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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Still don't know why you're looking at JUST OSU vs. Boise State. Or just Boise State vs. the Big 10. I've tried to make it clear it's more of an argument of Boise State vs. BCS conference team X. Boise State doesn't deserve anything until it joins a conference and proves it can have 1- or 2-loss seasons going up against BCS-caliber athletes every week. And you're wrong on the Toledo/OSU/Boise thing. Boise had 2 weeks to prepare for Toledo. And they were getting Toledo after a short week (game was on a Friday night) after they had just played OSU. A good bet in Vegas every week is to bet that the team OSU just played either won't cover or that their opponent will cover because when you play OSU you get beat up.
  2. I think Oklahoma made an inquiry to the Big 10 to see if we'd be interested and we said no. I've been saying for months that the Big 10 was looking at Rutgers, Maryland, Missouri and ND. Missouri and Rutgers seem most likely as both of their conferences are falling apart. I don't think Maryland is an option anymore as their conference is only getting stronger. ND will have to be put into a position where they either join a conference or get left out of things. They don't deserve special treatment like they've had with their own BCS qualifications anymore. Don't know who the Big 10 would go after with Maryland out of the picture. Kansas was decent in football for a couple seasons here recently and they're obviously a basketball power. Also an AAU member which the Big 10 loves.
  3. Now, this is just from what I've read from the insiders and whatnot on Scout but IF Meyer is the guy... Drayton is the only person you listed who has a chance of being retained because he and Meyer worked together at Florida. Fickell will not be relegated back to LB coach after being the head man, at least in title, for a year. Vrabel will go where Fickell goes IMO. And someone close to the team said Heacock would never work under Meyer. Meyer likes to keep his staff on edge. Make them uncomfortable. Make them feel like they could lose their job at any second. He is not easy to work with. All of the current staff LOVED working with and under Tressel. It's just night and day. You can't really argue with either coach's results though but Meyer isn't going to change overnight so if he's the guy expect pretty much a total overhaul. And I'm definitely a person who would love to see Heacock stick around. Maybe money could get him to stick around and maybe money and Fickell/Vrabel's love for OSU could get them to give it a shot but that's just my wishful thinking. All of the people who would know those kinds of things say there's basically no shot any of the staff would be retained if Meyer came in. No one said they wouldn't. This is a long, ongoing thing between alittlelessordinary and myself...lol. I admitted last year that Boise could play with anyone in the country in a one game setting. The argument is still that I don't think they could line up against an elite team late in the season (not in a bowl game where they have over a month to rest up, get healthy and prepare) after going through a real conference and win consistently like OSU has over the last 7 year or so. It's more a debate about their worthiness of playing for a national title without joining a BCS conference than anything else.
  4. Was interesting leading up to this game I read more than ever people talking about how it didn't matter what Fickell did... the entire Tressel regime would be gone after this season. Then the team goes and lays an egg like they did on Saturday night with even the coaches seemingly giving up in the last 4-5 minutes of the game. It's gotta be higher than 90% that they're all gone regardless of what happens the rest of the season.
  5. Like most people who have a soft spot for Boise State, you're debating the wrong thing. Boise State can beat anyone in the country in a one game setting. Can they beat Wisconsin in November after having played Michigan State, Penn State, Nebraska, Ohio State, etc.? We'll never know but I lean towards no. They just don't have the depth of talent that BCS schools do. And the Pac 12 might pick up Texas, Oklahoma, Okie St. and Texas Tech. ACC sounds like UConn really wants to join then they'll find a 16th. I think that takes Maryland out of the Big 10's targets. Missouri still in play. Rutgers will be an ACC/Big 10 decision. Have read WVU wants in the SEC. Find it hilarious that Iowa State and Baylor have reached out to the Big East looking for a place to land as the Big 12 dissolves except now it looks like the Big East is on the verge of disappearing as well. Teams like Baylor and Iowa State are going to have to accept the fact that teams like them will likely be left out of these super conferences.
