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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Game this weekend is the first sellout Maryland has had since 2008. 2013 Northwestern all over again.
  2. It was Wisconsin and PSU fans saying they hate Ohio State... completely understandable. I too thought it was funny and it's the only time I've ever liked the Buckeye Guy or whatever that jackass' name is. Just laughing at them. Love it.
  3. Kid who ran out on the field lost his scholarship. Had a scholarship that is provided to former golf caddies... WTF?
  4. http://i.imgur.com/ljEcDip.gif
  5. So a little after midnight Michigan AD Dave Brandon finally released a statement admitting that Michigan likely played a concussed player (Shane Morris). According to MGoBlog this was known early Monday morning but Brandon and others fought with the medical staff throughout the day to try and either get them to straight up lie or at least to try and help make Hoke/Michigan look better but the medical staff wouldn't do it so the result is a 1AM statement from the AD. The results of the season have been bad enough but now you throw this on top of it and there's only one possible outcome in all of this. Will be interesting to see who Michigan ends up with. Hoke was a 3rd or 4th choice in the last search (didn't even have a winning record before taking the Michigan job - sitting 9 games above .500 now). I wonder if they finally get Miles. Jim Harbaugh would be the ultimate prize but I don't see it despite the contract issues he's had in SF. Miss. St.'s Dan Mullen (was with Urban at ND, BG, Utah and Florida until 2009) is another name I've read a lot but he has no Michigan ties which those people love.
  6. Please never make me go to a Dave "The Coroner" Biddle article ever again. For those who would also like to avoid giving that useless turd clicks... the article points out that OSU's pass defense is ranked 13th in the country. It helps when two of your opponents (Navy and Kent State) combined for 99 passing yards. Just because they're easy to pull here are the passing offense ranks of the teams OSU has played thus far... Navy - 126th VT - 58th Kent St. - 97th Cincy - 9th Remaining opponents... Maryland - 49th Rutgers - 64th Penn State - 25th Illinois - 24th MSU - 48th Minnesota - 124th Indiana - 88th Michigan - 108th So no one appears to be as good as Cincy passing the ball but 4 of OSU's next 5 opponents appear to be better than the 2nd best passing team OSU has faced this season. As for this week's game I've been saying that I think Maryland and Rutgers will be tougher outs than people were thinking as they were added to the conference. Both teams are 4-1 with Maryland's loss coming to a much improved WVU team compared to last season and Rutgers' coming to PSU by 3 in a game where Rutgers' QB threw 5 picks. OSU is an 8-10 point favorite depending on where you look. I'm not nearly as confident as airwg2189 seems to be although the prediction he posted wouldn't shock me. This will be Maryland's B1G home opener. And it's against Ohio State. Everyone goes all out when they face OSU regardless but I think we'll see a similar effort out of Maryland to what we saw out of Northwestern last season. Maryland will treat this game as if their entire season depends on it. I see something like 38-28 OSU.
  7. So Michigan has 3 losses before October for the first time in the history of their program. When will they announce that Hoke is fired? Sunday or Monday?
  8. And just like that, the honeymoon ends in Happy Valley... http://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/1404006/psublockPOWER.0.gif Nice, Florida-esque block there from the Nittany Lions on a 4th down play.
  9. Cincy getting cheeky again. http://i.imgur.com/Qd4xXAW.jpg
  10. I knew I should have left the part in where I mentioned that I assume when he said "if Cincy comes out hot" that he's talking about their offense. Not many people say "come out hot" when they're talking defense. Obviously OSU's offense was pure dog shit vs. VT so I figured there wouldn't be much confusion.
  11. What adjustments did you want? I think OSU's defense did pretty well in the 2nd half. The one successful drive VT had was kept alive by a PI on 3rd down. Their other 6 drives in the 2nd half gained a total of 52 yards and resulted in 0 points.
  12. I hope no one would expect an adult male to use the term "negative Nancy's" in a serious fashion. I fully understand that OSU is likely going to lose another game or two this year, possibly even more. I actually think this season is more interesting due to the loss of Braxton. Someone mentioned the comfort of just wondering how much OSU was going to win by going into a weekend and I think that's boring. I like the Colin Cowherd philosophy... give me interesting if nothing else. As an OSU fan there is no other team worth more discussion. I don't think games like FSU-NCSU or A&M-Arkansas are going to be anywhere close to interesting. UCLA-Arizona St. tomorrow night will be great. Mostly because it's Thursday night and there's nothing else on but they are both ranked and I'm pretty sure UCLA is without Hundley for at least a little longer? Even with Hundley they never looked like the pre-season playoff contender people thought they were.
  13. Bunch of negative Nancy's in here. Cincy gave up 323 passing yards to Toledo and 262 to Miami (OH). Barrett is averaging 252 per game and if he gets 244 vs. Cincy he will be the first OSU QB to go over 1,000 yards passing through 4 games since Hoying did it in '95. I was intrigued by Cincinnati after the first half of their game vs. Toledo (bursting out to a 34-0 lead) but then they let Toledo get right back in it. Were only up 7 at one point in the 4th quarter. I became real confident in a pretty easy OSU win after Cincy's lackluster performance against a Miami (OH) team that was on a 19-game losing streak going into that game. They haven't won since October 2012. I know Tuberville doesn't have the same personnel he had at Auburn when he went up against Urban but the thing that worries me most is him. He's 2-0 vs. Urban. Obviously Tuberville talked a lot about Urban in his weekly presser and talked about how Urban will run basically the same offense and that Urban really believes in it. To me that sounded like Tuberville saying "He's going to do the same stuff I was able to beat at Auburn."
