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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Had Chase for my checking since I was 17 and never had a single issue with them ever. I had to get my auto loan through a local credit union since Chase wouldn't approve it due to not being at my new job for long enough. I would love to support someone a little more local like a credit union, but having a good mobile app with the quick deposit feature is worth enough to me to keep my checking account with Chase. I think if credit unions eventually catch up on the mobile/online side of the business, more people would start to switch. Unfortunately most credit unions will never have the money/people to make a mobile app that would rival anything from Chase or other national banks.
  2. Flyin Miata

    Fuck you all

    Sad, but if it works for you I guess that's all that matters.
  3. Flyin Miata

    Fuck you all

    That entire post sounds like it was written by the loneliest man on Earth. How much attention do you need before you start acting like a normal person?
  4. Gotta be the guy who owns Martini Skate + Snow.
  5. I spoke with a guy today, late 20's and single in Georgia. He had 7 cars (including 350Z, Benz SL550, a Challenger and some trucks), a Harley, and his house all insured through us. I made it a point to double check that he was the only person driving the vehicles or in the household, and he was. I can't speak for other companies, but if you are willing to pay the price, we aren't going to turn someone down because they have too many cars. I also spoke with a family who is paying over $2,000 per MONTH for insurance, and we were the cheapest they found. I guess having 3 brand new BMW's, a bunch of accidents/tickets and you live in Miami, things aren't cheap :gabe:. Some companies are just more willing to write high risk polices, which is how the company I work for originally started out. 3 DUI's, 2 at-fault accidents and multiple other tickets? No problem as long as you pay us.
  6. You can get a manual, but only in slow 250 trim. The 350 would be a nice little car if they would offer it in anything besides auto.
  7. Wasn't in reference to you. I was just commenting on the comment Skinner made as a generalization, not toward you in specific. As far as them saying your 02 GT has performance characteristics, I wouldn't want to keep my business with a company that thinks that to begin with. Makes me wonder how accurately they are rating your policy to begin with if they really thing a Mustang (even a Cobra) is a high performance vehicle relative to what most companies consider "true" high performance cars.
  8. I've dealt with people who pay cash for a brand new Benz or BMW and only insure it at liability. I don't care how much money you have, the extra premium you'd pay to at least get something back if the vehicle were stolen or totaled could never exceed the cost of some of these vehicles. It's frustrating trying to explain this to people.
  9. Progressive has a similar list. Some cars just get tagged with a high performance surcharge (including all RX-7's which I think is overkill). Pretty sure we won't insure anything worth over $250,000 (stated amount or otherwise) so by default some of the cars on that list are ineligible. I know we insure Aston Martin though, only because I just had to explain to a lady why her policy was so expensive insuring an Aston Martin at a stated amount of $249,000 in Miami with a pretty poor driving record. She assumed if she insured it for that much that she would automatically get that amount in a total loss :dumb:.
  10. Probably because they were cheaper for him than anyone else? It still boggles my mind that people don't understand how the company that is cheaper for them may be the most expensive for another person.
  11. Yea, come out to Mentor/Chardon area and it's a little different. Nothing like a foot of snow and people driving like :fuckyeah:
  12. It should've been Whitney Cummings.
  13. As already mentioned, Melt is good comfort food and reasonably priced (10-15 bucks per plate). If you can make it out toward Beachwood (20-30 minutes from downtown) there is an amazing sushi place called Pacific East (Chagrin Blvd) if you're into that. Also fairly reasonable on prices. There is also a latin fusion type place called Paladar, also in the Beachwood area that I would highly recommend. Again, between 15-25 per plate (most expensive thing seemed to be a 14 oz steak for about 27 bucks that was AMAZING), and they are known for having various types of guacamole as well. Also, their signature drink seems to be their Mojito but they have a rum bar as well. I would make reservations for both Paladar or Pacific East though. You might wait half hour to an hour for melt unless you go on a weekend night, in which case I've seen 3 hour waits before. Melt has a special sandwich this week called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". It has six different kinds of bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheddar, bacon infused mayo and an herb cream cheese with bacon bits. It was $17 since it was a limited offering but I can honestly say it was the best version of a BLT I've ever had. Melt - http://meltbarandgrilled.com/ Pacific East - http://pacificeasteton.com/ Paladar - http://www.paladarkitchen.com/
  14. There is one of those in Columbus on Bethel, just an FYI.
  15. Fucking christ, there are like 5 people in this thread that need to take the stick out of their ass. Trolling is how this site can stay somewhat entertaining since apparently no one else has a sense of humor around here. Here's a compromise: bring back the "old" oven, let everyone do whatever the fuck they want in the noob threads, and keep the over-moderation focused for sale threads and legitimate technical questions. I get the idea that this is supposed to be a car site first and foremost, but it's like a pissing match of who can moderate harder.
  16. extreme right wing paranoid pseudo-intellectuals of today extreme right wing paranoid pseudo-intellectuals of today extreme right wing paranoid pseudo-intellectuals of today
  17. Now come on guys, I'm sure a news site claiming to be "The Conservative Voice of Arizona" wouldn't have bias against a President from the other party. Has to be legit.
  18. I was 17 when I got my first data phone, but then again I also started paying for my own cell phone plan at that point. When I wanted a phone that could text and do other things, they basically gave me the "then you can pay for it yourself" so... I did. Of course it was also a lot cheaper back then and I'm only 23 now. I hope for your own sake (and his) that you heard your wife wrong then. Sorry, but that is bat-shit insane if your son is texting that much. Assuming he gets about 7 hours of sleep, that's about 95 texts per hour from the second he wakes up until the second he goes to sleep. 5,000 a month is a little more reasonable, but still about 167 or so per day. Texting is a nice convenience, but I hate that people don't want to have a real conversation over the phone anymore.
  19. Flyin Miata


    Is this a frat house on Iuka? If so I used to live in the shithole apartment complex that shares the parking lot with it. I'm sure you guys did great work, but from what I heard that entire house was in pretty bad disrepair.
  20. Yup. Stupid people are stupid regardless whether they drink, do drugs, have sex with animals or otherwise.
  21. Flyin Miata


  22. If anything, keep one card and just pay it off each month. That way you're never paying interest, but with a good card you will be getting cash back each month. Why not let the credit card companies pay you to buy things?
  23. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtaxqNtfx1qz83pgo1_400.jpg
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