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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Your comments don't really even warrant a response anymore but I can't believe you actually made a post after quoting what I said and removing the part where I explained exactly what you're questioning. Is this just shitty trolling at this point or are you seriously this dumb?
  2. I think FSU-MSU would have looked similar to OSU-MSU except MSU didn't really stop OSU from scoring, OSU stopped OSU from scoring and I don't think FSU would have stopped themselves. Clemson did a much better job against OSU's bread and butter plays in the Orange Bowl than MSU did in the B1GCG and FSU buttfucked them @ Clemson. Here's Herman from after today's practice... I think he's pretty straightforward so his pretty obvious confidence in JT is nice to see.
  3. Here's the "depth chart"... basically says nothing with all the "ors"...
  4. Also, I'm kind of surprised this hasn't come out yet but you could see someone other than Barrett or Jones at QB for a few snaps on Saturday. I heard a few days ago that they had done it in practice. I know people have been saying Jones could be the Tebow to Barrett's Leak but it seems like this other guy would do that instead. May not have heard any more on it because they scrapped it after a couple practices but we'll see.
  5. I guess that makes sense. I just remember seeing the 9-12 months the first time and thinking... well shit. But they use the 9-12 months thing for ACL's and whatnot as well in football or basketball and we've seen guys go out there and play after 9-10 and do fine. So I'll be optimistic that the timeline you posted ends up being accurate. He'd be ahead of where he was this year if he was able to get spring ball and everything in. Everyone has been pointing out how "loaded" OSU will be in 2015 if Braxton comes back but I haven't really looked at it because I'm still hopeful that the team can do some big things in 2014. Taking a look at it now... QB - Braxton Miller RB - Zeke, Dunn, Samuel, Ball (only lose Rod Smith) WR - Thomas, C. Smith, Dontre, Marshall, Dixon, etc., etc. (lose Spencer and D. Smith) TE - Vannett, Baugh (lose Heuerman) OL - Decker, Elflein, Boren, Price, Farris, Underwood, Lisle, then a bunch of current underclassmen (lose Baldwin) DL - Bosa, Washington, Spence (could leave), Schutt, Carter, Hill, etc. (lose Bennett) LB - Perry, Lee, Raekwon slips right in for Curtis Grant DB - Apple, Conley, Reeves, Bell, Powell, Burrows (lose Grant) So the biggest losses probably end up being on the D again (Bennett and Doran Grant, possibly Spence) with the perceived ability to reload pretty adequately. Regardless of who is at QB in 2015 that's going to be a really, really good team. Either Barrett with a year under his belt of Braxton returning. But OSU is still winning everything this year too so whatever. :gabe:
  6. I may be the biggest Braxton supporter here as evidenced by this thread and the last one but there's no way he'd go 2nd/3rd. That was an extremely optimistic thought if he would have come out last year but now after 2 shoulder surgeries and a whole year off football... he'd be extremely lucky to go before the 5th round. As for his injury I know I've seen 9-12 months which sucks because I was hoping for a similar timeline to what LJ said. If he could somehow be ready for spring ball then I don't see him being stopped from re-taking the starting job but 9-12 months means he'd basically be exactly where he was heading into fall camp this year except with ~20 months separating him from his last game instead of 8. BTW his surgery is done and Andrews said it went well... http://i.imgur.com/obrpVgY.png What I'm wondering is why Andrews didn't do the first surgery and where everything went wrong between the surgery in February and his tearing the labrum last week. There were reports that Braxton was throwing fine over the summer with his WR's in their 7 on 7 type stuff then they have the "setback" early in camp with the unexpected "soreness" and eventually his arm just more or less exploded.
  7. Haha... glad I could help. I'm not sure what I would have done. I switched to DirecTV in the spring for completely unrelated reasons. Seems every cable company in the area offers CBSSN except for WOW. Which is what I switched from. Just got lucky since no one knew it would be on CBSSN until a month or so ago. Pretty lame of CBS to do really. Using their rare shot at an OSU game as a bargaining chip for a company like WOW to maybe hop on board or at least to get people to switch to a company that carries them already. As for actual football stuff, should have the depth chart at some point today. I guess at that point we'll know the OL.
  8. I think the DB battle is just a good battle and the OL battle was just so many open positions but it's winding down now. I'd really like it to be Price, Boren, Elflein in the middle because those are all younger guys so if Decker stays for his senior year then you're only losing Baldwin at RT for 2015. Also Boren and Elflein would make 2/5th of the OL be from Pickerington which would be neat. I'm fine with Apple or Conley at the spot opposite Grant. Both are on the larger side of normal for CB's and that will be important with them going to more bump and run coverage under Ash. Also, starting to see posts pop up on other OSU websites with people just now realizing that CBS Sports Network isn't just regular CBS. Few things are able to amuse and annoy me as much as completely unaware OSU fans during the season. "What channel is the game on?" and "what's the weather look like for Saturday's game?" are the two most asked questions. Every. Single. Year.
