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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Sandy Bridge http://i.imgur.com/of0yA.gif
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R5QueuvKQ4
  3. bicranium


    My friend got me to get it before the beta so it only cost half as much as it does now. Whenever I played with him I would just mine down as far as I could. It's OK when I have nothing else to do, turn on some music and just dig for a couple hours. I don't really have the desire to look into how to build some of the crazier stuff.
  4. Nope. I'm technically in Violet Township though, like half a mile from the city limits.
  5. You had to figure Bauserman would be working with the 1's to start. We'll see where everyone is after the spring game. Lots of people liked what they saw from Graham today and he obviously has a bit of a head start having been here a year now vs. this being Miller's first time really doing anything not strictly conditioning-related. Here's a video from the CPD of Braxton throwing a couple times: http://videos.cleveland.com/plain-dealer/2011/03/ohio_state_freshman_qb_braxton.html Second throw shows off the laser, rocket arm.
  6. 3 posts... like a boss.
  7. A keen observer may be able to notice tiny differences on gameday but there's no way someone is going to stray from the Tressel blueprint for 1 day a week. Tressel will still be in charge 6 days a week, Fickell will basically be a substitute teacher. The lesson plan will be ready for him to follow every Saturday.
  8. I figured they'd name Heacock or Bollman the HC during the suspension but no matter what Fickell was going to be essentially running the show on the sideline. The other two are booth guys. Nice to see Fickell ends up getting the title as well.
  9. bicranium


    The Sheen stuff was hilarious for about a week. Then he did that Sheen's Korner thing on ustream and it was AWFUL.
  10. It's every location. Think it's buy one regular sub, get one free with the donation at the Columbus stores.
  11. Got a new casket. Can't wait to die! http://www.environmentalcaskets.com/images/Casket550Pix.jpg Wait a minute...
  12. Yeah, I checked the auditor and recorder's sites for Urban or Shelley when I saw the rumor and found nothing either but like LJ said, they could definitely be under a trust or something. Would imagine most famous people do it that way... Tressel doesn't though.
  13. The Meyer/UA rumor was started by a functioning retard. But it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. Have a Gator friend and he said their insiders are saying Meyer would be fine taking the OSU job as early as 2012. Obviously that would only be if this Tressel stuff ends very badly.
  14. Nah dude, they gotta go after OSU because our players sold their own stuff. Words like "dirty" and "criminal" come to mind when I think about what these kids did...not.
  15. Why would some of the kids responsible for this who have already stuck it out this long essentially bail and lose money by going into a supplemental draft for a league that is currently having a lockout? Their case is done. It's 5 games and that's it. That wouldn't make a ton of sense.
  16. Yahoo "broke" the initial Tressel story. But OSU and the NCAA had already been looking into the e-mails for almost 2 months. Another problem that people are realizing with all of this is that there seem to be some serious leaks in the NCAA office.
  17. Welp... guess there are some "bad vibes" out there right now over this... http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/sports/stories/2011/03/24/0324-tressels-emails-forwarded-to-pryors-mentor-in-pennsylvania.html?sid=101&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Going to be a lot more coverage of that nationally by the morning. This could actually end up taking Tressel down...
  18. bicranium

    Tornado sirens

    The storms are starting to pop up on the Indiana/Ohio border. Pretty crazy it's over 70 and might snow tonight. Gonna be VIOLENT.
  19. Patient last night on House put his name down as Ferris Bueller and the med student on House's team didn't know who that was. Wanted to smack her.
  20. Pryor, Adams, Herron, Posey and Solomon Thomas are out for the first 5. Jordan Whiting is out for the first game. That was the NCAA ruling from December. We appealed it looking for a reduction and they announced the upholding of those suspensions last night. With that news Tressel requested that he be sat down for 5 games as well instead of the 2 that he was initially suspended for by OSU. The NCAA still has to give a final ruling on Tressel but it seems as if probation will be all that is added on.
  21. A few did but really since late January most have thought it was going to stay at 5. Then the Tressel stuff coming to light obviously cemented it staying at 5. Obviously everyone who isn't an OSU fan wants us to get absolutely slammed for this but the NCAA showed with both the Cam Newton deal and our players remaining eligible for the Sugar Bowl that they don't really give a shit what the public thinks. The 5th game is against Michigan St. That will be tough. Then working the guys back into the lineup @ Nebraska is going to be interesting.
  22. OSU "insiders" think there won't be much more done to Tressel over this. They think we'll get some probation added on and that will be the end of it.
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