  6. Indiana and Purdue are definitely doormats right now, agreed. That's why I said mid-level Big 10 teams. Not bottom of the barrel. At the top you've got OSU, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Penn State depending on the years and Michigan will probably get back up there within the next 2-3 years. That's half the conference right there that has a shot at winning the conference every few years. Then you've got Michigan State kinda there by itself. Illinois and Northwestern are a bit above the bottom right now. Indiana, Purdue and Minnesota are the only absolute doormats in the conference. That's 1/4 of the conference. In the MWC right now you've got 3/4ths of the conference being teams that are used as warm ups by BCS teams. And I agree that the Big 10 is not the cream of the crop right now. Which makes Boise's conference look even worse when the comparison isn't even close with the 3rd best conference or so in the country.
  7. At the top... maybe every couple years it's equal. The difference is that OSU (and any other BCS conference team) is playing much better teams week in and week out. After the top 2-3 programs in the WAC/MWC you've got nothing but doormats that BCS teams, good and bad, schedule for easy wins every season. You don't see WAC/MWC teams paying mid-level Big 10 teams to come to their house for an easy win.
  8. Easy to go something like 40-2 over 4 years when you play maybe 5 real games in that span...lol. I actually had a post written up Friday night about your favorite team but decided not to post it. Imagine Boise loses Kellen Moore, Doug Martin, their top receiver, their 2nd best RB, their best OL, their best DL, their best CB, their 2nd best receiver and Chris Peterson. Those 25 points disappear very quickly. I mean, it is what it is with OSU especially after tonight. We were missing I think it was 12 players from the 2-deep at one point against Toledo.
  9. A little grumpy about the loss? Nothing of substance to add? Yes, I did what just about every fan has done at some point in their life and used the pronoun "we" when talking about the team I root for. I will be very careful in the future not to do so as to not hurt your feelings.
  10. In March when we still had Tressel and Pryor coming back for Nebraska I thought we had 7 losable games. Not 7 games we'd lose but 7 games we absolutely could lose. This was one of them. MSU, Nebraska, Illinois, Wisconsin, PSU and Michigan were the others. Colorado, Indiana and Purdue are the only gimmes left and Colorado and Purdue might be moving into the losable category.
  11. I lol'd as that game happened thinking about the people on here who thought ND was an awful team because they couldn't resist shooting themselves in the foot the first two games. And OSU needs to just move on to Miller starting full-time next week. Bauserman bails on the play at the first sign of trouble. Sometimes it doesn't even take that and he throws the ball away. He's worthless. Yeah, Miller made a bad play tonight with the fumble (INT wasn't really a bad play, better play by Miami player) not securing the ball whatsoever but you've gotta just live with the freshman at this point.
  12. Did some searching and it sounds like it's a voltage problem. Should be something in the TV's manual about proper voltages and how to adjust them. There's typically a screw inside of the TV you can easily access by removing the back cover and you hook a voltage meter up to it and turn the screw until the voltage is where it's supposed to be. If it's still under any kind of warranty I'd suggest going that way first but if not go to the manual and check how to adjust the voltage and what it should be.
  13. Dead Island is pretty good. Wish I could play it for more than 20-30 minutes at a time though. It started freezing the 2nd day I was playing it during loading screens playing online co-op with some friends. Uninstalled from hard drive, cleared cache and played off the disc instead. Started freezing during regular gameplay. Re-installed to hard drive and cleared cache... keeps freezing during gameplay. Pretty frustrating. Gonna pick it up at a Redbox tonight I think and see if it's just my disc.
  14. The rumor was Miller and Nate Williams were there too but I've seen people deny that. Regardless the 2 other players who were there didn't accept any money according to the report.
  15. Devin Smith has been a real nice surprise. Would like to see TY Williams get a shot in the end zone if it comes to that.
