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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Anyone have any suggestions or good experiences anywhere? My car is by no means hella flush but it sits pretty low. I could take it to my father-in-law (runs a Firestone). But the last time I took the wife's car over there (08 Civic all stock) they snagged the lower valance and fucked up her front bumper. So I'm a bit hesitant to take mine over to them.
  2. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/2000-turbo-silverado-reduced/6325963149.html Here's one that's been done right! love that color too.
  3. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/99-chevy-silverado-custom/6330988536.html That bed lol http://images.craigslist.org/00202_aRJxa6WUarQ_600x450.jpg
  4. Exactly, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that if its cheap enough then looks wont matter, but $5900 for a cheese wedge with headlights is no bueno.
  5. Welcome, looking forward to checking out the rides once the pictures start working properly. Do you use the CJ as a fun toy or a mall crawler?
  6. Good deal man. Gotta love cheap fixes. Those rims though..... Idk loopy. Gerg has a point, the wheel gap may be what is throwing it off.
  7. :barf: why would anyone even want one? I'd rather rock a moped for that kind of money lol.
  8. That's unfortunate. Are you planning on bringing it back to them to see if they are willing to fix the slop?
  9. Agreed! That's what makes it both a treasure and a freak all at the same time. I am just amazed at how clean it is and blown away by the asking price. It's awesome but still just a mark 3.
  10. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/toyota-supra-like-new-garage/6321143837.html Soooo Clean!
  11. Good read, I would definitely be up for a test drive.
  12. I would be fine with either, the rwd would make it interesting in the winter, but I'm sure it will have all the bells and whistles of traction control, power distribution, etc. But then again, apex doughnuts are fun as hell lol.
  13. True, at least they are offering it in 3 different packages though. I'm sure a base model stinger could be ordered with a 3.3 but doubt it would save that much on cost at the end of the day.
  14. But that would be obvious. Not to mention, less hp and 5k more than the stinger. (Update: A Kia spokesperson responded with the 2018 Kia Stinger’s official pricing: $31,900 for base Stinger 2.0T $37,000 for Stinger Premium 2.0T $39,000 for GT 3.3 T $43,500 for GT1 3.3T $49,500 for GT2 3.3 T AWD $2,200 for all models Destination $895
  15. ^^^^ Agreed! I'd still rock it. 365 hp and 376 lb.-ft. of torque from a KIA is impressive
  16. My dad and I play dominoes quite a bit. More of an older kids game. Love it now that we are both decent at it. Trouble, and 'No Thanks' was always fun too.
  17. The only thing that NICS transfers will do is document the trail of the firearm to the last legal sale of it. Once it gets into the wrong hands it doesn't matter. So it's going to make two things happen: 1- Make those who are legally purchasing a firearm jump through one more hoop (not that big a deal) 2- Give the govt just one more way to Tax/add fees to a purchase of a fire arm (just like title ship of cars) Now don't get me wrong, I am all for a background check especially if an individual has a felonious record, or mental history. But at the end of the day, if someone wants a firearm bad enough, they will find a way to get one. The supply is to plentiful. The only thing this will allow is to say, " You sold this guy a gun. He passed the background check, went apeshit afterward, but you still sold it to him." So unless they pass a law that would hold all previous owners accountable for said firearm, then it's a mute point. Even if they did take it to that level, the only thing they would have to say is the gun was stolen.
  18. My god photobucket is a pain in the dick anymore.... http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/joe56557/media/bWVkaWFJZDoxMzAyODI4MDg=/?ref= http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/joe56557/media/cGF0aDovMjAxNzEwMDlfMTkwNzI5X3pwc2ExaWF4OHM0LmpwZw==/?ref=
  19. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e49/joe56557/20171009_190642_zps2h8oantp.jpg http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e49/joe56557/20171009_190729_zpsyr7gnv9o.jpg
  20. Sorry to miss this one (had tickets to the game), will have to take you up on the next one for sure.
  21. Hey fellas, sorry for the delay (busy weekend) I will be snapping pics tonight when I get home.
  22. It's tough to find shops that do rust repair because it may re-occur later on. With that said, a lot of shops will "Finnish" your work once it has been removed and patch panel installed. If you are handy with a welder then I would suggest looking up a replacement panel from LMC Truck. Cut the old out and tack the new in. Take it to the shop and let them do the bondo work and paint. It will be without Warranty, but that might get you further than everyone telling you we don't do it.
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