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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. The Dispatch/TV news stuff doesn't really have anything new or official in it anymore than the message boards have right now. I mean, for about a week now most have known it was going to happen. It's all a matter of when, where and how at this point.
  2. If OSU loses to UM on Saturday they very well may decline the bowl game to get everything started with Urban right away. Who knows how it all goes down? I'm just posting stuff that is being posted by people elsewhere who are very clearly connected.
  3. He wants to be respectful to The Game this weekend. Plus, he hasn't signed anything yet. Like I posted from nevadabuck, details will be ironed out today in Atlanta. From another person with connections on Scout, the coaches will be let go when they get back from Ann Arbor. Search committee called to meet on Sunday at 1PM. Urban will be introduced to them then possibly everyone later that day via press conference.
  4. Again, Meyer not lying with his "denial." According to nevadabuck on Scout, Meyer is meeting in Atlanta today with Smith, Gee and BoT members to finalize details. His daughter (VB player at GT) has a game today so he wanted to be able to go to that but still get everything ironed out. I figured the reports that were going widespread this morning were still a little premature. All the info in those reports comes straight from the post on the BuckeyePlanet rumor mill a couple days ago.
  5. There's some loophole that allows them to bypass listing the opening I guess. We'll see. Also, Castel was in a bit of a twitter war with the people who were talking about the Meyer stuff last week. He was basically just pissed that other people had info he wasn't privy to. He's a little behind the curve it would seem.
  6. Looking like Urban will sign his deal after the Michigan game, formal announcement/intro via press conference Monday or Tuesday afternoon then fancy, schmancy introduction at halftime of Duke game. I really can't believe that dude had it called over a month ago.
  7. Some good info from Adolphus in one of his Scout interviews... “Urban Meyer’s best friend came to (a scrimmage) because he heard we were scrimmaging and he came and talked to my dad,” Washington said. “My dad told me that he said that Urban Meyer is really looking to take the job (at Ohio State). So that was a good thing for me." So Urban's already had his people out and about basically recruiting for OSU probably for months if this guy was just at a scrimmage. Dude is just awesome. One of the Scout guys gave Urban the nickname a couple weeks ago "The Prince of Freakin' Darkness" because of how ruthless he was as a recruiter at Florida. Certainly going to be an interesting change of pace from Tressel's "Take your time, take your visits, etc." kinda laid back approach. It worked and Tressel did put together some nice classes but it'll just be interesting to see what Urban can do.
  8. Not too upset about Stanford going elsewhere. He's somewhat underwhelming given his size. Adolphus is going to be a monster for OSU. Also, Adolphus alone brings OSU's star average for this class up to 3.6. That's now just 0.01 lower than Michigan's "incredible, amazing, awesome, God-like" class...lol.
  9. Yeah, Boom is clearly the best pure runner on the team right now. Hyde's long run against Nebraska was a nice cutback. He just hasn't consistently shown that ability yet. And Hall had a pretty nice game against Miami. It was night and day from the running we had seen out of Hyde and Smith the first 2 games to see Hall out there making nice runs that weren't just results of the push the OL got. But Hall fell off pretty quick for whatever reason.
  10. Well I hope some of the information is wrong. Don't really want Durkin (Florida people are giddy over the idea that he'd leave them - never a good sign) and don't really want Gene Smith sticking around in any capacity.
  11. OSU has done everything it has done thus far while cooperating and working with the NCAA. That's why most people think that when the NCAA announces their official final report with the final sanctions there won't be much if anything added. Anything OSU does in advance was going to be done by the NCAA. And the biggest thing you lose with a bowl ban is the 15 practices. Those would have been very nice to have for the young guys coming back next year BUT who would have run the practices? Urban probably wouldn't have his full staff together to do so until after LSU and Temple's bowl games (several rumored assistants coming from those schools) and you don't really want the old guys running shit. A bowl ban means after this Saturday you have a real, clean break from the Tressel era. And I see where NightHawk got his stuff... there's a rumor going around with this info in it... A few things in there that make me question the info most notably being the Gene Smith thing, Durkin being the DC (hasn't been a DC anywhere else) and the timing of the job posting (have read that the postings go up every Friday, not just whenever they actually open). But a lot of that is right on too (Fickell staying on, Stud coming in, Marotti coming in, etc.).
