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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Hillard and Cornell are officially in. Now we see if Mr. Schmidt's prediction of 4 today comes true...
  2. SD OT Grant Schmidt predicting as many as 4 commitments for OSU tomorrow in his post on the misc... http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=159965051&p=1263810301&viewfull=1#post1263810301 I don't even know who the 3rd would be after Hilliard/Cornell let alone a 4th. I can't see Harris coming out of the blue and just joining the commit train without letting some sites know about his announcement in advance. I could see it being fellow OL Matthew Burrell. Another candidate apparently is recently offered OL Mirko Jurkovic.
  3. Hilliard, Cornell and Baker are hopefully done deals. Then 5* RB Harris could be moving his decision up since he's buddies with Cornell and Hilliard especially. So that's 4 right there. Harris could scare LJ Scott off to MSU though. But that would open the door for 4* RB Mike Weber from Cass Tech in Detroit. And 4* OT Matthew Burrell may commit as well. Then a 2016 kid, 4* RB Demario McCall.
  4. 5* LB Justin Hilliard has been set to announce on Wednesday for a while now. Seemingly an ND/OSU battle with most people thinking OSU. He's good friends with several top prospects. One of them, 5* DL Jason Cornell, has moved up his announcement to this Wednesday as well. People thought ND had a good chance at him early on (same high school in MN as Michael Floyd - a Catholic school) but eventually he didn't visit them again (as Hilliard did) and it came out that they didn't like him as much. So basically this should confirm that both of them are committing to OSU on Wednesday. And 4* ATH/LB Jerome Baker is announcing July 11th. That should be OSU as well.
  5. Put down a couple of the traps I bought tonight. Haven't checked them yet because I've been busy killing earwigs. Every 10-15 minutes I check the area where they've been showing up the most and see 2-3 of them. There better be like 20 in those traps. Have to spray outside tomorrow.
  6. I used the DE on the crickets a few years ago as well. They never made it in the house but they were close enough to my windows to annoy the shit out of me. These fuckers had no rhythm or it may have been OK but I went all out to get rid of them with the Raid and DE.
  7. The "bites" aren't bad at all. One got my little toe the other day and I was alerted to its presence but not much more than that. Been dealing with them myself for the last week or so. From what I've read "infestations" are not common at all because they don't colonize or have any social structure like ants or bees. Actually kind of relieved to read someone else is experiencing it because I was kinda freaked out. I've got traps and the Raid bug barrier spray coming today. I did the bug barrier thing 2 years in a row and didn't have many problems (crickets and house centipedes were my biggest issues before) but forgot to do it this year and I guess this is my punishment.
  8. That's a shame. My personal favorite character on the show shares your name... http://i.imgur.com/xsN1mjG.gif
  9. Wasted probably close to an hour at work the day they launched their Prime Music last week just browsing and building a library. Some pretty solid stuff on there.
  10. Yeah, they described him as a freak show at the camp. Apparently the main reason he played DL last year and not OT was he broke his leg in preseason practice and by the time he was ready to come back the coach didn't want to disrupt the OL's chemistry. Could be a kid who jumps high in the rankings at some point.
  11. Farrell is supposed to be tomorrow. Also, another 2015 kid should be finalized tomorrow. A flip from Miami, Kevin Feder. 6'9" OT. Played DL last year because there were a couple seniors ahead of him at Don Bosco in NJ (big-time HS program) but he came to camp and it was pretty much impossible not to offer him so they did it and he supposedly committed.
  12. Gerald was expected. Ward was kind of a surprise but he's been in the projections for a while now. Came to camp and got the offer. Perfectly fine with that. Could be 1 more 2016 kid within the next couple days. http://247sports.com/Player/Luke-Farrell-58247
  13. They'll get it to 20. Probably 20-22.
  14. And the in-state commit train keeps on rolling... 4* DE Dre'Mont Jones out of Cleveland made a surprise visit to OSU today and committed. It was always just a matter of time with him but nice to have him officially in the fold. That will move OSU into the top 30 on the 247 composite. OSU was around 60 in the country 10 days ago. Should be a few more coming in the next few weeks. Hilliard is obviously the biggest in-state fish but on the heels of a commitment from him guys like Jashon Cornell (4* DE out of MN) and Chris Clark (4* TE out of CT) could follow. I know Damien Harris (5* RB out of KY) is friends with all or some of those guys and most have had him as an OSU lean for a while now (was committed to Michigan several months ago due to their OC - once he was fired and replaced Damien was gone) but a summer commitment from him would be a surprise. He may be an early enrollee so that could make it earlier than signing day but probably not by more than a couple months.
  15. Nick Conner came to camp, worked out, got an offer and committed. 4* LB out of Dublin. Probably closes the door on a guy like Sh'Mar Kilby-Lane if he were still considering OSU as some were suggesting after he committed to FSU. Now they just need to lock up Hilliard. He tweeted tonight that he wants Damien Harris, Chris Clark and Jashon Cornell (all 4-5* guys) to join him wherever he goes. That would actually kinda rule out ND because ND has not been interested in Cornell for a while and ND fans are saying Clark doesn't have the grades to get in...
  16. Hilliard will be at ND on Friday for some special thing they're having then his dad will be dropping him off at OSU on Saturday so he can stay with Raekwon and Sam Hubbard overnight and hang out with the team. Should be his last visits then announces late this month or early next month. This is really the closest thing to a "must get" in this class.
