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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I don't believe there are actual stats on the football programs violations specifically but overall OSU has the most violations reported over the last decade or so. That's covering all sports at OSU. And OSU has the most sports of any school in the country. So that's pretty much a given.
  2. It's hard to see a future in college football without 4 super conferences and a playoff involving the 4 champions. Where all the Big 12 teams will land is the big question.
  3. Will be a very tough game in Lincoln. The Huskers will be pumped for their first ever Big 10 home game and they get to have it against the kings of the Big 10 for the last decade. We get 3 starters back on offense. It's a night game. At least they're not in our division because we can lose in Lincoln then go undefeated in our division and meet them again in Indianapolis.
  4. Think you and I went back and forth a bit about BSU in last year's thread on here. I just can't take them too serious. They focus all off-season on one game (Oregon in 2008, 2009, VT in 2010 and UGA this year and UGA isn't even that good) then can largely cruise until their 2nd big game of the year... their bowl game...lol. And the pro combat uniform "renderings" out there for OSU right now are Photoshop jobs from all the way back in January. Not real. An OSU photographer on Scout said he has heard we might go with all gray uniforms which could be cool because they'd probably be a pretty dark gray so it won't be the black that everyone is doing these days but it should be cool.
  5. Yeah, I like to see the conference do well in bowl games because it makes us look better when we dominate the conference. If BSU beats Georgia they are likely going undefeated. And with all the marquee games between top 5-10 teams early in the season they will likely be competing with several 1 loss teams for a spot in the title game. Basically just going to vomit if they get in.
  6. I don't think I've ever been more pissed off at a game that involved teams I couldn't care less about in my life. It was like the Wisconsin coaching staff was lobotomized before that game. Their first series they were blowing TCU's DL off the line. Then outside of 1-2 more drives throughout the game they tried to be real cute for some reason with reverses and all other kinds of garbage that did nothing for them. I was raging.
  7. First 3 ESPN College Gameday Live sites will be Oregon-LSU, Michigan-ND (first night game in Michigan Stadium - both teams will be wearing alternate/throwback jerseys - Michigans will make you vomit) then OU-FSU.
  8. Wisconsin is ridiculously overrated right now thanks to picking up Russell Wilson from NC State. Kid is going to have basically 1 month to learn Wisconsin's offense. And they lost I think 3 incredible offensive linemen off the best OL in the country last season. Wisconsin is not going to be anywhere near as good as they were last season. They just don't have the talent to reload like the truly elite programs in the country can. Miami will be iffy because it's the 3rd game of the season and on the road (although Miami has an awful home game atmosphere... will be at least 30% OSU fans there). Michigan State has a nice returning offense but when's the last time they won in Columbus? '98? I think the last time we played them it was with freshman Terrelle Pryor at QB and we beat them by 35. Nebraska will be pretty tough. We're their first ever Big 10 home game and it's at night. Should be a great atmosphere.
  9. It's not so much that they're overrated, it's just that they have more committed players than just about anyone right now. If you sort by star average they're barely top 10 and OSU isn't far behind even with one hand tied behind our backs in recruiting right now.
  10. Doubt it. OSU is still easily the most talented team in the Big 10 and by the time OSU and Michigan play OSU will have everything ironed out. Michigan is still going to be terrible on defense this year and their offense might even be a little screwy as Borges tries to work with Rich Rod's system players.
  11. Looks incredible. Can't believe the first season only picked up a few technical Emmy nominations.
  12. Agreed. My 5 year old lenovo is still going strong.
  13. I wanna know where you people complaining about HD movie download quality are getting your stuff. I've got a few terabytes of 1080p encodes on my PC from an HD-specific torrent site that all look fantastic.
  14. Yeah, they rotate content. Can't just continuously expand or Netflix would explode.
  15. I subscribe to the streaming only which was introduced with a price increase a few months ago but there hasn't been an increase since then that I know of.
