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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Well you'll have two rows in front of you, and hes right off the stairs walk down, shuffle over and sit. Ill ask him.
  2. what about 2nd-3rd row in the upper bowl? I can ask my cousin if he is going tonight, he has season tickets (3 seats) that are center ice
  3. Thats a cool little car. Didn't they come with like a 1 liter engine? like 60hp?
  4. Anyone want a puppy? https://columbus.craigslist.org/zip/d/free-puppy/6447055516.html
  5. Ok so its not craigslist but definitely still post worthy of the pos of the day lol. Enjoy ... https://www.facebook.com/BoostRebels/videos/1402999993141513/
  6. Welcome man. Merry xmas, slow time of year lol
  7. We have three, feret nation cage and a large area/enclosure for them to roam. The smell for most is manageable with baths once a month with baby shampoo and tea tree oil shampoo (specific for ferrets). They are preverbial shit boxes. They live to eat, sleep, shit and repeat. Daily cleaning of the cage is a must to keep the smell down. When they are awake they are peppy and fun. They are emotional creatures and will get depressed if not attended too. So attention is needed to keep them from getting bored. Toys, new experiences (Like going out side) are treats for them. Just make sure you get a harness so you dont lose them. Ours love digging in soft dirt and snow. Food wise they cannot process grains, so grain free food is a must. (Most grain free cat food is good for ferrets too). They will need a vitamin supplement to help their diet called ferovite. About half a teaspoon a week is all its needed. And they love peanutbutter. Havent met one yet that didnt like it. We use it as a treat for training or a reward. They are very sensitive to sugar (like grain they cant break it down) so as much as it seems they like it dont give them licks of candy, cookies, etc. Ferrets are prone for developing insulinoma (kinda like diebeties) if given too much sugar it can cause it to develope faster. Some fruit every now and again is ok but only once in a blue moon. I usually give them bananas or pumpkin. They can live for upwards of 8-10 years so they are a longer commitment. If you're not sure you want one for that long, I would suggest adoptiong one from a rescue page as upposed to buying one at the pet store.
  8. Kind of a spoof of that. But Rick is Morty's grandpa.
  9. Interesting, dude just wants to go faster. Makes you wonder if the 2jz was clapped out or if he was just wanting to avoid it blowing itself up on the track.
  10. I think you would be a bit higher than 9th out of 10. The bigger issue would be finding the other 9 contenders lol.
  11. Well you know my ride, it may not be all that fast in today's standards but it is still plenty of fun to play around with highway pulls and enough to get in trouble lol. Seems like if its a spur of the moment, spirited jaunt with the guy next to you at the light then 300-450hp is plenty to play. But for those who are really setting up races for money 600-700+hp seems like the minimum bid anymore.
  12. Cant say i have much room to talk as Im still rolling around in the 240 lol. I keep putting off the jeep but once the salt starts thats game over for toolling around in the 240
  13. Most of my free time has been working on projects that I need to finish. As of recent was buffing the car for a photo shoot (pics soon to come). Also have a playset that needs a floor put in. A jeep halfway through an engine swap. Never ending yard work. The list is quite lengthy. But when all else fails, nothing beats busting out the smoker to make something delicious......and of course cocaine and hookers.....
  14. Lol I know it, i tried to edit the tagged post to put the meme in but couldnt get the quote to work lol. All good sir, no idiots here, this is CR...... :lolguy:
  15. Looks good sir. Should make for some fun times. Too bad its the wrong season for it. At least you will have plenty of time to get it ready for the warm westher.
  16. Damn Dave hit me in my feels why don't ya lol :fa::fa:
  17. Damn that thing is clean! Its that pure ugly kinda dig it look too lol. I'd rock the shit out of that. Nice find!
  18. Gotcha, thats shitty. I tried to contact him a while back but it was like he had fallen off the face of the earth. Hopefully the move will work out for him.
  19. UrUse to hang with him a bit when my cousin was still around. Always seemed like a decent guy, a little spastic, but knew his shit around cars. The drama that happened on here must have been when I was gone. What happened that made everyone hate him so much?
  20. Weight isnt too much of an issue, just takes longer to cook. Rule of thumb is 3 1/2 min per pound with a bird that big. You wont run the risk of over/under cooking it. Once it starts to float then youre getting really close. We've always stuck a meat thermometer in the hip joint area just to make sure it hits the 180* mark.
  21. Corect me if I'm wrong, but wasnt the windshield for those out of a boat? Btw it's not from craigslist but still worth a post https://montumotors.com/vehicles/146/1992-mazda-az-1
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