  12. Duke game is November 29th, a week from, well, technically today now. And the Urban announcement at that game was posted in here over a month ago. :gabe: Also, don't think Luke will be DC. Have read DL coach and assistant head coach. And I think Gene Smith is just plain gone once this NCAA stuff is done (HOPEFULLY next Monday, the 28th). He would have no motivation to take another position inside OSU. He's a Domer. One more thing, on the topic of the NCAA stuff... some people are starting to hint at OSU possibly doing a bowl ban this year after all. If Miami thinks they can lessen the blow of the NCAA down the line by doing so the other day once they realized they'd end up in Boise for the Humanitarian Bowl or whatever again then maybe OSU can wrap their NCAA garbage up in a nice, little bow by stopping themselves from playing in the Little Caesar's Pizza Bowl against the Bobcats... :lolguy:
  13. I don't remember Boom EVER being timid. His problem early on was a lack of vision and cutback ability. He just hit where the hole was supposed to be regardless of whether or not it was actually there. Saine was timid as a runner 90% of the time after his knee surgery his freshman year. He had 2-3 really nice games his last 3 years here. I do remember the flip flop though. Boom sucks, more Saine! Then we get more Saine the next year and it's more Boom, less Saine! lol
  14. Those numbers are pretty remarkable considering Boom has only been the feature back for basically 1 1/2 seasons. Plus, like you mentioned, having running QB's his entire time here.
  15. Someone on Scout who is very familiar with Shazier and his family says we should only expect to keep Shazier for 3 years total. He plans to play at 225 next season and not lose any speed. He and his family have a bit of an issue with Meyer but he won't be leaving if Meyer gets the job. Shazier was set to visit OSU as a UF commitment late last year and Meyer kinda went off on him talking about the meaning of a commitment and how if he takes the visit he won't be welcome at UF, etc. So Shazier decided not to visit and stuck with UF. Then a week later Meyer resigned, the Shazier's rescheduled their visit and boom, he ends up here.
  16. I don't think Hyde is anywhere near as good as Boom. I think he's better than Hall as a straight up RB but Hall brings something extra with his receiving ability so it's close but I still go Hyde.
  17. Basically it has to be a very, very special case for a kid with the talent to succeed anywhere to leave their current school. Mallett didn't fit at all into Rich Rod's offense Boren hated Rich Rod Wilson was basically kicked off the team at NC State because he wanted to play some baseball
  18. One of the Underwoods transferred out his senior year and ended up in the NFL I believe. Don't think he stuck but I remember him getting some play. That's pretty much it.
  19. Not sure what is going on with the transfer debate above but if he left after this season Hyde would have 3 years to play 2. The redshirt would basically be automatically applied to his "sit out" year then he'd play in the 2013 and 2014 seasons wherever he landed. But all of this talk is waaaaay premature and I personally don't care what happens to him if he leaves OSU anyways...lol.
  20. Looks like the most "set in stone" piece of Meyer's staff at OSU so far is Mickey Marotti. Current S&C director at UF. Got his masters at OSU and was Urban's S&C guy at UF. Funny quote from Muschamp (current UF HC) the other day talking about "I don't know why Urban would get back into coaching with his deteriorating health." It was an obvious shot at Urban for "flaking out" or whatever at UF and getting back into coaching so soon. Plus, Muschamp is probably mad that he may end up losing 1-2 assistants to Meyer at OSU...lol.
  21. True but he still used a real RB, not just the QB and WR's like Tebow, Demps, Harvin, etc. at UF. And I get that with Hyde, I was just saying I don't think Urban was going after Hyde to play a Demps/Rainey/Harvin role.
  22. Yeah, I know this is Stud's first go as OC and Kragthorpe is still there helping him out but Stud is an OL guy so I don't think he'd be all about Urban's Florida spread. And Hyde was always an OSU lock though. From Ohio, only moved to Florida to live with his grandma and play his HS ball in Florida. Just pointing out that he was offered by Urban so Urban probably had a plan for him.
  23. Have MSE on my XP Pro machine at home and here at work.
  24. It will be interesting to see what Meyer runs. The rumored OC he wants to bring with him is Greg Studrawa. Currently the OC at LSU, from Ohio, did a stint at OSU as a graduate assistant and coached Urban's OL at BGSU. LSU currently has 3 RB's 215lbs. or heavier leading their team in rushing (1,700+ yards and 20 TD's between the 3 of them). Could be a sign that Urban wants to or knows he has to run a more traditional offense in the B1G? Also, Urban offered and recruited Hyde at UF.
  25. The year they beat OSU in the title game their leading rusher was DeShawn Wynn. 5'10", 230lbs. Of course, Meyer didn't recruit him. Then their 3rd best rusher in 2007 (behind Tebow and Harvin) was Kestahn Moore, 5'10", 214. 2008 was when they really started going crazy with the little dudes (Demps, Rainey and Harvin) flanking Tebow as the hammer. Of course, they also won a national title that year.
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