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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Hahahahaha Done and done sir. I'm still waiting for a few more shots from the shoot. they were the best ones too :megusta::megusta: so if they don't win then I'm not sure what will (at least with my car)
  2. Hahaha, I will make it one day, This one at least has some eye candy in it. The model is pretty decent too :dumb:
  3. There's number 10, let the v̶o̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶C̶o̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ I mean the polls open lol
  4. :lolguy: Only when you're compensating...... :gabe::gabe:
  5. It showed up for me, the picture of the Audi. I am on my office desktop though, not sure if it will show on a mobile.
  6. Damn Austin, that photo doesn't even fit on my screen lol. I had to zoom out to 50% just to see the whole thing.
  7. I posted mine and I was like, damn, its gonna be tough to beat that lol. I love that color too!
  8. http://preview.ibb.co/igWuX6/FB_IMG_1514097923510.jpg
  9. :fuckyeah: giggity......
  10. Definitely don't build the trays the way they use too. Those old school McDonald's trays would last quite a while with a light car. The new ones are junk after a couple slides.
  11. Definitely a bumper exit. With your location, as you mentioned a hood exit would definitely attract too much attention. Not to mention, without a stack, it would have all the exhaust coming across the windshield or around the side of the car which would put more fumes in the car I would imagine. With a bumper exit you could set it as a flush mount, or with a turn down to direct the exhaust to the ground.
  12. I forgot about that. Will have to check that out this year. Use to see that over by Crossroads off of Campus View. It was a good spot too, but their parking lots and access roads are beat nowadays. I remember back in the day people stocking up on gallons of water to set up just about everywhere . I'll never forget watching some tool in a 1992 firebird losing it in a ditch trying to show off at the old ramp to 270 and 23 lol.
  13. lol Still would be a fun sight to see. CPD cracks down a lot on that sort of thing anymore. That use to be the best part of going down and checking out good guys was to see all the water boxes off of Busch Blvd.
  14. I don't think the kk&k acronym would go very well there Brian.....
  15. I have yet to attend a C&C event. Prior work schedule would not allow me to attend. However I do have a couple thermos's and would be open to bringing some fresh home brew. I didn't know (until I was recently informed) that the group still got together in the winter time. I was under the impression that it was to bring your cool ride to the meet. So as a newb to the C&C, you tell me where to be, and I will work to attend.
  16. My biggest concern would be liability as Steve mentioned, but also competence of the person operating the lift. This could be easily avoided if you where there to act as supervisor to make sure they know what they are doing but then It would require enough clientele to make it a full time operation. I do agree with Kevin that most are knowledgeable about how to work on their own cars. But those who don't have their own place usually borrow someone else's or are too broke to rent a shop in the first place. The real question would be what you would have to charge per hour/day to make it profitable. Would you have enough time to monitor the shop as it is use, or would you have to higher a supervisor to ensure your equipment is being used properly. Then you get into after hours costs as we all know what should only take 20 minutes turns into 2 hours quite frequently.
  17. http://www.constructionprotips.com/tools-materials/the-top-automotive-tools-every-mechanic-needs/ That or if budget is no issue, the entire tool/equipment section of the Jegs catalog would be perfect lol.
  18. Love those! My brother had an 08. Very comfortable and fast for as big as they are.
  19. Well that is always a plus. Wish I could have made it out. Work got in the way for the night. But, there's always next time lol.
  20. I'd rock that if it didn't have the trans issues.
  21. Mine is worse 15.85 lol So fast......
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