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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. So the new thing from the media today after the "$20-40k" story from Henton's brother is that this is absolutely worse than the USC case. Some of the media is even saying we could get the first TV ban in 20 years...lol. Sorry... even if true (which I don't think it is) $20-40k doesn't compare to a $700k house where an assistant coach was right in the middle of all the dealings.
  2. Vacating wins is kinda silly. Everyone remembers USC kicked the shit out of OU in 2004. The NCAA actually vacated that win a year or so ago. The BCS is just now officially vacating the title they won from it because the BCS and NCAA are two separate entities. And OSU can still be hit with LOIC and failure to monitor. NCAA can easily amend the notice of allegations and postpone the August hearing. We just need to keep hoping all these stories coming out go the way of the car story which completely fell apart within a few weeks of its release. The SI story has gone that way too. Now we need this Pryor $20-40k for signing stuff thing to blow over. A good thing that comes from Pryor leaving is that he is now out of the NCAA's reach unless he really feels the need to bury OSU. He doesn't have to say another word to the NCAA if he doesn't want to.
  3. Pryor's license was suspended because he didn't have his proof of insurance on him when he got pulled over in February. Went to the BMV and took care of it today and had it reinstated. Also, the 350z is a 100% legit purchase by his mother. Traded the Charger with the bad engine (which resulted in him using 3-4 loaners) in towards it and the purchase price ended up being just north of $11k. Mom making payments around $300 a month for 51 months. Not really defending him because I doubt he plays another down for OSU (already a rumor out there that he cleared out his locker today) but more so continuing to be angry with the media for going after people based on so little. Did anyone see the ABC6 "On Your Side" report with their douchebag going after Pryor's mom outside her house? She handled it perfectly by barely responding but it was awful with the guy badgering her right outside of her own house. I hope whoever does end up taking over permanently as the HC completely shuts out the media for a long time. Tressel cut it down a lot in his time here but started to open it up over the last few years and this is the thanks he gets. Media tried to tear him and the program down from every direction until they got what they wanted.
  4. Think I went there once when I was little with the parents of course. Chain Reaction starring Keanu Reaves was one of the movies. The ghetto bird flew overhead at one point during the movie with its spotlight and everything. Good stuff.
  5. SI article was a joke and the fact that Dohrmann is trying to essentially take credit for getting Tressel let go is hilarious. The timing is nothing but a coincidence. This had everything to do with Wexner backing off his support and nothing to do with a media piece where all of the sources were either unnamed or in prison...lol. OMG JIM TRESSEL RIGGED A RAFFLE 20+ YEARS AGO! FIRE HEEEEEEM!
  6. http://i.imgur.com/gQWuD.jpg
  7. Pryor supposedly rolled up to the WHAC today in a 350z with temp tags less than a week old, got out and waved/smiled for the cameras. Looks like he's getting all the benefits he can before he's out at OSU. And apparently the timing here is that Wexner pulled back on his support of Tressel on Friday. Didn't so much flip to supporting his being let go but he was a giant piece that was holding Tressel in place and him merely going neutral resulted in this. And I'm all for Urban Meyer coming to Columbus next season or whenever. Yeah, he had a lot of players at Florida break the law. Who cares? The NCAA doesn't. If you do things that are perfectly legal like sell your own stuff, NCAA kills your program. Go around stealing dead people's ID's, shooting assault rifles, etc., etc.? Win 2 national titles and the NCAA never even sniffs you program.
  8. This was what a lot of people believed when the move was made but this is 100% Lebron's team. They won the Boston series because of Wade's play (he was awful against Boston in the regular season then exploded in the playoffs) and Bosh had a couple nice games against the Bulls (he had 30 points in their game 1 loss and 34 in a game 3 win) but Lebron is there every single night with about 25, 7 and 7. I am far from a Lebron fan but you have to be able to admit that he's an incredible player. I want the Mavs to win and they have a real shot but think the Heat get it done. They finally got their confidence for the ends of games in the Boston series and that was what they were really missing throughout the regular season.
  9. If you say Dallas has no chance then you haven't been watching the playoffs. Not saying they're going to win it but Dirk has been even more ridiculous down the stretch in these playoffs than Lebron or anyone else on the Heat. The Thunder had 2-3 guys who were nearly perfect defensive players to take on Dirk in that series and they still couldn't stop him from putting up 40+ twice.
  10. I bought Compendium One (1-48) for the Walking Dead a couple months ago after the first season aired but decided not to read it. Gonna wait for the show's run to end then I'll read the comics and compare. Don't want to get stuff jumbled. Such an great show.
  11. Most likely. Pretty easy to replace too. Ordered one for my aunt about a year ago and said I'd put it in but she did it herself before I could get over there.
  12. Friend in Maryland recently killed a brown recluse in his house. Things are insane. Can live as long as 6 months in starvation situations, will still bite you even if its body and legs are gone, etc.
  13. Good god... I've had it backwards all along. I've always killed the house centipedes and left the wolf spiders and whatnot to eat other pests. I guess it's time to embrace the scary as fuck house centipedes though. I tried to kill a HC sometime in the past week but I was rusty since I hadn't seen any for a while because of the winter and just got some of its legs. Gonna have to make a truce if I see that one again.
  14. There are tons of factors like that that can deem your organs unusable. But then, back to TV land, House finds a way to use them anyways.
  15. You could be extremely bradycardic like that guy on House who made it all the way to autopsy before waking up. Ignore the fact that it's a TV show.
  16. That's kinda my point. The accounts are free and you can make them as often as you like. There's nowhere near 77 million unique users on PSN. There aren't 30 million on Xbox Live either but that number is probably much closer to the truth than the PSN number because there's no point in creating free Xbox Live Silver accounts that can do basically nothing.
  17. Damn... that means every single person who ever bought a PS3 goes on PSN. Plus 20 million more. Impressive.
  18. Our kicker a couple years ago was a former rugby player from South Africa. Was like 29 when he graduated. Ryan Pretorius.
  19. IF they are labeled as a repeat offender then they will get hit hard. But the stuff I read from OSU "insiders" says there's "ZERO" chance of that happening. They also said people inside the program were "ecstatic" regarding this Notice of Allegations. Nothing new. No lack of institutional control. No failure to monitor. The media is obviously eating this up right now (and won't stop for a looooooong time) but most people who actually know what they're talking about are still pretty confident there won't be any major sanctions tacked on.
  20. bicranium

    TW VS. WOW

    Wideband started trickling out the TW's MidOhio region last week. Of course I'm stuck in U-verse (caps)/Insight (awful)/WOW (no idea) land and want to murder people.
  21. They are remaking the series stateside too. David Fincher (The Social Network, Se7en, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fight Club, etc.) is directing. I believe he got Trent Reznor on for the soundtrack again.
  22. Probably talking about the 1155's which are Sandy Bridge which were discussed a few posts in. Things are ridiculous. People getting upwards of 4.5GHz on air cooling.
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