  9. The first 2 weeks of this season have some amazing games. A&M-South Carolina on Thursday Then Saturday... OSU @ Navy Bama vs. WVU Clemson @ Georgia FSU vs. Okie St. Wisconsin vs. LSU Week 2... USC @ Stanford MSU @ Oregon Michigan @ ND VT @ OSU
  10. Game week. Also, Torrance Gibson (was a 5* everywhere before the summer - now a composite 4* due to a big drop on Rivals) played on ESPN yesterday. Wore OSU cleats. Reason he's fallen recently was because he wants to play QB and people aren't sure if he can. Threw for 298 yards and 5 TD's yesterday against a very good Dwyer team. Also ran for another score.
  11. I really don't understand how ESPN's FPI thing came up with those results. Braxton's injury and MSU's toughest conference games all being at home... who knows. They lost some big pieces on defense but they have Dantonio and Narduzzi so it really doesn't matter. And their offense has a real starter going into the season and they were on a roll with him at the end of last season. I know their offense exposed their defense a bit in their first scrimmage a week or so ago. Their defense bounced back this week but the way the scoring is done for their scrimmages makes it nearly impossible for the team that won the first scrimmage to win the second. MSU @ Oregon should be great to watch. If they win that they will probably jump into the top 3.
  12. ESPN's Football Power Index thingamabobber still has OSU as the favorite to win the B1G... http://i.imgur.com/xroVMCX.png I understand Wisconsin being above MSU because they're in the other division but Michigan ahead of MSU...
  13. I've seen cartel videos where the dudes are definitely drugged to shit. One where one guy was beheaded with a chainsaw and a guy was sitting right next to him about to be beheaded as well and both hardly reacted. I think the guy who was next in line actually got cut a bit by the chainsaw (they were sitting shoulder to shoulder) and barely flinched. As for Foley, he probably went through a dozen or more mock executions before ISIS actually did it which could explain his relatively calm demeanor for most of the video.
  14. Best DL in the nation. Most national analysts agree. I'm not sure if I do. I like our guys but I don't know for sure if they're the best because I don't know everyone else out there. And Spence is sitting for 2 games and the guy who filled in for him in the Orange Bowl left due most likely to grade concerns.
  15. I don't recall you being such an idiot in the last football threads. Weird. Something happen in your life?
  16. Not sure if I talked about that in the other thread or not... definitely talked about it on reddit and another forum I go to. JT will have to really light it up this year for there to be a real competition in the spring. As ordinary as some of you want to believe Braxton is... he isn't. But he's human. Not really doing any real football for over a year will be interesting. Plus, you've gotta see if this surgery takes since the last one obviously didn't. Dr. James Andrews (yes, that one) is doing this surgery. So you hope that he's 100% by the time spring ball rolls around and you take a look at him.
  17. I'm fine with saying he's injury prone but it's not because he's fragile. It's his playing style. Like Urban pointed out, he's a guy who goes so hard that it's almost bad for him. But when he's tentative (ie. the first half vs. Northwestern last season) he's not himself. He seems like a guy who kinda needs to get roughed up a bit before he really turns it on. Like the game vs. Nebraska in 2012. He busted a big run, got hit and had to come out for a bit then when he went back in the game was over. Also, here are Barrett's highlights from the spring game... I know the staff was working on more over the middle/crossing route type stuff (last couple years it's either been Hyde running, Braxton running, screens or deep balls) and you can see it in that video. Barrett is not afraid to put the ball in the middle of the field. And he can dunk too...
  18. Maryland went to a bowl game last year and should be better this year. They didn't get any favors from their first year of B1G scheduling though with their crossover games being Wisconsin and Iowa, two of the main contenders for the West.
  19. Maryland has a decent chance of doing something useful. I liked Edsall at UConn and he's done a good job keeping some elite DMV kids home (Diggs, Prince). Under Armor's CEO and founder is a Maryland grad who very much wants Maryland to become the Oregon of the east.
  20. I'm a huge OSU fan and I'll defend a player who I think is being wrongly criticized as I did in the v4.0 thread but I'm also a guy who likes "interesting." This season just got a lot more "interesting." Also, on the topic of 2015... think about this. If this injury doesn't happen JT Barrett is likely starting his first ever college football game in Lane Stadium against Virginia Tech to open next season. Navy in Baltimore isn't going to be a cakewalk but a night game to open the season on the road against a solid program in VT... that's a tough one.
  21. Our starting QB's highlight video from his junior year. He tore his ACL his senior year (another pussy QB for OSU - what's new? :gabe:) so there's not a ton from that year...
  22. He never redshirted so it will just be a regular redshirt. He told teammates that was his plan last night and more people are reporting that he's leaning that way now that missing the season is confirmed. He already did that this year. :lolguy:
  23. A moment of silence for Braxton Miller's shoulder... And we're off.
  24. Choking away the Clemson game? He and the offense were the only reason it was close. He hurt his shoulder in the first quarter (I think he may have said it was the first series even) and played the whole game. Kept getting hit and driven into that same shoulder the whole game too which resulted in basically no ability to throw at the end. In retrospect I think they should have gotten him out of there for the last series or two and seen if Guiton could do anything. But Clemson's D was vicious and the OSU OL didn't play up to the standard of last season so Guiton may have been killed. And Braxton didn't fuck up the Michigan State game. That's on the coaching staff or Heuerman. Sucks to have 2 awful takes as your lasting impression.
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