  16. Gonna be hilarious later this fall when the NCAA tacks on maybe another year of probation and nothing else and ESPN and all the other media who have been calling for us to be hammered explode.
  17. That's definitely one of the worst pics related to this stuff but there are videos out there too. Needless to say, what has been seen cannot be unseen.
  18. Seen this and was surprised at how well it was made and also how interesting the actual plot was. Not like the crappy torture porn movies you typically see (Hostel, the Saw movies, etc.) Someone just recently read me a synopsis of this and it sounded pretty terrific.
  19. lol... Rosenhaus being Rosenhaus. Not gonna happen with him still talking to Tressel several times a day and Tressel seemingly sticking by him.
  20. Maybe he can get one off Pryor today since Pryor is in Miami and having a press conference of some sort at 2PM.
  21. He became something else entirely when he left Cleveland and basically waved a white flag. We've never seen anything like it really. Not at this point in a player's career. People can argue that Ray Allen and KG joined Paul Pierce in Boston and did the same thing but all 3 were at the end of their primes and neither were close to a title where they were. Lebron had already been to the NBA Finals essentially by himself, they were retooling that team constantly trying to get over the hump, he bailed and still didn't get over the hump. I really thought the Heat had it figured out during the Boston series and were on their way to a title but with the way NO ONE took responsibility at the end of the last few games in the Finals you just can't know anymore. Lebron's "it's not going to be my fault we lose" attitude rubbed off on even Wade in game 6. Was unbelievable to watch.
  22. http://i56.tinypic.com/4id00j.jpg
  23. Making a donation doesn't mean you own Ohio State but making several large ones with a recent $100 million donation means when you do or say something people pay attention. And I like Mack Brown/Texas. Have always kinda felt that OSU and Texas were like brothers. Mack and Tress were so similar, the programs and fan support are very similar. And the perceived "moral superiority" was somewhat similar. The NCAA probably will go after Texas now just because of Colt's wife saying some stuff in an innocent interview. They (the NCAA) probably breathed a sigh of relief when she went on the air thinking... "Oh yay, now we can put off looking at the schools who are really cheating!" Although, there is supposed to be some Auburn stuff coming this month.
  24. Yeah, the car thing is done (aside from TP but he doesn't have to talk now) and 85-90% of the SI article looks to be garbage. Nothing solid has come out since the Tressel thing and Tressel's gone. Just have to see how much faith the NCAA puts in anonymous sources now. Everyone keeps comparing this to the USC thing and says "Oh all the NCAA had with USC was a felon's testimony so this is basically the same and OSU is going to go down too." Yeah... no. The NCAA had boxes and boxes of documents tying McNair (USC's RB coach), Lloyd Lake and the Bush family together. One thing I hope a few of the media people are right about (some have actually turned logical since Tressel resigned after bashing him and the university for months) is that with USC the NCAA couldn't do anything but punish the school because Petey bolted for the NFL and Bush was already in the NFL. Well, as a result of this stuff Tressel was forced out (a lot different than just being able to move on like Petey did) and now Pryor is done (didn't bolt for the NFL in January when he had the chance). The responsible parties are paying for their actions so the NCAA really shouldn't tack too much extra on but you can never know what to expect from the NCAA. Logically, unless anything more comes out or is truly proven, the most I can see happening is a vacation of last year's wins (potentially allowing the Sugar Bowl victory to remain intact because the NCAA allowed the 6 kids to play - but if the Pryor December lie really was the reason he ultimately left the program they could definitely take that back now), probably 3-4 years probation (basically just "if you fuck up again in the next 4 years we'll rape you no lube" - know that Michigan is currently on probation until 2013 I believe for their practice thing - it's nothing) and I could see something silly like 2-3 scholarships a year taken away for 2-3 years (Boise St. recently had I think 6 scholarships total taken away over 2-3 years and they were actually cited for LOIC).
  25. No one is ever going to be taken off TV again IMO. That's why I lol'd at it. Some media guy on a big sports talk radio show in Alabama said that this morning.
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