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Everything posted by LPFSTheFett

  1. Pictures - Again ears are still a little floppy, they aren't finished yet. No walking the dog around the yard to teach him to go outside either. Just open the door and tell him to go! http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8580/img0575jk1.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2685/img0574sg0.jpg http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/1006/img0571em3.jpg http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/7713/img0567jx3.jpg Jason
  2. I'll have my wife take some pictures tomorrow and post them up. He's a Fawn with the Classic white T-bone on his face. GREAT looking boxer. Inspected both parents prior to purchase and both looked good. Father was amazing! 90#'s of solid boxer. Jason
  3. Agreed We looked horrible today.
  4. Anybody intersted in a Male Boxer? he's 4 1/2 months old and weights just over 30#'s. Going to be a big Male (Guesing 80-90#'s) He is AKC registered. He is in the middle of having his ears finished (week in bandages, week off), all you would need to do is take him to the vett(already paid for) till complete. Looking for $200 which buys the dog and a crate. Reason for getting rid of him is because he's too much around the house. We have another dog and he constantly wants to play, because he's a puppy. And as a boxer he likes to jump and that just doesn't work well with a 17month old baby. Also, not fair for the dog to have to deal w/ my lifestyle. I have 4 weeks of vacations planned over the next 2 months and it's not fair for me to have my wife take care of my dog when I'm gone for 2 of those weeks, and not fair to the dog to take him to a kennel for the other 2 weeks. He isn't completely potty trained, but rarely ever messes in the house. We keep him in the Livingroom with us and he has never had an accident. Only time he has an accident is in his crate and he gets excited or misses us. Then when left unattended running around. Puppy thing that he'll grow out of. Overall he's a great dog, bit of a sissy (yelps when my 17mo smacks him lol) he just needs to age a little more to get out of it. Learns fairly fast and doesn't run off. PM me if you have more questions! Jason
  5. Don't think I'm going to be able to make it on Sunday. Wife is giving me crap about going to her grandma's. I'm gonna see if I can get out of it, but as of now, doesn't look promising.
  6. Mine has 18's in front and 19's in back. The Viper is the same way. It has to have a reason other then just looks.
  7. Weather Channel shows rain on Sunday, if it shows that way come Friday, I'll have to change my day to Saturday. Jason
  8. Yep, you can count me in! Does anybody know the altitude of DW42? I think I read 700? Jason
  9. So who's going out and where? DW42 Saturday DW42 Sunday or Norwalk Sunday I'm good for either day and wouldn't mind going with some other CR people. Jason
  10. I went to Marion County last Saturday and traction wasn't that great at all. Best I could get was a 1.90 60' on Drag Radials. But traction is always going to suck there no matter how much they prep the track because you drive through so much gravel to get into the staging lanes. How is Norwalk or Dragway 42 on normal days for people running faster then 11.5's w/o a cage? That's the only reason I go to Marion, Kil-Kare and Trails gave me shit this year. One 11.409 pass and trails booted me.
  11. The first article is so dead on about how I feel. I tried to play the game as much as possible, but I just sucked. I won a few matches here and there, but overall, I just can't compete with most of the players. As far as EQ.. I was hardcore addicted to that game a few years back. My character had over 1 year played. so yes that's 8760 hours of me playing the game. I was the number #1 Monk(#2 in game) on my server in the #1 Guild in the game and I just quit. Couldn't do it anymore. I was playing over 12 hours a day during the week and 15-18hours a day on days off and weekends.. When I left, and the game was already dying, I still made like $2,000. On top of making $2,000 selling in game money for a couple months. Because of EQ I have found it nearly impossible to get into any video game for an extended period of time. But it's really funny, I haven't played EQ in 3 years now and still have a draw to the game. It's an addiction, just like anything else.
  12. I really want the full one if possible. It's pretty funny. All the crap he does is pretty funny though lol
  13. Those pictures of all the cars are awesome!! Thanks for taking the time to get them, I really appreciate it! Jason
  14. Have been trying to find the video for 45 minutes and can't find it. I want to show it to my boy. If you have a copy or know where it's linked, please post it. I think the NFL has tried to scrub it from the net because it's no where to be found... Thanks! Jason
  15. I may hold you to that AJ. I really want to get a 68 running, but finding a good platform is the hard part. Jason
  16. Thanks for the video. Maybe I wasn't pushing my car hard enough. Looked like it was crawling though the course! I know it felt like the car was going to flying off the course, but I've never once pushed my car like this before. Was certainly interesting! Thanks again! Jason
  17. No cam, just have the stock exhaust flaps on a switch to keep them open when I want them. My best run was 61.2 and I really really wish I could have gotten a few more runs in. I'm so pumped for next year now lol!!
  18. I had a blast for my first time. I wish I would have done better. I had two 61.x runs with no cones down on the runs. So I guess that's not tooo bad. I think if I had a standard Vett or just a lot less power then I had, I would have run much faster. I was gun shy and was too worried about spining out. Went way to slow in some parts and way to fast in others. Next year! Jason
  19. I'll be there! But I plan on just paying and getting set up when I get there. Don't feel like going through that online registration. Do you have to have a co-driver? Jason
  20. The franklin county sherif day just does their track rental at National Trails in the morning before a event or TNT. They get one hell of a deal and while I know we wont get the same deal, they may still give us a great deal. It probably just comes down to working with them on the date/time. Worth a call at least. Everybody could pay $30 more per person and still save money at trails because it's much closer then Norwalk. Hell I spent like $75 in gas trailering my car up there and back. Figure the average car that's not trailered gets 20mpg. 300miles round trip, thats 15 gallons of gas at $3.00 a gallon... Adds up. Then add into it the overall convience of having a track that's 30-45 minutes away. Jason
  21. Never went bow hunting before, but have practiced for the last year or so. Was suppose to go out with my Father In Law this year but he's been to busy and I really want to go out! So if you have a spot and don't mind me tagging along and teaching me a thing or two, let me know!! Thanks! Jason
  22. See I disagree the porsche/bmw/Aston Martin/Lexus crowds are after more Luxury or even more so interested in the name. A Nissan isn't either of those. And it's not like there are that many die hard Nissan fans like there are die hard Chevy, Ford, Dodge fans. Not to put the car into a catagory as being a Ricer, but that's basically what it is. A High end version of it and that crowd in general hasn't moved up into the $70,000 toy arena quite yet. When I first heard about this car coming to the states I pictured it being a tad slower then what it is but at only 45k tops. Then if they offer 3 versions like I've read that's going to hurt sales even more. Not many people are interested in buying a 70,000 version of something you can buy for 30,000. Unless again, your a die hard "Nissan fan". Which is why people spend 15k over sticker on the Shelby Cobra's. Fett
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