and this is why obama's healthcare plan won't work. you have a family member who knows a nurse look at it--that person said it 'just' looks infected, and told you to put a bandaid and neosporin on it?? you realize that EVERY staph infection starts out looking just like that?? people act like a staph infection (MRSA is a form of a staph infection, and is becoming extremely common in the community) initially looks different from any old infection--that is wrong.
one of the main goals of obama's healthcare plan is primary prevention---regular check-ups and aggressive treatment of problems at their earliest stage will prevent costly surgeries and hospitalizations. you're a prime example of why his plan will fail horribly.
think of it this way:: routine maintainence (oil changes, fluid changes, timing belt, etc) of your car will prevent costly repairs due to neglect. you're driving around right now with the 'check engine light on', and just assuming that it will go away on its own.
trip to the dr. a few days ago, would have gotten you a prescription for antibiotics, and this would have easily taken care of the problem.
now, you're risking a surgical procedure and a 3 day hospitalization for IV antibiotics when you develop an abscess. by the way, i used to operate on every one of these abscesses in the emergency department under a local anesthetic--so did everyone else i worked with, so that's what you have to look forward to. good luck, i've officially washed my hands clean of this.