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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Who the fuck would have thought they would announce a new head coach at halftime of a football game? lol
  2. They did. But that doesn't change the fact that Tressel and Hazell were the best offensive minds on the team and they weren't there this season.
  3. He isn't. But the 2 best offensive minds on the staff from last season (Tressel and Hazell) were not with the team this year. That's why I specified that this was a hilarious and fitting finale for this offensive staff. Some of the defensive guys may be retained.
  4. When you're Ohio State's FORMER offensive coaching staff...lol. They so gone pretty much immediately now. That was a very fitting and hilarious finale for those retards.
  5. They had an illegal motion penalty which was declined very early in the game. The first applied penalty on Michigan just happened on that drive with the late hit. Also, this gif has me rolling... http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/THE-MORTIFIED-PUNTER1.gif
  6. Yeah, I kinda hate it. You have to wonder, if Braxton was allowed to pass like they're letting him today if maybe he gains the proper experience to hit the 2 wide open guys he missed today. Oh well... not going to have to worry about that next season.
  7. Richardson Luck RG3 Keenum Ball Also, Colorado got their first road win since 2007 yesterday. Against Utah. Imagine that, mid-major "BCS buster" joins a BCS conference and they go from 3 straight 10+ win seasons to... 7-5 and 3rd place in their division of the Pac 12. Granted Utah isn't consistently on the same level as a Boise State, they still get props for stepping up to the plate and joining a real conference... even though they barely had a winning season...lol. Utah owes all the BCS money they get from being in the Pac 12 now to Urban Meyer. Maybe OSU can convince them to pay some of his salary here. :gabe:
  8. The talent is there. You just pointed out how close most of the losses have been. Look back to the Nebraska game. Still no Boom, still no Posey. And OSU was running them off the field before your most hated player in the world, Braxton Miller, got hurt. Going from below average coaching to elite coaching can easily make up for 1 score a game. And remember, once the official announcement is made (as early as Sunday) I'll post a tidbit regarding your fear that Urban will bail after 3 years or something. :gabe:
  9. Was at Florida for 6 years. Utah and BGSU shouldn't even be brought into the equation as far as job longevity is concerned. He merely climbed up the coaching ladder going from BGSU-->Utah-->Florida and he's continuing to climb the ladder by getting to his destination job, Ohio State.
  10. Who cares about arrests? The NCAA doesn't therefore I don't. Everyone should have given up the "holier than thou" "OSU does it the 'right' way and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside" bullshit the second the NCAA and the media decided to tear the program apart over kids selling/trading their own things.
  11. Mathieu reminds me of Kurt Coleman as a senior at Ohio State. The games played to turnovers forced ratio is incredible.
  12. I'll wait until there's an official announcement for Urban. Just to let it simmer. :gabe:
  13. I've read that somewhere. Mullen has no real ties to PSU but he is from PA. You sure you want the tidbit? I don't know if you can handle it...
  14. Tidbit of info regarding Urban's long-term intentions from nevadabuck on Scout but I don't want to post it because alittlelessordinary may very well kill himself...lol.
  15. Not Phil but this has been discussed pretty solid for a week in the college football thread. The earliest it will be announced is Sunday. Monday/Tuesday are probable. Then potentially a nice, fancy Tressel-style intro at halftime of the Duke-OSU basketball game Tuesday night.
  16. Don't think his relatives who played at OSU were standouts or anything. His father, John, and his uncle, Ernie, both played at OSU.
  17. Just call him Frank the Greek...lol. And yeah, he can play S, WR or P.
  18. 2012 class. And they have 3 WR's so far. Stanford would have made 4 but he chose to go to Oregon where only 1 of their top 5 pass-catchers this year is even listed as a WR...lol.
  19. BTW sitting at home now with ESPN on and you start to realize why this is exactly what OSU would want, regardless of the upcoming game. ESPN has live Sportscenter's all day now. They've been talking about Meyer multiple times per hour since 9AM now. About to talk about it some more here in a second. Maybe some of the benefits have already shown themselves... #5 WR in the country according to 247sports, Joel Caleb, scheduled an official visit for next weekend already...lol.
  20. That's actually exactly how all of this has sounded in my head.
  21. Wait, alittlelessordinary is trying to say OSU is a harder job? Are you jerking my dick off with sandpaper? Florida schools are cyclical. There's a reason OSU is a top 3 job in the country and Florida, FSU and Miami aren't despite Florida having one of the best talent pools in the country. They all have to compete against each other for recruits. OSU owns Ohio and picks who they want for the most part from surrounding states which are also rich in football talent. And OSU is now about to show that they have the financial means to compete with anyone in the country as far as putting a staff together is concerned. Texas is #1 then Alabama and OSU are 2a and 2b for the exact same reasons. All discussed in my previous posts in this thread where we ranked the best jobs in the country.
  22. Nah man, he bailed on BGSU. He could have turned them into a national powerhouse. Going from BGSU to Utah to Florida... all lateral moves.
  23. Yeah, I don't know what to make of it...lol. Some people are saying this is exactly what OSU wanted because it's generating a TON of buzz right now. But there is still The Game this weekend and there is still another staff currently in charge. Once again I'm left saying... who knows? lol
  24. alittlelessordinary is just an Urban and Braxton hater. Pay no attention to him on those matters...lol.
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