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TA In Progress

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Everything posted by TA In Progress

  1. If you have a 2wd truck tranny, you shouldn't need to change the drive shaft. You'll need a torque arm adapter, but that's something you can get at Jegs. The electronic speedo is going to be an issue if you don't plan on retaining the factory ecm/wiring. You could get a mechanical speedo out of an 85-87 and solve that issue. I am not sure about the crossmember.
  2. Impala - 6 TSX - 4 Trans Am - 8 Plymouth - 8 K10 Diesel - 8 Jimmy -6 40 in vehicles. 8 more in tractors, chainsaws, etc.
  3. +1 This is what I was going to suggest as well. I've had several cars/trucks weighed there.
  4. Are you looking for total vehicle weight, or weight at each corner?
  5. Yeah, it's definitley not a J. Gilberts, Mitchells, etc. It is kind of nice to be able to go somewhere decent in Newark that isn't a chain/dump when I don't feel like driving far. It's probably close to 7 minutes away for me as well.
  6. Try the Chop House on the square in Newark. It's where the Natoma used to be. Went there around Christmas and was very pleased with the NY Strip. Definitely not a chain, and fits the (far) East Side criteria. I'd guess it's probably the nicest restaurant in Newark, which I realize isn't much of a feat.
  7. Although pricey, Kinetico gets my vote. I put in a Mach 2060 in my new house last year and love it. They are also Ohio based. I stayed away from Hague due to the fact that my parents had one installed several years ago and it's been nothing but problems.
  8. I am assuming Blackford in Zanesville is/used to be called Black's? I had some leaf work on my Plymouth done by them close to 15 years ago and was very happy. The price was very reasonable compared to everyone else.
  9. Maybe I'm missing them, but I don't see any seatbelts.....
  10. Not all manufacturing was unionized. I won't argue that unions don't play into outsourcing, but corporate greed can't be ruled out either.
  11. Yeah, globalization of manufacturing is great, just ask the 1,000's of people who no longer have a job because of it. I guess they could just step right into an IT or finance job though, right? I guess I'd like to be able to purchase quality items made by the people of my own country rather than absolute trash made in a third world country because it cost $1.20 less.
  12. Eliminate Nafta. Impose a tariff on all imported garbage from China, India, Mexico, etc. Require other nations to buy U.S. made goods if they want to continue to sell to the U.S. We are their (China, India, etc.) biggest customer, so I feel we should at least try and force this. Also, as unrealistic as it may be, getting rid of WalMart (aka China World) would be a huge help. After spending countless hours in the last few years making return trips to exchange faulty China-made crap, I have come to the realization that any money saved initially was spent in gas on the return trip. I would much rather pay a higher price for goods that would last.
  13. I was saddened when you sent me the pic last night. Sorry again bro, twas a nice car.
  14. I'd be interested in the cost of this for my 83 K10...
  15. Yes, he's actually here at work right now. I can try and track him down if you'd like.
  16. Crappy hours/schedules are the tip of the iceberg. I wish I had people telling me not to get into aviation 10 years ago.
  17. Quoted for truth. No to mention if you can find a job, it'll most likely be a first officer at regional making less than you would at Lowes, Wendy's, etc. As a maintenance inspector I don't deal with nearly as much as pilots do, but aviation in general blows right now. Unless you hate your family, want to work holidays, weekends and worry about losing your job constantly, I'd consider something else.
  18. How long are you leaving it in pilot? Usually have to leave it there for 30 seconds or so before turning it to on.
  19. It should be right below where the pilot flame comes out. It was about a half inch below the end of the tube where the flame is. It's kind of hard to tell from the photo, but yours might not have it.
  20. Can you see any spark when you hit the igniter? I had the same issue w/my fireplace and it turned out to be a plugged air orifice where the pilot flame is. I just stuck a cotton swab in the hole and cleaned the dust/debris out and it's worked like a champ ever since. It's a safety thing to shut the pilot off if the O2 level in the room gets too low.
  21. I was more thinking of the little pieces of burning newpaper floating back in the room as opposed to going up a chimney.
  22. Throwing the piece of newspaper in might not be a good idea if the fireplace is ventless.
  23. Scott, are you going from start to finish? Maybe I'll dust of the T/A and at least do some of the trip.
  24. It may have an igniter just like you'd find on a BBQ grill.
  25. +1...This was one of the factors in us buying the more expensive Dupont. We were still really anal about keeping it dry, though.
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