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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. http://www.lsxmag.com/news/cleetus-mcfarlands-new-stripped-down-c5-corvette-project-carkart/ round two perhaps? if the price were more reasonable.
  2. My ranger did that once (no crowd though), nothing like hearing the bang under the hood and the relief you have when its just the charge pipe lol.
  3. Dude has to be an alien lol. Very impressive. My ass would have been hamburger.
  4. On a scale from 1-10 how extreme of a mullet would you need to drive this thing?
  5. I like them both. The Genisis seems more bmw esk but both look good to me. I'm with Ryan, either one would be sweet.
  6. Lol that's cool. At least he's not all offended, might indicate he was compensating for something lol Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  7. It must have been her old tanning bed lol. Car is kewl but that wing is way to furious.
  8. Well it would be mine if i could afford taking on the payment right now lol. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  9. http://sinsip.com/jd.jpg I'll bet that thing moves!
  10. Riced out? Yes you're on your own. Built to perform tuner from this era? I'll roll with you any day :fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  11. Bahahahaha nice! Well have fun with it man! Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  12. Ha well I'll be eager to see it happen. Still non-caged or chuted to boot lol. How many passes do you think you'll get before the kick you off the track? Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  13. Jesus bro, thing was movin! I could only imagine, with an actual launch, what you could scrub out of that 1/4
  14. I understand your point and in the city that is definitely the case. But I still get head turns, and ppl acknowledging my ride. Granted no where near the same way they did 10 years ago but they're still out there...... when they look up from FB lol To that point, most are in a modded car themselves (aka Tim) and several others tooling around. My favorites are the high school kids just getting started. Rocking around in their shitboxes. By no means am I hating on them as I was there myself. But it is nice to be on the 'omg I love your car' side of the tracks for once lol. I like to think it's nurturing that 'I'll get there one day' mindset too.
  15. If I hadn't have done that with Tim then I probably would have never met you two so... Those days still live but are few and far in between. It's your car, you do you! never against customizing a ride (part of the reason I'm on here) as long as it's done right. I know enough about you that if you put the time and money into it, it will be.
  16. Holy catch up bat man! That 330-1/8 was like you lit a rocket under your ass! lol Curious to see a shot of progression from your time slip on this one.
  17. Not to mention new(ish) cars are cranking out a shit ton more power than they use to. Tweaking a factory car in the 90's- early 00's was much cheaper due to the fact that you only had to get close to 300hp to have an awesome street machine. Nowadays if you're not peaking 400+ then you have factory focus's and stock gt's whizzing by you.
  18. Exactly! Not saying it should die and never be spoken of again but a tastefully done tuner that is flashy, not gaudy, would be a good revive. At the end of the day it's not about all about the end result, a lot of it has to do with the platform you're building from and making sure the mods are properly done. But for the love of gaud, please leave the lambo doors on the lambos.
  19. Complexity of the system would be a manufacturing nightmare (juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze). Not to mention once you get past the set up tuning would be a nightmare as well. Not so much for the factory base tune but the upkeep of the tune as the car ages. That many moving parts, plus the addition of upkeep to keep each individual cylinder equal to its counterparts would be such a headache. Bank style turbos at least give you an equal amount of pressure per cylinder as the turbo ages/starts to wear.
  20. If you do it like this..... Avoiding this.... Of course if you are going to do it, make sure it's period correct with this..... http://carhumor.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Ten-Is-So-Much-Better-Than-Six.jpg Then I say dooooeeeettt!
  21. Butt butt butt..... :fa: I'm clean, I swears. You'll see when I swing by tonight.
  22. I'll take it! Can I pay you in bubble gum and sexual favors?
  23. I understand you are looking for leftovers but Wal-Mart now carries the small patch kits for cheap. Or if you just want to by fiberglass mat/weave they have that as well. It's all 3M or Bondo brand if memory serves me correctly.
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