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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. Lovin the blue and white. great job man!
  2. 10 years ago would be 2000, 15 would be about 1995. you also show Temporary solution as well as i said Substitute. Theres no point inarguing about this Put oil or MTF in it or whatever. I dont fucking care i was just trying to help. O and here is a screen shot of my Helm manual for a 98 integra. witch is also a b series transmission. http://i993.photobucket.com/albums/af52/FreshDA9/hondamtf.jpg
  3. Honda MTF has been around for at least 10-15 years. ran it in all my cars when i had access and no problems. yes oil is a substitute.
  4. Honda MTF. / is your transmission grinding by any chance. reason i ask most people who run Syncromesh in there hondas is to cover up a grind (typically 2nd to 3rd). I know plenty of 400whp+ civics running Honda MTF fluid.
  5. I have yet to go. been wanting to just was busy the time it was in town the last 2 years. Ok Josh we will let you get back to your build thread now lol.
  6. Alot of the people though dont make build threads like Josh does. there are many like his build out there but not getting recognized.
  7. That is true and i guess i didnt catch myself spreading the rumor. So sorry and OP dont judge on the comment i said about the other shop. As far as the friends yea i get taken care of but i have still paid and waited. I have no ties with Performance Research but talking with Bob Profit for almost 2 hours will enlighten anyone and also seeing his amazing work.
  8. people like him are the reason why our import communities have to prove our selves. i think most of our bad reps came from Columbus square days to the Sonic weekend meetings. all the nice imports were over run with crap, and high school kids speeding in parking lots.
  9. Never said i had a problem with them just said i herd stories. dont know either parties. and it was 2 different incidents on the same fourm. Never said i had a problem with them just said i herd stories. the 3 shops i have delt with i have posted.
  10. Gut on ohio hondas wrote a Novel about how they screwed him over 3 times with the same motor then took it to phillips and they ended up fixing the final issues. Another person had a similar issue with there sleeves sinking and them not fixing the problem (motor wasnt installed). I have never had any personal use but these guys were in detail with the encounters. I also have no need since i use Fast or Philips.
  11. never had any issues but i also know a friend whos brother works there so i have never had an issue. I manly have Fast racing do stuff for me because the builder is a good friend of my family. Only shop i havent herd good stuff from is M&M herd a couple horror stories from some people on other sites.
  12. Fast Racing in grove port Phillips racing engines in grove city or Performance research off westerville rd.
  13. Looking good! from what you have said about doing this it sounds like its gonna be very strong combo.
  14. figured this thread would be on here as well as Ohio Hondas. Full Blown dual walbros -10 out -8 return, Aeromotive FPR, and a set of ID 1000cc injectors with a higher base pressure to flow at your needed injector size of 1,200cc. /End Thread
  15. you not on lol I would like to know B & R quality i hope there AN fittings arnt like the jegs junk.
  16. The Benen rail came with a barb fitting? wtf is that BS. you swapping it to a -8 or -10? did they supply you with a 1/8npt fitting to block the FPR hole? i might have 1 laying around if you need it.
  17. Car looks nice, seen some of those pics on Ohio Hondas aswell. Yea not all B series come manual some do come auto here in the us. mostly integras. the ony car in the honda platform that didnt come auto was the S2000.
  18. Fast Racing in Grove port 555 Corbett Road, Groveport, OH (614) 836-2503‎
  19. X2 that turbo has a great range of power. i have had freinds use it on alot of different set ups and it doesn't disappoint.
  20. I guess thats your opinion but i am a fan of the Wankel (Rotary) Power plant and a damn good one in this vid. A gutted drag car is really nothing but a body style when finished.
  21. Ef8sirJunkie


    That wasnt a spoiler they even let you know in the previews.
  22. Ef8sirJunkie


    like i stated it is an interesting movie. Also <edit> NO FUCKING SPOILERS!!!!
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