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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I think Hall can be very good in a Harvin-esque role because he's a great receiver out of the backfield. Of course, we haven't seen too much of this at OSU because of the lack of offensive creativity but he's shown good stuff on returns and has a couple receiving TD's this year. And yeah, Marshall is going to be absolutely perfect for Meyer. He comes in and almost immediately is gifted his next Percy Harvin...lol. And my absolute favorite part of this recruiting class? If you sort by star average on Scout, this "down" OSU class is only .08 behind Michigan's "amazing" class. Getting Adolphus Washington and maybe Dwayne Stanford on Tuesday will help that even more then who knows what Urban will do in the final months of the 2012 recruiting season. As frustrating as losing Tressel and going through this season has been as a fan, it's going to be an exciting next few months for lots of OSU stuff (new coach, bowl game, finish the recruiting class, basketball, etc.).
  2. Yeah, the kids like Ball, Powell, Murray, Perry, Epitropolous, etc. who have never even thought about visiting another school are just diehard Buckeyes. I don't fault a kid like Dunn for looking around through all of this. And I won't fault him when he bails on Meyer because he doesn't think he has a real place in Meyer's offense. A kid like Kalis though, who talked himself up as a true Buckeye who was going to lead this class through all the crap then a week later switches to Michigan... douchebag. And to go back to the RB discussion, Hall is going to fit beautifully into Urban's system. Who knows what Hyde would do. Smith played some WR in HS so he can catch the ball and work in Urban's system as a RB and he will most likely be back at RB by spring practice - of course who knows with an all new staff coming in on the offensive side of the ball. Then Ball is very similar to Smith as far as their playing style is concerned. Then again, who knows what Meyer will even want to run at OSU. He took his offense to the SEC and won 2 national titles when people didn't think it could be done but you never know. He struggled a bit at the end with Brantley so maybe he'll put some more pro style stuff in at OSU.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if he was closer to 6'1", 215. I think he gave some measurement updates in some recruiting updates that were around those numbers but I haven't paid much attention to the recruiting this season...lol. And it will be interesting to see who bails when Urban is announced. Both from transfers and decommitments. Brionte Dunn already hinted that he'd probably be gone if Urban gets the job when asked over the weekend. And there is always, ALWAYS attrition with any new coach that comes in. But with Urban there will also be new interest from elite players all across the country.
  4. Here's him running track in the spring... you tell me... http://i.imgur.com/yYkMc.jpg
  5. Urban will still get to coach him. :gabe:
  6. What an awful play call. TE screen with Tunei on the edge by himself? Just weird.
  7. Publicly you deny because, as of this morning, there were still 2 games to play. You continue to deny until after the Michigan game. Then all of a sudden, if the NCAA announcement has been made (OSU is pushing the NCAA for a decision on or before the 28th), things will "come together" very quickly and boom, it's announced. Things will "come together" very quickly because they're already being put together through back channels. I don't doubt that Urban and OSU officials haven't been directly involved in talks regarding numbers and contracts and whatnot. But behind the scenes, among non-official university and Meyer representatives, things are being figured out.
  8. Why? That's pretty much the standard anymore. Saban denied he was leaving the Dolphins for Alabama pretty much until he was on the plane to Tuscaloosa. I think Matta said at a press conference at Xavier just days before he came to OSU that he wasn't leaving.
  9. These are all things I've already addressed in my posts and don't feel like posting again. And no, not every coach gives a team a shot at national titles.
  10. He will come in and give OSU a shot at national titles. That's all there is to it. There aren't that many guys out there with national titles looking for work.
  11. Heard it like 2 months ago when he was flying around on special teams and graded out 2nd highest of ANY of the LB's on the team in the jersey scrimmage. :fuckyeah:
  12. Yep. Better start looking for different guy. :gabe: Not a big math guy, eh?
  13. He had a very well-prepared statement in the very brief, rehearsed "Q&A" in the booth. Again, technically, he's not lying. All about semantics. Unless here's a snag with the NCAA, this will be taken care of within the next couple weeks, not months. OSU wants its next head coach in place with plenty of time to repair and improve the recruiting class and put their staff together. And again, if you think OSU was going to wait until the season was officially over to get the wheels in motion... I don't know what to tell you. This is a multi-billion dollar business and a multi-million dollar decision. You don't wait until people's feelings won't be hurt to move forward.
  14. He lied...lol. No one is going to come out right now and publicly say they're in discussions with OSU while the current staff is trying to close out a season. You seriously think OSU was going to wait until the season is officially over to try and secure their future? Edit: let me rephrase the first part. He's probably technically right. Urban probably hasn't spoken directly with an official university employee (Gee, definitely not Smith since he's probably out once the NCAA stuff is finished, etc.) about contracts/agreements.
  15. Glad to hear the childbirth scene was "amazingly gory." I think someone may have pasted a synopsis of the book on here a while ago and it was awesome how gruesome it sounded. Hopefully a lot of young girls' dreams of losing their virginity to a vampire were squashed...lol.
  16. A link to my post about this from October 20th... :gabe: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1449777&postcount=635 But right now the actual "acceptance" of the job and its announcement are dependent upon the NCAA closing OSU's case and announcing the final sanctions. What reputable people have squashed "all these bullshit rumors?" Gotta pay attention to the semantics of, for example, Urban's text response to the Gainesville reporter or Urban's wife's response to the TV station in Florida. He can't technically have "accepted" the job yet because it's not technically open yet.
