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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Yeah it seems like he's going to be the backup now. Coaches not really wanting to admit it at any of their media stuff this week though.
  2. Pre-ordered a month or so ago on Newegg for $44.99. Jelly?
  3. Obviously, spoilers follow (I know someone said they weren't caught up yet - don't read this)..... The end of "Crawl Space" (episode 11 of this season) is still maybe the best ~3 minutes I've ever seen on television. Just so much shit happening so fast all at once and none of it's good. Think tonight's finale would have been even more amazing to me if I hadn't read something online a few days ago. In episode 12 when Walt is sitting in his backyard by the pool spinning the gun on the table and it finally lands on the potted plant. Someone was smart enough to analyze that scene a lot more after last Sunday and pointed out what kind of plant it was and what the symptoms of its ingestion would be and I read it. Kinda spoiled the whole "Walt was the one who poisoned the kid" revelation at the end of the finale. With everything else that happened in episode 12 the plant scene was kinda forgotten so the end of tonight's finale would have been an OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK kinda moment. Kinda depressed about ruining that opportunity for myself.
  4. Wasn't even surprised. The second Braxton went down you just knew it was over regardless of the score. We saw the kind of team OSU CAN play like in the first half though. Nebraska's defense isn't very good but that offensive gameplan would have beaten MSU last week. I don't know where the hell it came from. It was great to watch. Then Bauserbombs...lol.
  5. I'm still pretty optimistic that there will be no bowl ban (not that it matters this year) and very minimal scholarship losses if any. USC there was no one left to punish but the program because of how long it took them to get everything together because USC didn't really cooperate with the NCAA. Here they've already punished all the kids involved and the coach which has led to the program suffering as evidenced on the field this season.
  6. It's going to take years like the Bush thing did and the NCAA will eventually either just give up or have to make huge decisions based on shaky info (like the USC case). The Miami thing is still being mulled over by the NCAA as well. The problem Ohio State has right now is it employs 2 gigantic attention whores. Gene Smith and Gordon Gee. Why does every little thing that comes out have to have a press conference? Oregon is still being investigated as well for Chip Kelly allegedly paying $25k to Willie Lyles for influence on Texas HS players. But no one talks about those things anymore because their administrations are competent. They put out a simple press release and shut their mouths. OSU goes out and says stupid shit like "I hope he doesn't fire me" and "we have the best compliance department in the country." This Posey thing is a mess though. Apparently he was approved by compliance to work a $15/hr job for that guy then started doing a different job for him at $17/hr. So that $2/hr extra is considered an improper benefit. He actually worked the hours but because he didn't get the $2/hr extra approved he gets in trouble. Also about 5 hours (yes, 5 hours) back in 2009 can't seem to be accounted for even though Posey and his attorney have phone bills and receipts seemingly proving that he worked those 5 hours. The NCAA supposedly just ignored all of that.
  7. TCU now not going to the Big East, going to the Big 12. If Mizzou leaves Big 12 they will look to add 3 schools to get back to 12 from Louisville, WVU, Cincy and BYU. Big East is so dead.
  8. Still optimistic that a guy like Urban Meyer could come in and get things up to speed relatively quickly. Unless OSU hires the wrong guy there's no way it's going to take 2-3 years. There are so many simple, offensive things that are just not being done right now that are making this team look a lot worse and less talented than it really is. Braxton will be good if not great with the right coaching and offensive philosophy. Who knows how talented the WR's are based on this season. I really like Devin Smith, Evan Spencer and Verlon Reed and they all have freshman eligibility. Once TY Smith learns how to catch a ball he could be really good too. Also with freshman eligibility. OL is definitely thin and iffy. Lose Adams, Brewster and Shugarts after this year. Who knows what Hall's fate is now that he's caught up in this latest thing. Norwell, Linsley and Mewhort are all very good though and they all have 2 years left after this year. Underwood and Carter both got pretty good reviews through the summer and fall camp (aside from Carter's weight which once he loses it will just make him that much better). Everyone seems to have Bobek set to take over right away at center and he was the #1 center in the country coming out of HS. Brewster never played center in his life before coming to OSU. And whoever coaches Urban's centers for him does a great job. Both of the Pouncey twins were drafted out of Florida as 1st round centers in back to back years I believe. Of course, if OSU doesn't get Urban or simply hires a bad fit then all of that optimism goes right out the window and I become an alcoholic.
  9. May have just been a typo since you had all but one number right but it was the 1999 season.
  10. It was very fitting that on that play we had 2-3 guys with a great chance at the ball and none of them really came close to getting it then the play is over and the 2nd best available WR on the team right now is down on the ground with what looked like a very serious knee injury. Couldn't wait for the off-season to be over so we could just get to football now can't wait for the season to be over so we can just get to hiring a real head coach.
