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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Yep. Was the same year they had that "bUCkeye State" shirt. They got real full of themselves. Then got raped by Florida (not that OSU hasn't gone down that road before...lol) and lost their coach.
  2. I don't think Urban will leave after Braxton graduates as alittlelessordinary is suggesting (he's anti-Urban and anti-Braxton remember...lol) but yeah... 2 titles in 5-6 years then he "quits"? Fine by me. Still just laugh when I see all the "quitting" and "job hopper" stuff about Urban. Name any candidate you'd want other than Urban and I bet I could find a way to call them a "quitter" or "job hopper" if Urban Meyer is the standard for such things. As for felonies... who cares? The NCAA doesn't. Our players were virtually saints under Tressel the last 3-4 years of his time at OSU and the program got trashed for kids selling their own stuff and getting paid $2/hr extra over what was approved by compliance 2 years ago, etc. OSU got 10x more bad press over the NCAA crap than any program has over legal issues. As long as the players aren't beating me up then I just don't care...lol. And like I said alittlelessordinary, find me a guy predicting the actions of teenagers at a better rate than nevada with similar, known connections to the program and I'll listen to that person instead.
  3. Fickell just hasn't shown that he's ready for the big time yet. He HAD to show that this year to even get his foot in the door for a shot at the job next year and he has not done that. Cheap hire doesn't matter. According to nevada (I know you think he's wrong often but I'll get to that here shortly) the OSU administration has somewhat had their eyes opened this year. They took things for granted under Tressel and are ready to start behaving like the big dog in college football that they really are. IF the Urban rumors are true, he will be the highest paid coach in the country as Ohio State's head coach. I still don't understand why people think Urban is a "job hopper" or whatever term we argued about a couple months ago. The dude moved up the college football ladder and landed at Florida then had serious health concerns and had to step away to figure things out. IF those things have been figured out and he's learned how to better balance football and his life then he'll be at OSU next season. Simple as that. If not then he'll keep his cushy announcing job a while longer and enjoy being flown around on private jets all year while making bank and working just a few days a week. Another note on the health thing, you know another coach who was very similar to Urban in how he was just tireless when it came to his profession and had to take a break before returning and has been just as successful as he was before his break? Mike Krzyzewski. Who, funnily enough, will be in Columbus on 11/29 when this rumored announcement may/may not happen. :lolguy: And to get to the nevada accuracy... he does not whiff a lot at all on recruiting info. He actually has a thread stuck to the top of the Scout insiders forum with ALL of his recruiting calls since 2005. Looking at that thread now, here are the numbers... 103 correct calls on recruits 24 incorrect calls on recruits That's an 81% hit rate trying to basically predict the behavior of TEENAGERS...lol. Find someone who does it better and I'll start listening to that person. The reason nevada gets a bad rap is because a lot of those 24 misses are the kinds of kids who make their decisions at the end of the process or on national signing day. OSU just never seemed to win with those kids under Tressel.
  4. You think the NCAA would go after Petey if he returned to college football? I would not be surprised to see Carroll back in CFB at some point but I think that's what you're implying?
  5. They had an ad for some ridiculous saw during the premiere. The "Jaw Saw" or something. Looked like a great tool for killing zombies.
  6. A big-time booster who posts his information regularly on Scout.
  7. Going to buy it before Monday on Newegg. It's $10 off there right now. Should I get Asylum too? It's on Xbox Games on Demand for $30 I think.
  8. He did and he has $500k buyouts for 2 college programs and 2 NFL teams... I know OSU is one of the college programs (Texas may be the other - I forget) and the 2 NFL teams I believe are Miami and Dallas.
  9. Based on the Illinois game that may have already happened...lol.
  10. Big rumor floating around now that Urban will be announced as HC at halftime of OSU-Duke basketball game on 11/29. Would be INCREDIBLE timing. Right after the Michigan game, halftime of a NATIONAL broadcast, would give Urban 2 months to work on the recruiting class and get a solid staff together... if this is true I couldn't be happier.
  11. Yeah, I bought the first compendium after last season and started reading it but decided to stop and just wait until the TV show is done. Which may be a while now given the insane ratings.
  12. lol... I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to go back and read who said what but I know I read it and don't want to just post something someone else said without mentioning that I wasn't the first to say it. From now on I will just put "I don't know who said this but it was probably LJ" when doing that.
  13. Props on the Harold & Kumar reference. It sucks the dude was an ass and let the animals loose before offing himself resulting in most of them being killed but as someone else said, even Jack Hanna said it was the only thing they could do last night.
  14. Had 7.3 million viewers last night. Most watched telecast of a drama in basic cable history. Averaged around 5.5 million viewers last season. To put that in perspective, AMC's critical darlings, Breaking Bad and Mad Men, average 1.75 million and 2.5 million viewers respectively. I personally think Breaking Bad is the best show on TV but The Walking Dead is doing some amazing things for AMC. Can't believe they canned Darabont supposedly over a budget dispute. This show is averaging more than twice the viewers of Mad Men and you want to get cheap?
