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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. They won't get hit hard. 5 scholarships over 3 years? lol That's nothing. OSU has been working with the NCAA on this shit the whole way. Case probably gets closed via teleconference in the next few weeks.
  2. There's now a rumor from someone who had all this stuff pegged 7 months ago that the Second Mile organization was potentially being used to "pimp" young boys to rich donors. If that one ends up being true... good lord.
  3. Should just use pedo. Calling him a homosexual slur is an insult to homosexuals no matter how you look at that lifestyle.
  4. Waiting 15 minutes is absurd. The longest we waited was maybe 1 minute with a group of 4...lol.
  5. I never take a lone critic's opinion on something but a collective opinion... all of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes... 43% through 54 reviews so far. Usually I give movies at 70% a decent chance of being pretty good. 80% and up is always good. 90% and up is great. I was looking forward to this because DiCaprio is probably the best actor out there right now but... fucking Eastwood.
  6. Yeah, I don't think I've seen anyone with a brain say anything about that but I'm sure there are some out there talking about it cluelessly. Regardless, this scandal will likely stick to PSU for years and cost them millions. Exactly. He did everything right initially then failed on the follow up... FOR 8 YEARS. Scaphism.
  7. Really? That's weird. Had a group of 4 most of the night and had 0 issues finding games. And one of our group doesn't have an open NAT. Maybe 2-3 of the people you were playing with had moderate/strict NAT's?
  8. I've seen mixed reviews. Have it on my DVR but didn't watch it Sunday or Monday and now MW3 will be solidly eating my soul for at least a week or so.
  9. Reading something from a lawyer, JoePa did everything correctly initially. But not following up on it and continuing to allow Sandusky to use the Penn State program for his behavior for 8 YEARS is where it went very, very wrong and makes him deserve every bit of the criticism he receives for this. Just read JoePa's retirement statement... "At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status." That dude has RUN that university for decades. He knew it wasn't handled properly after he reported it and did nothing about it hoping it would just go away. Now he's trying to preempt the BoT firing his ass and prevent an investigative committee from bringing any more crap regarding this that he probably just ignored to light. It's disgusting.
  10. Viewers went back up to 6.3 million for Sunday's episode. Probably got a boost from people gearing up for Hell on Wheels which held 4.3 million viewers.
  11. Getting destroyed by the critics. 43% on RottenTomatoes right now. Says Leo is as good as you'd expect him to be and Eastwood did a bad job. Looking at Eastwood's directing career on IMDB the only movie of his I've seen is Space Cowboys...lol.
  12. Was started on some State College radio station when the first news of this stuff broke. Just like Urban buying Herbie's house started the second Tressel was forced out. I can't see any high level coach touching the PSU job for a while. I don't know how much but it will hurt them financially. Donors will back off (this happened even at OSU and forced them to get rid of Tressel) AND these families are going to own large portions of the Penn State campus...lol. Funny I just posted about PSU being a top 10 or so job and being something of a sleeping giant. If they can weather this storm this might be what awakens them but it could also hurt them for a very long time.
  13. Didn't experience very much lag at all last night. A few spikes in one game where the chosen host was eventually swapped but other than that nothing. Pretty sure 80% of the games last night were hosted by a person in our group so it was great. And I think the extreme camping going on right now is just because people are scared to move on maps they don't know. I don't know how they plan on learning the maps by sitting in the closest corner they can find upon spawning but whatever. I prefer running around like a crazy person even though I don't know the maps and still dominate kids.
  14. Went 38-3 tonight with the group of friends I was playing with. 1 of those losses was a game we got shot onto the losing team when the game was nearly done, 1 was by 1 kill and the other was kill confirmed which was not at all like we thought it would be. People were camping more than they do in regular death match. Didn't think a game where you had to move around and confirm/deny kills by collecting dog tags would let you camp like that.
  15. It is sad for his legacy but it is all deserved. There were crimes committed after he was told about what Sandusky was doing which could have been prevented had Paterno done what was right. That's the bottom line.
  16. I'm sure you've heard the stories about prison though... even in a place filled with the scum of the earth, if you messed with a kid on the outside... you're gonna get fucked up.
  17. The $25 off 12 months of Live was a nice bonus. Did that this morning and am now paid through February 2014...lol.
  18. Yeah, it's really not that bad unless you've heard him talking about it like I did earlier on 97.1. The whole time Fowler is talking to him Herbie is just listening to his on-site producer telling him what just happened and that it's going to be OK...lol. His eyes go wide with the actual quake then he's just biting his lip non-stop wanting to get the heck out of there. Then he calms back down and talks football.
  19. I typically don't watch ESPN unless OSU has a game on one of its channels...lol. I only know about the earthquake thing because of Herbie being on 97.1 earlier today.
  20. Not sure how many of you saw this last night but Herbie was at the Okie State game and there was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake and Herbie freaked out a little as he was talking on ESPN and it happened live... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvZUod8VLGk
  21. I would choose the 3rd one I edited in...lol. The 46" Panasonic. Amazon is having some 48 hour sale so that 46" is actually $20 cheaper than the 42" of the same model line on Amazon. It's about $100 more than that 37" Vizio but it's a plasma which I find to be better for gaming, it's new, not refurbished and it's a Panasonic which is the best plasma company out there right now.
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