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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. It wasn't only movie rentals that blockbuster sucked at, their game rentals went down the drain too. Console games are much harder for the average user to pirate (playing most requires soldering in a modchip) so you CANNOT say piracy caused them to go out of business when it comes to games. Gamefly made them go out of business with game rentals, by using the same business model as Netflix. To be honest, I am surprised blockbuster made it THIS LONG. Especially with INSTANT movie rentals from time warner and such..
  2. Just bought one for me dad, while in class
  3. Saw this on the news tonight, couldn't stop laughing. Dumb bastards.
  4. Comedy Central did a tribute to Kanye tonight, by playing the Gayfish episode of South Park twice in a row. Fucking great.
  5. this thread has made me hungry as a mother fucker
  6. That is an amazing cat. And that dog..haha best part is when the others at the end come to see how the fuck he got out.
  7. How big of a douche do you have to be to get a episode of south park all about you being a douche, then instead of killing your self, just go on being a bigger douche. Really?
  8. I had a 2 going on. Still playing with it. For a lot of the lineups I wish there was a "All of the above" button.
  9. 2800nm = 2065 ft-lbs What the fuck? How does this car even drive..
  10. We used to just chase them on foot at my friends farm. If you are agile and sneaky you can get pretty close to them.
  11. Thats the one. I just asked my buddy that worked there for a few months. They did, however, do 5 for $6.
  12. The one on riverside has never honored this for me or anyone I know, just a FYI.
  13. Lets replace "Shut down" with "restart because nothing is responding anymore" Although, today everything has worked perfectly.. .. It may of just been on its period last week.
  14. Mine...is hanging at shutdown. I'm going to start looking through some of my background programs I run and check for any updates. Might just be one programs incompatibility causing all my trouble. I had ZERO problems with Leopard, so it further reinforces one of my other hates.. Fuck snow.
  15. I'm actually starting to experiance a lot of random freezes where the system just stops responding for 10-15 seconds..Anyone else?
  16. http://lolinter.net/apexseals.gif
  17. I would of hat it on the first try but I miss-clicked took 8 more tries to get it again.
  18. Right. But remember, downloading without uploading, you may be racing an undercover, who may bust you just for downloading. p2p is just BAD in general.
  19. Theres 2 problems here. 1. It isn't stealing. Stealing removes a physical copy, that a store would have to replace at their expense. Downloading makes a copy. 2. When big companies like the RIAA sue someone for downloading music, none of that money goes towards that small job market. Now, I'm not saying its the right thing to do, and it isn't entirely harmless, but there are millions of people doing it. It doesn't make it right, but socially I don't think most people give a damn.
  20. Whats up with the person on the bars?
  21. That fucker is NASTY. I sort of like it with no front end on it.
  22. I got mine. They still haven't fixed SMB sharing . Bastards. How do they wish to succeed with a OS that won't work properly with a primary domain controller? I'll have to try out the VPN client. I do like the improved snappiness of some of the relatively small things.
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