  15. Pittman averaged 6.2 yards a carry against Florida and only got 10 carries. Was a terrible decision by the coaching staff. There were tons of things that went wrong before and during that game but abandoning the run when Pittman was doing pretty damn good was a biggie. He had the 18-yard TD run to bring it to 14-21 in the 2nd quarter then the defense stopped Florida and OSU came out and threw 3 incomplete passes for a 3 and out. Didn't get another carry until there were only 18 seconds left in the half and OSU was down 34-14. Another example of a team's defense being set up to defend the spread and getting crushed by a power run game was... Ohio State @ Wisconsin last season...lol.
  16. 1 was definitely a duck. 1 was an uncatchable laser but it was a spiral...lol. Don't remember the other. Either way, I hate when OSU plays in Champaign. Anywhere in Illinois really (Northwestern). Always a wind tunnel and they call like 5 passes. My friend said they should have put Bauserman in against the wind. It may have helped keep his passes in the field of play. :lolguy:
  17. Hankins was "my guy" last year and he's really become an absolute monster. Roby was actually my first pick for "my guy" last year but he ended up redshirting so I went with him this year and again he's really showing well. And I don't think Hyde should have tweeted that but I can understand his frustration. Like someone else pointed out, he wasn't told he wouldn't start until just before the game after Fickell had said all week that guys like Boom coming back from suspension would have to work their way back in. First play of the game, Boom is out there and Hyde doesn't get a single carry until the 4th quarter. Seeing that tweet especially after a win is pretty rubbish though. And hey, that ball looked great on the TD pass! lol Team has an off week now to get healthy and really put something together for Wisconsin in 2 weeks. Wisconsin still hasn't played a real defense so who knows.
  18. You think Tressel was going to throw his star RB under the bus after that USC game? I'm telling you, Beanie pulled out of that game. The ideal scenario would have had Pryor starting this year (obviously) with Braxton playing sparingly to get some experience or maybe even redshirting. The fact that he was able to do what he did in Lincoln in just over a half of work was awesome IMO. I mean, you admitted you're a bit of a Braxton hater so he's going to have to probably win the Heisman before you start to even think of considering him a decent player...lol.
  19. I watched a few full games of his when they were on ESPN and STO his senior year and he was hampered after the first game of last season with an ankle injury which forced him to become more of a passer. He threw a nice ball consistently. And like I said, the OSU coaches wouldn't have made the switch if they didn't think it made a pretty big difference. No one said it changes the outcome of games they lost. And I don't know if Boom should get the most carries but he should definitely be the #2 back behind Hyde IMO. Hyde has improved a TON from the first week to now. Really showing an ability to find lanes and make cuts instead of just getting the yards the offensive line was moving the defensive line like he was against Akron and Toledo. The 63-yarder was glorious. And have also read stuff about Hall at WR. I think that plan was hindered a bit when 1) he was suspended for 2 games and 2) Roderick Smith showed he didn't know how to secure the football at this level. With Boom back they can try putting Hall in the slot like I know they wanted to. Should be a nice help with Reed out now and Posey gone until the 2nd to last week. Wat? Wasn't spectacular? He had nearly 200 yards of total offense in just over a half of play. Getting that out of a true freshman in his first road start in a night game against an opponent ranked in the top 15? Relatively spectacular. I was in awe over what I was watching in that first half against Nebraska. Was in awe over what I watched the second half as well though...lol. I don't think we'll get that kind of performance consistently out of him the rest of the season by any means but what he did in that first half against Nebraska was pretty special. Not sure where you got that story but it's almost completely contrary to what I had heard. Beanie took himself out of games a lot more than he should have. He really toughed it out at times (2007 Michigan game being a prime example) but in 2008 he pussed out because he was scared for his NFL future.
  20. Guiton traveled to Lincoln (of course, I'm sure you know that...lol). Man, if Graham goes to Illinois then... I wonder if Bauserman gets left in Columbus. That would be awesome...lol. Of course they could just be traveling Graham since he's an Illinois kid and maybe they had room thanks to Clarke and his BB gun. According to "insiders" his passes looked considerably better with the smaller ball in practice. Hence the change. I doubt they'd make a change that seems to have a potentially negative effect on several other positions unless they thought it was a significant improvement.
  21. From the NCAA book. http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/rules/fielddiagrams/football.pdf Page FR-28.
  22. A picture showing the minimum and maximum dimensions for a college ball... http://i.imgur.com/Emqbz.png So weird. Apparently Pryor had monster hands and the "fatter" ball OSU had been previously using was easy for him to throw and much easier for the kickers/punters to deal with.
  23. They use the ball in the game. That's why I said I didn't even know it was possible. You have a choice of balls before a game but when you make that choice you have to use it for the whole game. I always thought, probably like you are thinking right now, that everyone used a standardized ball but I guess that's not the case. Apparently most of the rest of the Big 10 has been using this smaller ball all along. OSU for whatever reason preferred the larger one over the years.
  24. Something interesting that I didn't even know was possible... Ohio State is switching to a new football this week. It's smaller than what they've been using, more similar to a high school ball. Doing this to see if it helps Braxton get back to throwing spirals like he did in high school on a consistent basis instead of the end over end ducks he's been throwing a lot this season. The receivers and other QB's don't like it but if it helps Braxton throw a more catchable ball then maybe the receivers learn to like it and the other QB's can just eat a dick.
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