. no one waits for it Kerry but the smart ones know how to address it before during and after. let's see if the next time a picture is drawn if the authorities can connect the dots. I see no point in offering more dollars when they can't spend the ones they have wisely and connect the dots. Stop feeding the beast like you do. and you continually try to play the spin game vs. simply understanding what I type. again, beneath you....but maybe it's not. the irony here is thick about who points blame at others. dude, your working with a 2" sharpie in that respect and always do. calling out those that failed is called forcing them to be accountable, not pointing fingers. their actions or lack of action resulted in a measurable result and 17 being killed, that's the problem. hardly a play of my being a victim. keep spinning though.
  15. I don't care about the money, I care what it's being used for and I don't agree with it being used to try and brain wash kids. Want to have a 17 minute period of silence to mourn the dead, I agree with supporting that. Do it before school and then carry on with the day.
  16. no, my tax dollars for education are for education, not brainwashing by pussy liberals who try to take advantage of my kids by these games. good news is both my kids speak up and tell their side and didn't participate. in fact hardly anyone did again this week. my son is at a 4.1 and my daughter a 3.8 cumulative GPA on the report cards that just came out so I'm good. neither are walking around playing victims in life. those 17 deaths are the cost of poor coordination of the resources already in place and had nothing to do with guns or the cost of freedom. it was the cost of stupid people not acting when a pretty clear fucking picture was drawn out for them.
  17. agree. our tax dollars and all the resources for schools need not be directed to a political agenda which is what these bullshit sessions have become.
  18. Or he should have got a pro-gun group of kids together like they did at my sons school and they all met in a classroom while the pussys were outside being brain washed by the media and used by the politicians who were hijacking school time to make their political statements. My said they had more in their pro gun classroom than those that went outside for the anti gun walk. :lolguy:
  19. I would explain it very much like you did here. Respect the fact that he may not drop in price but if he's willing to and it's a win-win for both of you the deal can be had, however if he is not able to that's okay and part friends. Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  20. This thread needs more Kerry and an old Porsche.
  21. when ever the WH says they have "confidence" in someone, that is essentially their 2 week notice of being canned.
  22. Here's short but sexy one from cars and coffee a couple years back.
  23. Congrats on the buy! Let's see some pics of the beast.
  24. It's an awesome car and super clean. I put two coats of a TiO2 ceramic on it and will make the offer that if anyone on CR buys it, I'll give it a good once over and revive the coating for you if it even needs its. Just PM me as I'll do it for a stupid deal just because it's a great car and Casey is a solid guy and I know it's clean. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I had a 3 car garage as the family would love a four seat vert. like this one. Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
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