  17. GoT is great but Breaking Bad was better. A solid example of Breaking Bad's superiority was last night's episode. Last summer, with the last few episodes of Breaking Bad coming down the pipe, media people and people connected to the show started saying the 3rd to last episode of the series, "Ozymandias", was the best episode they ever did and maybe the best episode of any TV show ever. I was kinda disappointed because I don't like hype but then the episode aired and it delivered and then some. Fast forward to this past week, same shit being said by GoT's showrunners about the season finale. I reluctantly buy into it because I figured if Breaking Bad could deliver on AMC then GoT probably can too. Better than "The Mountain and The Viper?" Better than "The Laws of Gods and Men?" Better than "The Rains of Castamere?" That's a tough order but I believed them. And they didn't deliver. It fell a little flat and felt a little rushed. ESPECIALLY the Tyrion stuff. They even cut out some extremely important stuff from that whole scene vs. what was in the books. Then what could have been the ultimate cliffhanger/twist/whatever that people were expecting to be there wasn't there at all. If you aren't going to end with that cliffhanger/twister/whatever then end with the Tyrion stuff, not Arya riding off on a boat. And do the Tyrion stuff as close to the books as possible, like they did the trial or the trial by combat. I haven't read the books but I knew what was coming/what was supposed to come and I was disappointed. Those who have read the books were extremely disappointed. And this isn't like The Walking Dead were the comic readers have been disappointed in the show since season 2. GoT has done a fantastic job omitting stuff and expanding on stuff that made sense and actually made for better TV or even a better story in general. Last night they failed as much as they ever have with the changes/omissions.
  18. It helps that Ohio is stronger than it has been in a couple years for 2016 AND they may have their QB in pretty early. Dwayne Haskins out of MD. Compare that to 2014 and 2015 where they struggled to land a QB/focus on the right one. And of course 2017's QB has been in for a while now. QB is likely done for 2015. Gibson is a bit of a mess right now with his suspension(s) and whatnot plus the staff isn't even sure he'd stay at QB. Travis Waller keeps saying an offer is coming soon but that's not happening unless something changes. I've seen texts from OSU staff members about Gibson (mentioning the not staying at QB thing) and Waller (says he's pissing them off with the games he's playing) so people seem pretty solid that it's Burrow and done now. Right now the 2015 class' ranking has a lot depending on Justin Hilliard's decision. He's coming back to OSU sometime in the next couple weeks and supposed to be staying overnight with Raekwon who everyone loves. That was supposed to be his last visit before announcing but ND is trying real hard to get him back on campus and he was just there last weekend. He should be announcing in July (possibly at The Opening) and there are a lot of kids watching to see what he does because he's made a lot of friends at camps and on visits. The class will be fine regardless but landing Hilliard and having him work to land other elite kids could be the difference between a top 5 finish and a top 20 finish.
  19. McCullough should be a gray shirt but there are different reports out there. I trust guys like Birm on 11w and Givler on Rivals over anyone on Scout at this point so I'm leaning towards gray shirt. That'll probably be it for commits until Hilliard announces. Things look really good for OSU right now. He was at ND this past weekend but most feel it wasn't enough to overcome OSU's recent surge. He'll be at Iowa here soon to help move his brother in there then he's coming back to OSU for an overnight stay with Raekwon before deciding. May announce at The Opening on TV. But if OSU lands him there are a lot of other players who would follow. Maybe not right away but in the long run Hilliard will be huge not just because he's a 5* but because he's a great recruiter.
  20. Yeah, I've had a couple things delivered from Amazon on Sunday now. I remember the first one (an SD card for my phone) I ordered on a Friday and saw the estimated delivery date as that Sunday and was like... lol nope. Then it actually happened.
  21. The curse of this thread/me saying I didn't have any issues with SmartPost or Mail Innovations has struck again... http://i.imgur.com/VNBZYfm.png
  22. Listed 6'4", 210 but people say he's probably more like 6'3", 185. Still, that's not really a problem for a kid with a year and a half at least before he's going to be on campus. Yeah, what I read referenced the ecstasy (so maybe more or maybe just talking about the prior incident), bad grades and even potentially an assault in there. Said he was simply "a bad kid". As more info comes it seems he's just next in line to get the boot and hasn't actually been booted yet. Someone mentioned he's moving in with Evan Spencer and Jeff Heuerman soon to try and keep him in line. The grades thing is insane because he was actually academic all-B1G last season. So maybe the ecstasy thing just completely derailed him.
  23. Read he was silently committed to Iowa State a couple weeks ago. Travis Waller had silently committed to OSU a couple weeks ago but OSU wasn't very confident in him sticking to it if Oregon offered him so they held off on letting him truly commit/giving him an offer. Not sure what made them pull the trigger on Burrow today. Maybe they somehow found out that Kyler Murray will be announcing for A&M tomorrow which will trigger the Oregon offer to Waller. It's good because now they have an Ohio kid who can be something of a leader of the class on board (he was already tweeting with guys like 5* LB Justin Hilliard out of Cincy this afternoon) but he's not as highly rated as a guy like Waller or Wimbush so there's no way Gibson will be scared away. Of course, Gibson has his own shit to deal with right now. Suspended for his HS spring football game, suspended from school, allegedly assaulted a female teacher (not physically so I guess verbally?), etc.
  24. So the Jamal Marcus news was less than surprising to me when it became official over the weekend since someone clued me in on that earlier this month. But just read a real shocker... Noah Spence could be gone soon too. No idea why (obviously he had his ecstasy thing and was suspended for 3 games - Orange Bowl and first 2 of 2014) but that's the latest rumor. Seen a lot of 2015 mock drafts with him in the first round, some even in the top 10. Would be a huge blow to what a lot of media outlets have been ranking as the #1 DL for 2014.
  25. Don't kid yourself. Check the reviews... this cable POURS DIAMONDS OUT OF ITSELF. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/audioquest-diamond-3-3-high-speed-hdmi-cable-dark-gray-black/2383276.p?id=1218324437192
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