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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Agreed. It was pretty hilarious until he started getting organized about his insanity. I watched about 5 minutes of his hour-long ustream thing (the first one - think he's done more since then) and had to turn it off.
  2. bicranium


    I've got the streaming only and use it almost every day on my Xbox. All 6 seasons of Lost on there in HD. Decent movie selection. Lots of the non-HD stuff still looks pretty good.
  3. I'll put it under consideration.
  4. When I saw this news the other day I did some math on my usage and found that almost 250GB a month comes just from my having a channel on justin.tv that streams episodes of House 24/7 open for close to 18 hours a day (from the time I go to bed until the time I get home from work). The January number is so high because the site I download HD movies from had free leech for about 2 weeks that month...lol. I'm probably going to have to switch back to Insight (15/.768 vs. the 24/3 I'm getting from U-verse right now) and just pray that they follow Time Warner's lead with their RR service and offer 30/5 and 50/5 sometime in the near future. I definitely figure that I'm in the top 2% that AT&T said the effects were going to be largely limited to.
  5. I'm fucked...lol. I've had U-verse since December and my usage on just this PC... December - 400GB January - 2TB February - 550GB So far this month - 325GB
  6. Going off recruiting rankings the '02 class was elite, true. '03 class was a disaster especially since it was coming off a national title season. From '04-'07 the classes hovered in the 10-15 range. Not elite. Since 2008 we've had one class ranked outside the top 4 in the country. This 2012 class will likely be one of the top 5 in the country as well. 4 top 5 classes in 5 years is a whole other level from 1 in 6 years.
  7. You could argue that for almost any coach in the country. And really, OSU's recruiting didn't become truly elite until the 2008 class. lolwut
  8. bicranium

    More Coupons

    Yeah those are the same format as the ones people make on 4chan. They have ones out there for free PS3's and stuff that will work but most retailers have them figured out. For smaller stuff like the items in the OP though you can typically get away with it. Just don't expect to get away with it every time. Here's a link to a guide on how to make coupons for anything you want... http://i53.tinypic.com/27zmf0w.png It's too big to just post the picture but Tinypic resized it too so it's a little blurry.
  9. Yeah, he's not mad about the rule, he's more mad at himself for letting his team down. They had a small shot at a national championship and were looking to get a 1 seed in the tourney but the first game they played without him they got worked against a mediocre team. BYU did the same thing to their star RB a couple years ago for knocking up his fiance. He ended up jumping to the NFL supplemental draft.
  10. I used it for an internet order this past weekend. Like a boss.
  11. Yeah you just put the code in when you get the card and it adds it on. I've been paid through the end of 2012 for a couple years now from buying the $30 cards. Don't need to buy anymore since the world is ending at the end of 2012.
  12. I switched to Progressive from Allstate about a year ago and cut my rate in half for the exact same coverage. Allstate was really sticking it in my pooper.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3UX5r_yYFI
  14. I can't believe you don't know how to read... http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/thumb/1/13/Awesome.png/180px-Awesome.png
  15. Yeah, they'll probably re-air the entire first season (6 episodes) the week before Halloween along with all their showings of other scary movies then have the season premiere on the 30th since Halloween is a Monday this year. Gonna be 13 episodes this season though.
  16. House isn't very good anymore but I watch it Dexter The Walking Dead Been checking out Shameless Going to download and watch Breaking Bad and Mad Men when they're done probably.
  17. You still have to have the disc in your console to play it unless you buy the game in the online marketplace and download it to your console. But with any game you own just put it in your Xbox, go to the dashboard then under the My Xbox portion where it shows the game you have in your drive you press Y for "Game Details" and "Install Game to Hard Drive" is one of the options.
  18. I've got a 250GB and probably about 150GB of it is filled (about 80-90GB of that is downloaded Rock Band songs) then the rest is game installs to reduce wear on the disc drive (they're the most common thing that fails now with MS having addressed the RROD) and speed up loading times.
  19. ESPN is affiliated with the coaches poll so they use that. Other networks will use the AP's rankings. Then once BCS rankings are available during the college football season, some networks will use that instead. There's not one ranking that gets used universally.
  20. It's 15mbps down/768kbps up with powerboost/whatever that crap is called.
  21. http://gunshyassassin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/americanpsycho2.jpg
  22. I was actually going to post a very similar response but feared it wouldn't be understood...lol. Here's the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7KSkZxt_zo
  23. Also had the lights flicker a few times during Jeopardy. http://www.iconwild.com/smilies/scared/scared-smiley-012.gif
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