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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Haven't had mine plugged in since before Titanfall came out. It's a nice tool for those who truly use the One as a centerpiece of their entertainment setup but since all I really do is play games on my console (right now) I have no need for it. BTW - MS has been making tons of little announcements leading up to E3 next month. They need to do something because the One sold just 115k consoles in April. The 360 never sold so few in the month of April through its entire lifespan. Halo 5, the Halo "journey", removing the pay wall for apps, $399 Kinect-less version, etc., etc. all BEFORE E3. Must be some mind-blowing stuff in store for their E3 presentation.
  2. Switched to DirecTV last month. My body is ready.
  3. Reluctantly switched to TWC. I'm in a former Insight area so it's basically still all old Insight stuff but I think the channel bonding with DOCSIS 3.0 (which Insight didn't have when I was with them) helps keep things stable. Ping is now better than it ever was with WOW. Used to get in the 30's-40's on Titanfall with WOW before the new routing screwed everything up but now I sometimes even see 20's with TWC. Heard a lot of horror stories about TWC throttling streaming services like Netflix and Youtube as well but they're also faster than ever. Pay for 50/5 but consistently get about 56/6.
  4. Had to get rid of WOW recently because of this new awful routing they were using. Was taking 10-12 hops before you even got out of their network which resulted in my ping basically doubling when I was playing on Xbox Live.
  5. 15 1/2 point favorites for the opener in Baltimore. GET THOSE BETS IN BOYS. SEASON'S FAST APPROACHING.
  6. From what I've read it sounds like what's going to happen with EGW is Urban isn't going to straight up pull the scholarship but over time it will look like EGW picked another school. Will be interesting to see if a decent program wants to deal with his garbage. And there's still plenty of time on this class. It just takes landing a few to start really having a "leader" of the class who will go after other kids. Obviously EGW isn't that kid given his character issues and Dean is kinda on his own down in Cocoa Beach (sure, he's in Florida, but not one of the big hotbeds). Yep, just one season. And I had read about how Michigan thought he was theirs to lose due to his relationship with their new OC (former Bama OC) and he would have been pretty much guaranteed a starting spot at Michigan. Not so at OSU but you rarely see these graduate players transfer somewhere and not start.
  7. Will be interesting to see if he ends up starting at center. He started 4 games for Bama last year when Ryan Kelly went down with an injury.
  8. No argument from me. Hate noon games. Usually end up setting my alarm for 11:50 or so, grabbing some cold pizza from the night before and taking a nap after. It's awful.
  9. Was hoping for a true night game against Cincy but 6PM isn't too bad. 4th "night" game for OSU on the schedule thus far.
  10. Ghosts is definitely not very good but going back to BO2 as an alternative... http://i.imgur.com/bALRgeB.gif
  11. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    The quality of everything on Lost is just so good. It looks and feels like a movie as far as the soundtrack, cinematography, etc., etc. are concerned. So when I went to Jericho shortly after finishing Lost it didn't feel nearly as polished or grand and it was hard to stick to it. I think some of the big cable dramas are closer to Lost now (ie. Game of Thrones which costs I think over $6m per episode to film now) but I don't think any network TV show can compare. The pilot for Lost cost over $10m back in 2004.
  12. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    There are 2 acoustic versions of "Times Like These" out there that should be pretty easy to buy/download/whatever. One from The Jo Whiley Show's Live Lounge that is on Radio 1's Live Lounge - Volume 2 and another on their album Skin and Bones which had a bunch of acoustic stuff. On the topic of Jericho, I started watching it after finishing Lost a couple years ago and Lost really ruins watching other TV shows for a while because of its insane production quality. Have to give it another try sometime. My dad liked it a lot and what their fans did to get the show back on TV after it was canceled was great.
  13. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    It's easy to watch here but just make sure you're using an up to date browser with AdBlock Plus to make sure nothing wonky happens... http://watchseries.lt/season-4/the_walking_dead Just select the episode you want to watch, look at the list and choose one with the highest rating (around 60% seems to be the highest which seems low but I checked several and they all worked fine and looked decent) and read what you're clicking so you don't start installing spyware or something.
  14. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Stop while you're ahead. Season 1 was so much better than any season since. Poor Darabont getting the shaft because AMC are a bunch of cheap fucks.
  15. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    It's being used to fatten the people in the train car up.
  16. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Definitely cannibals. A lot of the episode was very good (which is rare for this show) but the flashbacks were useless (even worse if the watch was never mentioned before which I don't know or care enough to find out) and had they not been there we could have gotten a little deeper into the cannibal thing before ducking out for the season instead of not being entirely clear and building it up more even though it's extremely obvious.
  17. Thought I posted a response to this the other day but I didn't and it's better I didn't because we have good news now. No way Turner ends up here but OSU did pick up a transfer from Temple. Anthony Lee. 6'9", averaged 14 points and 9 rebounds. Already graduated so he can play right away. That takes care of 2014-2015 so now they just have to get a big in the 2015 class.
  18. That made it to the front page of reddit. Pretty funny. No one with a brain thought a Dayton win was impossible. I actually felt it was probable because they'd play with a chip on their shoulder and OSU played a lot of very stupid basketball this year. The multiple, highly rated threads on reddit about it are full of people so butthurt over "the." If anything it makes me happy, exposing everyone who is so offended by a three letter word as they celebrate.
  19. Yeah, I remember when OSU went on their run to come back and take the lead and I was like... why do I care? This team isn't making it out of this weekend.
  20. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    If he was the way he was in the comic no one would want that. Lizzie and whatever her sister's name was represented brothers from the comic and Carl killed the one that killed the other after the group couldn't quite decide what to do. He's awesome in the comic.
  21. Sunday/Monday or further down the line? How much we talking?
  22. Also, because of the way the leveling is done going from 40-50 takes about as long as 1-39.
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