  17. Brian Kelly is still a work in progress. Plus as I've discussed in this thread before, ND has limitations that will never allow it to be what it once was. And I don't know exactly who hates on Fickell, it's just that between him and Urban, Urban is the surer bet. Every time. I like Fickell and am glad it looks like he'll stay on Urban's staff (DL coach probably with an associate head coach title is what I've read). I just don't know if he's ready to take over one of the best jobs in the country. We've all seen what Urban can do as evidenced by 2 crystal footballs down in Gainesville right now. Getting Urban through all of this is already something of a dream scenario. Keeping Fickell and somehow, down the road, he still gets to be OSU's head coach... would be beyond perfect. And by the way, I've read $35-36 million for 7 years. Actually less than what I was posting a couple weeks ago ($6mil/yr). Here's a post from a UCLA person (they went after Meyer too...lol) in the know... The most important part in bold. That goes right with what nevada on Scout has been saying. Urban did overwork himself at Florida as his assistants were taken away from him. And it led to real health issues. If he comes back to coaching he wants the ability to put a top-notch staff together that will stay together as long as possible. That means shelling out probably close to $1mil/yr per coordinator on top of Urban's salary. OSU has the money and the elite boosters (ie. Wexner) have their checkbooks open and ready.
  18. The hate is very strong in you...lol. Seriously not sure how you're going to be able to be a fan with this awful, awful man in charge.
  19. McCoy was decent his REDSHIRT freshman year. Imagine if Braxton would have been able to take a year to adapt to college life by redshirting or even just take a few snaps here and there as TP's backup before being shoved into the starting role on a team where the 4th best WR is now your #1...lol. And NightHawk, you're right about TP bulking up from freshman to sophomore year. He was lanky as a freshman. Probably closer to 220. Then got up around 240 and stayed there for his sophomore and junior years. Looked like a monster checking into fall camp in 2009. And that's just a ridiculous statement right there. I'm starting to think my non-serious statement earlier about you thinking Urban is the antichrist might be somewhat serious...lol.
  20. As a somewhat liberal agnostic Tebow annoys me in a very minor way. He seems like the kind of guy that would push his faith on others but I don't know for sure so I don't hate him. He was an incredible college player and is proving he just knows how to win at the NFL level despite not really having NFL-caliber QB skills. I think a lot of the "hate" out there just comes from the media attention he got for basically 3 1/2 years at UF. Gary Danielson would give his life to be Sandusky'd by Tebow.
  21. Braxton's throws have become noticeably better since the ball swap. Could just be nerves calming down as easily as it could be being more comfortable with the ball. The ducks we saw for a couple games there are gone. Now he has to hone his accuracy. And remember, he's been without his top 3 receivers for multiple games. Posey will be playing for the first time tomorrow, Philly has been hurt and he lost Reed against MSU. As for the arrests at Florida... I don't give a shit. OSU gets dragged through the mud and hit by the NCAA over kids selling/trading their own things. No one outside of college football fans on sports message boards knew/cared about Florida's arrest problems. Arrests =/= NCAA problems = I don't care anymore. OSU did it largely the right way for the better part of a decade and when an insignificant "scandal" came about it meant nothing. And like I said I'll be happy to have Urban's smug arrogance on our side now, I'll be just as happy to have him dreaming about recruits. I hope he has a lifetime supply of Lunesta and just sleeps from the time he is announced as the HC until January then he'll have a month worth of dreams to tell recruits about before signing day.
  22. alittlelessordinary, it's more of a playful jab. I know you'll root like crazy for OSU even if your antichrists Braxton Miller and Urban Meyer are front and center. :gabe: Honestly, I really didn't like Urban Meyer even before he Sandusky'd OSU in the title game in 2007. His arrogance when responding to a question after UF had a miracle win against USCe that year just rubbed me the wrong way. Now that smug arrogance will be ours and I love it...lol. I mean, this is seriously a dream scenario. Lose a potentially once in a lifetime coach in Tressel and lose a potential title run this year due to something as stupid as players unloading their own shit for cash/tattoos and you just reload with a coach who might be even better? That's just unbelievable. The rest of the B1G is in tears right now. 6 months ago... "Haha, OSU is getting raped by the NCAA and Tressel is out! Their reign of terror is over." Within the next few weeks... "What the fuck? Are you serious? Urban Meyer? URBAN MEYER?! WHY GOD WHY?"
  23. nevada made his official call of Meyer to OSU about 2 hours ago. Basically said he finally got enough texts, e-mails and phone calls from all his sources around Buckeye nation to feel confident enough to make the call. Now, the timing is still up in the air. The Duke game announcement was just one of his sources' predictions and a lot has changed since then (new NOA from the NCAA with FTM for example). Urban is not going to accept any job without knowing exactly what the NCAA is going to do to OSU so hopefully that comes down sometime within the next 2-3 weeks and they can announce it and give Urban as much time as possible to 1) assemble a staff and 2) finish this recruiting class (which funnily enough is only .08 stars behind Michigan's "monster" class as far as average star rating is concerned on Scout lol). Looks like alittlelessordinary might have to give up being an OSU fan with "awful" Braxton Miller at the helm for the next 3 years and "job-hopper" Urban "2 MNC's" Meyer running the show. :dumb: Just going to be so awful to be an OSU fan during these dark ages. :lolguy:
  24. Yeah I don't like any of the 97.1 shows either really. Just listen to it for Cowherd then the rest of the day it's Pandora. Rothman/Stanley are OK but they know nothing outside of football. Ricordati/Torgerson know nothing about everything...lol.
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