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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. http://freedomdaily.com/shocking-vid-2nd-shooter-just-accidentally-leaked-exposes-massive-media-coverup/ So this just surfaced, its not definitive but first conspericy about a cover up.
  2. com'on guys! Someone needs a cheap fridge to keep their beer cold don't they?
  3. Hahahah Truth! I can see what your saying with wanting to be beat by something 'respectable'. 100% One of my favorites is the el camino from Street outlaws. Just a bunch of spare parts slapped together. I never understood the fwd race car scene. I can understand it from a fast factory car perspective, but not a purpose built one. But then again anything with a motor and a dream can be built i suppose lol.
  4. That would be understandable if you own a car that is supposed to be fast but is not (at least not as fast as the sleeper). That sleeper took creativity to be the unassuming guy in the room that has the horse dong lol. PREACH! lol :ninja::ninja: PS- by no means am I a honda lover, I do have a respect for what they can become with a driven individual.
  5. I have always been a huge fan of the sleeper. Nothing better than the surprised look on peoples faces when you row on by.
  6. We've always bought and installed our own. They are super simple to install (just takes an afternoon and a shovel). PetSafe is the brand we used, the stubborn dog series (for bigger dogs). SportDog is a good system too. It can cover the whole acre with ease. https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-stubborn-dog-in-ground-fence/dp/48858?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=PetSafe&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvJzW4LHc1gIVVlgNCh136gtyEAkYASABEgKPzPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds http://www.cabelas.com/product/SportDOG-Brand-In-Ground-Fence/753465.uts?productVariantId=1697979&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=02993487&rid=20&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6cPv8bDc1gIVDUwNCh3WpwQGEAkYBCABEgL1ffD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. Red Beard

    He Gone

    Sucks man, thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
  8. Not to mention to extend on that point, social media is extremely bias from the beginning. Praise is given for being social, taking pictures and positive vibes, bla bla bla. But in all reality, the same people posing for the camera can even carry on a conversation face to face. Adding to all the 'millennials' who have anxiety of judgment because they aren't keeping up with their peers. Creating a sociopathic 'Jackle & Hyde' mentality. Overly worried about being the person everyone should be envious of, but when behind closed doors are a depressed individual that can't even think about talking to someone about it for fear of judgement. Heaven forbid they try to vent to social media as the ones who finally do, get bashed for airing their dirty laundry to the world. Labelled as attention seekers. But I digress...
  9. Supposedly It was to gain better angles to hit more people as they ran.
  10. They haven't wasted much time cleaning things up. It's not clear weather the building is salvageable or not yet, but seems like the walls didn't buckle as bad as I thought they were when I first saw it. Mind you this is all just observation while driving by at 55mph.
  11. Yes all correct, that's what I saw when I went by thus morning. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10210379805674877&id=1334888209
  12. I'll bet you if you look closely you'll see the trailer is attached to a flat bed dully. I barely saw it when I was going by earlier. If they haven't pulled it already. Not sure what is going on. The traffic on 42 is hit and miss. Days you think it would be clear its busy as hell.
  13. So glad I took a different way home yesterday. That is my usual route to and from the office and that would have been right at the time I roll through there. Someone was looking out lol.
  14. Sweet! thanks Evan. I hope everyone involved was ok, I could only imagine what the neighbors heard. That had to make a hell of a lot of noise.
  15. Not sure if anyone is up this way or familiar with Buckeye Batteries. It is a small time battery recycling shop that has been around for as long as I can remember. It is on OH-42 between Bell Point and Plain City. Last night there was a 5 car pile up right in front of the building causing a truck and 5th wheel horse trailer to careen right into the building. Driving past it this morning and the truck and trailer where still in there. I will try to grab pictures at lunch.
  16. Not to mention I'm sure the entire area is under heavy security as well. Doubt anyone would get very far with snagging any evidence.
  17. Its going to be a pain, but keep an eye on your email. That's usually where they are coming from (some sweepstakes you entered, or that super cool dish from ikea kinda shit). Start by unsubscribing from the spam mail. That will help to remove your info from any legit companies. I know its been said before but if you have an android, you can click on the phone number in your recent history list. Click the details icon and there will be an option to block the number. It will still be able to call you, but your phone wont ring to it. It will just show up as a random missed call.
  18. Same, the latest update said there where two windows broken out. Now the rumors are leaning toward possible second shooter, or cover up for something bigger. Bla bla bullshit.
  19. That's a bit sketch. maybe they kept you over there because its awd? Did a good job of tidying up there btw. I hope I didn't come off as stirring the pot, as that was not my intention (nor was I in attendance). I am just surprised to hear that they would do you guys like that, having to re prep the track or not. Especially when you're paying the track (assuming more than what they would make per car on a test and tune night).
  20. Well hopefully this is just a case of developing info and that he comes around.
  21. I mean I understand wanting to keep it clean with the pros but you cant tell me that the dr's would rip it up that bad? Not to mention its not joe shmoe out there in his wife's minivan. Most (if not all) who paid the $50 for a private event know how to launch a car without ripping up the track. But I am assuming here. :dumb: Besides, what do they do every time they do run a "test and tune" night afterward? they prep the track the next day. Why should this be any different?
  22. That's shitty, I mean I get it was only a "test and tune" rental but still, you paid your money. Should be able to use the track properly.
  23. I am sure they will. The whole situation is strange, 64 years old, targeting a country concert, spray and pray style. I'm sure it will come down to them concluding that he was a troubled old man angry about something trivial. But the whole privilege/terrorist labeling is a joke. It's sad how any situation, no matter the severity gets tossed around, and the disregard of how many people will be effected for the rest of their lives from this. But bureaucrats will be bureaucrats....
  24. Hahahahaha nice! Unfortunately I was not. Haven't made it to the track yet but Hopefully next summer will be a different story. Can't really thrash on it too much right now while the jeep is down. Once I get the jeep back up and running then I can make it the toy again lol.
  25. So they've updated the numbers to still 50 confirmed dead and over 400 injured now. This is scary stuff, makes me Leary of going anywhere (big event) like this any more. Has anyone heard anything about the motive yet?
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