  11. I'll still watch the games live because I'm a fan but I'm not expecting anything good...lol. With the Boom/Posey news my 10-3 prediction for the Nebraska game goes to 13-0. Florida's gonna get killed by LSU and Texas by Oklahoma. Like I said a page or so ago, just wish this season was over, we had all the sanctions known and we had a real head coach in place.
  12. http://www.danfasoline.com/ArrestedDevelopment/ADchickendance.gif
  13. Luke couldn't continue to do his job as the LB coach? Not sure he does anything now. Like I said, OSU lost their top 2 offensive minds, picked up Drayton in the winter as a direct replacement for Hazell then lost the offensive mastermind and picked up a first time coach on the defensive side of the ball. I don't know who else could have been picked up but it's pretty obvious the offense has no idea what they're doing from top to bottom.
  14. If you've given up on Braxton after the season OSU has had so far then... OK I guess. Just be ready to admit you were wrong in 2-3 years when he's had REAL offensive coaches 1) developing him and 2) calling his plays. It's more obvious than ever that Tressel had his hand in every single facet of the offense. I remember after the USC loss in 2008 there were reports that Tressel had essentially taken over the OL coaching duties in a few practices. He was very, very clearly the QB coach. And he designed the gameplans for Bollman to follow all week long then vetoed anything he didn't like when Bollman made the actual call on gameday. Ohio State lost their top 2 offensive minds this off-season in Tressel and Hazell and who does Fickell hire to fill the vacant spot? His defensive buddy Vrabel.
  15. At the end of the first half OSU got just inside MSU territory, not to the 33. They made it to the 45 after using 2 TO's then Braxton took an 8 yard sack and they decided to give up. Think there was around 15 seconds and 1 TO left. Would have been 3rd and 14 from the OSU 47. It's an iffy situation, don't think there's a right or wrong choice on what to do there.
  16. Still have Purdue and Indiana on the schedule as W's. Gotta be able to find one more in there somewhere for 6-6. Getting Devier back next week and Philly back at some point will help some. Really just wish the season was over, the sanctions were officially announced and a real head coach was in place.
  17. Jared Leto (lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars, was in Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War, etc.) gained something like 60-70 pounds to play the guy who assassinated John Lennon in some movie that never ended up getting much publicity. Think he had gout for a while as a result. Christian Bale's weight loss for The Machinist was just sick. The pictures don't do it justice. Seeing basically a skeleton walking around in the film is ridiculous. He wanted to lose even more weight but the producers wouldn't let him because they didn't think it was safe. His daily diet was like a cup of coffee, an apple and some days a single can of tuna.
  18. He says he tried to get everyone else on the show to do it too but no one else would. He went to a "health" expert who has helped actors put on weight in a healthy manner (just large portions of healthy food as opposed to a bunch of junk food) but eventually just went with the junk food...lol.
  19. Seriously. OSU is so relevant that their 4th string RB having an adverse reaction to a new medication makes ESPN. :lolguy:
  20. It was a reaction to a new medication he is taking. Obviously what he was taking it for wasn't posted but it wasn't pot or anything bad.
  21. I think it will be a relatively high scoring game. Neither defense is very good. Wisconsin can run and pass, Nebraska can only run. Wisconsin wins. Wisconsin opened as a TD favorite and it's already been pushed up to 9.5 or so. Sounds about right. Something like 41-30. Of course when everyone expects a big-time offensive game you end up with like 16-7.
  22. http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/07/03/gal_dtrt_giancarlo-esposito.jpg
  23. We lost to Texas by 3 with basically our starting QB coming off a 2-game suspension rotating with our backup. Troy gets warmed up the first game of the season and plays the whole game against Texas... no doubt in my mind OSU wins. Then Troy would have been able to run and pass all over USC just like Vince Young did. By the end of that season OSU's offense was playing at a ridiculous level. There was a ton of talent lost between 2005 and 2006. 5 1st round draft picks if I'm remembering correctly. I'd be more worried about reversing the PSU result that season than beating Texas in the 2nd game with a warmed up Troy or USC at the end of the season.
  24. Wisky was able to pound OSU on the ground because of probably the best OL I've ever watched. Still pisses me off that they got "cute" against TCU and lost. They don't have that this year and I think there will be evidence of that against Nebraska Saturday night. Still think Wisconsin wins pretty comfortably but Crick and Steinkuhler will show that the Badgers' OL is not what it was last season. It was clear the year before when Troy took over in Iowa City and got OSU their only TD of the game. Then he did his best Michael Vick impression against Michigan. Only reason Zwick got any playing time in 2005 other than mop up duty was because of Troy's suspension. I'm a firm believer that if the Smith suspension never happens he puts on an incredible show against Okie St. in the Alamo Bowl and leads OSU to a national title in 2005 and wins the Heisman a year earlier. The defense in 2005 was soooo much better than it was in 2006.
  25. Much rather have Meyer than Gruden myself. Gruden has basically zero experience at the college level, Urban has 2 national titles. And while UF players certainly had their fair share of off the field issues, Urban has never had a run in with the NCAA.
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