  16. Philly says he could play this week. I hadn't read anywhere that it was for the season but I did read it was a very, very, very bad sprain of an ankle he had tweaked already against Akron. Figured it would be several weeks but he's supposedly doing pretty well somehow.
  17. The OSU-Miami line opened at OSU -1 and has already moved in favor of Miami. Really need to get Hall back and are going to have to actually use Berry.
  18. Notre Dame is 0-2 right now because of ridiculous turnovers. Think it was 5 turnovers against USF with 3 in the red zone and they lost by 3 points total then I don't remember how many last night but they had a bad one in the red zone late where they could have put Michigan away. If they ever stop taking their own points off the board they'll be decent. And MSU was ridiculously overrated last season. Every good team they played (aka Iowa and Alabama) they got embarrassed.
  19. Tenyardtracker.com should have a 720p version up tomorrow.
  20. Secondary is absolutely a strength. OJ is a little iffy at times still but Roby, Clarke and Barnett are gamers. Clarke is not going to make it easy on Travis Howard whenever he becomes eligible again to get his starting spot back. We were missing our top 2 defensive linemen at times today with Williams out (no idea why - too much crap to sift through on the OSU sites to figure it out) and Simon going down with cramps for a long time (thank god he came back in - he may have saved the game for us on Toledo's final drive). Sweat is an amazing LB. Klein had the nice INT but I agree otherwise he is kinda slow. Sabino needs to be out there more... had some nice plays today. Hopefully it's just been precautionary letting Klein play more since Sabino had hand surgery just a few weeks ago. Then we were not playing well at all from the star position. Moeller couldn't get off blocks to save his life today and Bryant got in at times and was a liability in coverage. The star position is supposed to be a spread offense/screen pass buster and they just killed us today with nothing but screens. Then offense... No idea why Milller didn't get at least a couple series at times to try and spark the offense like Pryor did when we were struggling against Ohio in 2008. And they had Berry in there for returns but didn't give him a single carry? Then we lost our #1 WR (at least with Posey out) probably for a while. At least Verlon Reed has shown that he catches anything thrown near him and Devin Smith has seriously emerged. The of course Stoney is Stoney. Smith with another bad fumble today. His arms are too long which leads to him only having really one point of pressure securing the ball, his hand. Very easy to poke out. Going to have to be coached to carry the ball higher like Beanie did. Remember Beanie had some bad fumbles early on as did Clarett and even Eddie George. As was pointed out by some last week, neither Smith nor Hyde are finding seams or showing the ability to bounce it outside yet. Going to be night and day when we get Jordan Hall back then eventually Boom. Looks like a much tougher game in Miami now. Hopefully the NCAA stops fucking with us and lets the 2 #7's on the field. /tl;dr
  21. Yeah I just sold something on eBay for the first time in a long time and the money was available instantly. Agree with the fees being insanely high though. No listing fee anymore (think you get 50 free a month) but the final fee on something I sold for $192.50 was $17. Nearly 10%. I remember selling my Playstation and Nintendo 64 on eBay in junior high for hundreds and only having to pay a couple bucks off my final sale price.
  22. My cousin sends right around 5k a month and her parents are really, really, really stupid so they 1) don't even have her on unlimited texting and 2) never punish her for going over by so much. It's pathetic.
  23. The rumor a month or so ago on our pro combats for this year was an all gray. Would have to think it would be a dark gray so probably more comparable to the all blacks everyone does. Still could look sweet.
  24. Guy seemed fidgety and nervous and was unloading a perfect working condition chainsaw for $30... sounds like you bought yourself a murder weapon or tool with which bodies were chopped up. :lolguy:
  25. Urban Meyer when he was an assistant coach at OSU with the sweet 'stache... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R4WqOVy3H28/TfRTXE4WGpI/AAAAAAAACXk/9Ma_cN3VmKE/s1600/urbanmeyer_buckstache2.png
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