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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. hey buddy what was the name of that maleware program you told me about saturday night? thanks
  2. actually i remember this company from a long time ago seems there website is still up and have daughter boards for toyota ecu's http://www.technosquareinc.com/rom.htm check out the tech tom stuff
  3. Could put a honda ecu in it and tune it that way im not lying either its been done several times http://www.homemadeturbo.com/f10/honda-ecu-toyota-108114/ looks to be some work though but i figure someone on some MR2 forums have full write ups that might make it easier. o and here is another link and pic for a corrolla and honda dizzy http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t150/tomdata57/DSCF0001.jpg http://forum.pgmfi.org/viewtopic.php?t=13414&highlight=toyota&sid=810f64c268f817f513054b3def5ead94
  4. Looking good buddy :thumbup: is that a Gates kevlar timing belt?
  5. http://www.bimmerforums.com http://www.bimmerwerkz.com/forum/ www.bmwheaven.com www.dtmpower.net/forum/ www.e36-tech.com/forum/ here is a start for you. i was feeling generous unlike most people you will find on Bimmerforums are not.
  6. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79336
  7. http://images.pictureshunt.com/pics/l/lion_king-5067.jpg Congrats Bro!
  8. This is so true. also the reason your the first to call if my teg needs a part lol.
  9. Mr Bone from Cincy is the Honda transmission guru. and a Mfactory lsd is gonna run ya about $600 + diff bearings.
  10. you talking about some block post like these Rob! http://theoldone.com/components/Posts/endyn_block_post_kits.htm there have been multiple DIY solutions to trying to save the block but a block guard isnt to bad on a budget even since the block needs to go to a shop and be honed and parts installed anyway.
  11. i didnt even read his budget part must have skimmed over it but everything Boosted98gst said is correct.
  12. Dont you have like 10 turbo cars? screw it more turbo's!!!!
  13. Honda gaskets, seals, belts, bearings. (dont cheap out honda doesnt like many aftermarket parts and plenty of people that will tell ya they put 3+ autozone timing belts on and they stretch etc). pistons and rods go aftermarket Eagle, Manley, JE, CP, Weisco etc. Machine shop Phillips racing engines, fowler, etc.
  14. first off i have never decapped a wrx injector i just no of it. second i was directing the comment towards you not towards the car that was dynoed.
  15. i thought you could decap your injector witch would make it in the 800cc range. also this working with wrx injectors from 03 and up i beleave.
  16. bump for a legit seller. :thumbup:
  17. that B16 head isnt free he is asking for a built non vtec head. 350 wheel on a ls your gonna have to put a lil more PSI threw it then a vtec motor. biggest thing you want to do is get rods in that motor or if you use stock pistons arp rod bolts since the A/B1 and b20 motors use D series rod bolts that break in high rpm. If doing all forged like you say you should be fine. id stay non vtec motor for now and if you pursue it LS/Vtec it later.
  18. the DX and SI sohc cars still get 30mpgs. let the car breath a little and a tune you can get up to 40+. i know a guy that has fully ported head and he is making 53mpg (he did a fuel economy build and its his DD).
  19. hmm nice to know the SR is holding up but around 500whp dont their valvetrain start to weakin? I agree RB26 with GTS tranny would be a nice powerplant but depending on his funds a KA is cheaper and can make 400-500 and if wanted to upgrade later then who knows. anyways my vote is stick with a Nissan power plant.
  20. Nice looking S14, KAT>SR20 my opinion. Apparently stock block SR20DET record is close to 500whp. Stock block KA24DE record is over 600whp.
  21. What he said its an H series. i am disappointed was hoping to see more V8 honda action.
  22. watched the video that looks like a 2 step (launch control). when driving over say 6mph does it rev past that? you also notice the cel is not on. take your ecu out and open it and take a picture please.
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