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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. http://www.surplusandadventure.com/images/product/main/ammo_box_30.jpg I use one of these, I have modified it to be mounted into my truck. its bolted to the floor, and i have mounted a lock arm to it that keeps it from being opened when locked. it works great when i have stuff (wallet, phone, money, etc) i want to keep locked up in the car just toss it in there, lock it up and don't have to worry about it. Even if my truck gets broken into they're not getting the important stuff unless they take the whole truck. If that happens then I'm sure I'll have bigger things to worry about.
  2. Red Beard

    Youth Shotgun

    gander mountain has several youth size shotguns and rifles. i do believe dicks sells youth sizes as well.
  3. robo-cripple ftmfw!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i totally need one of these for a friend of mine. he drives a tib-a-gay and every time i ride with him he burns the hell out of the clutch because he cant hear the motor at all (and because hes a shitty driver). but i would like to see how much one of these would help him lol.
  5. i agree it should be double killed with fire. You cant ever be too careful:rolleyes:
  6. http://www.blackwingsc.com/ i use to work there, it wasnt too expensive when i was working there but i've been out of there for a few years now. they have beginners lessons there and plenty of regulars that would be more than willing to show you how its done.
  7. i have both a 20 gauge and 12 gauge mossberg and ive never had any issues with either one of them ever. i use to work out at black wing and the days i wasnt working id take either one of them up to the range, run them all day and not one problem what so ever.
  8. I just read this entire 4 page post and i have no idea what to think of it. i think half of it is that the dude just blurts out so much randomness that its like trying to talk to a farret on crystal meth. http://www.ferrets-as-pets.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/ferret-dance.jpg btw welcome i guess.
  9. http://www.sosayweallonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/caught-cat.jpg
  10. i have a mossberg 500 12 ga pump if your interested. im looking to get 300 out of it. pm me if your interested.
  11. i cant stop laughing hahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/redneckracer/0304082121a.jpg?t=1281926864 sorry about the clarity of the pic. old phone sucks!!!!
  13. do want, just not enough moneys
  14. it was all over yesterdays news, i think 10 tv had the actual dash cam vid of the spike strips and the truck being spun. then you see the dude get out, run accross the camera's view, and then all you heard was shots being fired. it sounded like some one popping pop corn, there were so many shots. its was every bit of 25-30 shots.
  15. listen to it through the end. the last bit is hysterical . mind you he's still talking about the motorcyclist.
  16. thats what ppl get for relying on a computer to do something thats common sense. come one ppl we've all been taught it since we were old enough to walk, look both ways then cross. i still lol'd
  17. the worst part about it is he tried to jump out at the last minute. what a dumbass. its a big motto in the mudding world, you lift you lose. you only lift as much as you need. what a fool.
  18. i wish i had the cash i would trade for my truck in a heartbeat.
  19. might be a repost but look out for those damn deer from da hood yo!!:bangbang:
  20. would you be interested in trading for a truck and some other stuff at all?
  21. nws http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/5918/2698534015fr.jpg http://spoiledphotos.com/content/17255/resized/5455_561124621544_194300627_33010811_2552386_n.jpg?1267096427 http://pix.jj.am/gallery/d/118757-1/Obama.jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRX5jhKUH9qKyI11gy7peBj_W_3SRPy2AkPydPRMRtqD9az2WA&t=1&usg=__271hxjMPTttQGCZQpjB5ZZk8rU8= http://www.totaldiatribe.com/img/douchebag.jpg http://spoiledphotos.com/content/15987/resized/homeland_security_booth.jpg?1267000090 http://spoiledphotos.com/content/20733/resized/untitled.jpg?1268615968
  22. found some more recent pics workin on some of the body work on the ranger http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/redneckracer/me/IMG00051.jpg me standing by an old gas pump that was not in service anymore, lol moment http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/redneckracer/me/IMG00314.jpg most recent one (couple of months old) been up all night, it was the last fish i caught roughly 5:40 am http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/redneckracer/me/IMG00120.jpg
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