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Everything posted by Draco-REX

  1. Some from my YouTube favories: Fever Ray, "If I had a Heart" It was the theme to Vikings and I guess it was used in Breaking Bad too.
  2. You missed some of the best parts. Like realizing that the navigator isn't being annoying, but that the driver really does suck at driving.
  3. Course walks help lots and are pretty much essential for a new racer. But you can read the cones as well. The big things to watch for are pointer cones. They're the cones laying on the side pointing at a standing cone. Those indicate which side of the cone you need to pass on. Also, after doing a few you start to recognize patterns. So while the course is different every time, you will find familiar elements in each one. It's just a matter of figuring out how those elements are different from last time, and then linking them together in your head. Most events will have a Novice Walk where an experienced driver will take a group of new drivers around the course pointing out important things and giving advice. And the local region holds a yearly AutoX school where you can get 1-on-1 instruction in your own car.
  4. Nice! That wasn't an AutoX course, that was a RallyX course on pavement.
  5. Draco-REX


    I rented an X5 last weekend when I went back home for a funeral. BMW drivers are dicks to other BMW drivers too. Not as impressed as I thought I'd be by the bimmer, btw.
  6. On the flipside, if I were to go all-out I'd probably... Get a widebody kit like this: http://www.lux-motion.com/wp-content/gallery/gallery1/tii1.jpg http://www.lux-motion.com/wp-content/gallery/gallery1/tii3.jpg http://www.lux-motion.com/wp-content/gallery/gallery1/tii4.jpg (less the trunk, the duckbill is too narrow, and the rear "diffuser" which seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the kit) http://www.lux-motion.com/wp-content/gallery/gallery1/tii5.jpg http://www.lux-motion.com/wp-content/gallery/gallery1/tii6.jpg With this front lip blended in: And maybe this trunk (less the '70s gold paint): http://i.imgur.com/tzaN2.jpg But I'd probably have to do something silly power-wise to back all that up.
  7. I really dislike that first red one. But then, I'm in that 1% that thinks the E-Type isn't that good looking either.
  8. You'll need to put a windshield on it to pass inspection. Though once you get your VIN...
  9. ..and somehow made this thing: http://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/64588_190415347771400_1062405920_n.jpg http://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398103_190415421104726_1302998215_n.jpg :dumb: There are some really atrocious body kits for this car... VW anyone: http://www.modellista.co.jp/event/as2013/86/image/photo_gallery01.jpg Transformer: http://www.ft86club.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=24007&stc=1&d=1356916964 Mazda: http://cdn.mkimg.carview.co.jp/minkara/photo/000/003/346/055/3346055/p6.jpg?ct=c8398585bc56 I don't even.. : http://cdn.mkimg.carview.co.jp/minkara/parts/000/005/236/469/5236469/p2.jpg?ct=bb2f1cdb2c8c http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/AdtkVvhqDAQ/hqdefault.jpg: http://clicccar.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/044.jpg Creepy: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201301/toms-gives-the-toyot_600x0w.jpg I have no idea why this guy is considered a good designer, I never like his designs: http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/bulletproofauto3/TK3-1.jpg Delusions of grandeur and complete disregard for body lines: http://www.wald.co.jp/parts_acce/carrange/toyota/86/zn6/img/86_m_04.jpg Anyone like fish?: http://at.abflug.jp/catalog/item_img/ABF10561112A01_3.jpg More fish: http://www.c-west.co.jp/blog/blog_cwest/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/BRZ.jpg Some of these companies need to be kept as far away from the fiberglass as possible.
  10. I like the BMW 2002 idea..... But.. What about a LS swapped 8 series? Some fender flares, big wheels and tires, better stance, some aero, and you've got a newer M1 Pro-Car. Man... now that I have that idea in my head, I want to build it.
  11. The bus drivers aren't allowed to intervene. They can only stop the bus and call the cops.
  12. I'll be in transit between MA and OH.
  13. If I lived in a city, maybe. But I think I'd rather rock a Mevabusa if I wanted a minimalist vehicle.
  14. Some day I'd like to ride along in a high HP car. Hell, I'd like to drive one. But I have trouble imagining what it must be like.
  15. I love my cars. But every time I try to put why into words, I sound like a nutjob. Suffice it to say, my cars are extensions of myself and they do what I ask of them.
  16. Just mindboggling. This is what it takes to motivate 5 tons. And conversely... Putting that much power/torque down and making it stop, turn, and climb 5000ft for a solid 10+ minutes means 5 tons of weight.
  17. We know the side impact structure works. That Lincoln is F'd but the vette looks repairable. Surprising. DI hasn't slowed development in the BRZ/FR-S aftermarket.
  18. Love it. Not in that silver, but in general, I love it. I like the new look, I like the new tech, I even like the rear to some degree. I want one.
  19. As above, if you want to find something out, NASIOC is a great resource to search. But if you're looking for a mature community to join, NASIOC is *not* the place to be. Of all the years I've been doing the Subaru thing, I have amassed only 50 posts on NASIOC. In comparison, I have 388 posts on an Evo forum.
  20. http://www.iwsti.com http://www.dirtyimpreza.com http://www.ft86club.com (BRZ/FRS) http://www.subaruforester.org
  21. Apparently, it's not a case of an oblivious marketing guy. Pretty cool actually.
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