  14. Yep, pretty much all of the processing the nice, big HDTV's do for you to make the picture pretty creates input lag. I actually play on a 27" monitor which more or less eliminates all input lag. It's hard to find an HDTV with less than 20ms of input lag. Most are in the 40-50ms range. Plasma's used to be the best large HDTV displays for gaming because there was very little input lag and that's one of the biggest reasons I got one but just out of curiosity I tried a monitor a few years ago and couldn't go back.
  15. I would be surprised if anyone was surprised about anything... surprising or not.
  16. I don't know if it's funny or sad that we're all in the same place with regards to the SEC and the polls, just making jokes. My friends and I were doing the exact same thing as Indiana completed their upset of Mizzou ("I bet Mizzou still jumps into the top 10 just because a B1G team had the gall to even dream of disrespecting a mighty SEC team on their own field.") and then as LSU's stadium basically evacuated with 5 minutes left in the game and Miss. St. pulled the upset ("LSU might drop a spot or 2 for losing to an undefeated, tough SEC team. Miss. St. into the top 5 for doing something not even Alabama could do when they won the national title a few years back... winning at night @ LSU."). Oh well, at least we got to see this... http://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/1223322/utah.0.gif Arizona is now 20-10 since start of 2012 (when RichRod took over); Michigan is 17-13.
  17. Was leaning that way but now it's confirmed... he lied to the FSU president about the FHRITP thing and is now suspended for the whole game. Buzz that some of the administration wants him suspended for the rest of the season. That would be pretty insane.
  18. Pretty hilarious, yesterday on the CFB subreddit a guy posted that his buddy witnessed Jameis Winston running around FSU campus, jumping on benches and yelling "Fuck her right in the pussy!" For those not aware it's a joke that people try to yell that on live news reports and whatnot that stemmed from a guy making fake videos of himself doing that. Fast forward to today and it was confirmed that he was doing it and Jimbo has now suspended him for the first half of Saturday's game vs. Clemson as a result.
  19. Rumor from TMZnuts was that Fickell still had a large say in the defensive gameplan and calling the defense on gameday for Navy and VT but after VT's ridiculous amount of 3rd down conversions among other things Meyer turned it over completely to Ash. Obviously you can't tell a damn thing from shutting out Kent State but it will be interesting to see if that's ever made official/public and if the defense has a Kent State-like performance against a real team. Funny though... if you think about the stuff Wisconsin/Arkansas fans said about Ash when OSU picked him up they mostly criticized his defenses for allowing miracle/clutch plays. Kinda like all the ridiculous 3rd down conversions VT was able to pull off. Ash was the DC for Wisconsin in 2011 when, in back to back weeks, they allowed Hail Mary-type, game-winning TD passes against MSU and OSU.
  20. The way they struggled with Oklahoma State and didn't blow the doors off of Citadel... there are multiple teams they could lose to. I don't know who will do it but I just don't see them going unscathed 2 years in a row. They lost some important pieces in the draft and haven't exactly gotten off to a hot start. Clemson, ND and Louisville would be the group I'd pick a loss to come from. Louisville is one of those freaky Thursday night games the night before Halloween and it's in Louisville. Those are always fun.
  21. I don't think FSU will go unbeaten this year. Not that impressive thus far. They may very well blow out Clemson again Saturday night like they did last year but, like I mentioned a couple posts ago, Clemson was overrated to start the season after losing Boyd and Watkins. I'd take Oregon or Oklahoma to go undefeated before FSU. And fuck A&M's schedule. 2 of those 5 teams are trash but because they're SEC both are ranked. They will lose 1-2 of the 3 games on that list that are actually tough (Bama, Auburn, LSU). It's disgusting reading threads about the rankings on reddit and Ole Miss fans being all happy about being in the top 10 for the first time in 5 years. They absolutely collapsed the last time it happened and will likely do so again this year. Because they aren't very good. But their fans are saying "Oh we didn't look like a top 10 team the last time we were in the top 10... but this year... we definitely look the part." You've played Boise State (not at all the same team they were under Petersen), Vanderbilt (dumpster fire) and Louisiana-Lafayette. How on earth can you conclude that you "look the part" of a top 10 team?
  22. The main team responsible for OSU's drop was BYU though. They inexplicably jumped 4 spots after beating Houston by 8 on Thursday night. Granted Houston has an impressive 27-7 loss to the mighty Roadrunners of UTSA under their belts so maybe I'm misjudging them. :dumb: At least OSU doesn't have to worry too much about that crap this year since they're likely going to drop another game or two. The SEC garbage has already begun. Georgia nearly jumped into the top 5 after a pretty lackluster win against an overrated Clemson squad (similar to VT's rise into the top 20 after beating an overrated OSU squad), South Carolina was already top 10 so when A&M smashed them they more or less flipped spots. Then South Carolina gets their "redemption" win against Georgia (1 week removed from eking out a win vs. the same ECU squad that beat VT in a trap game yesterday) so Georgia only drops a little and South Carolina jumps a ton and just like that you've got 7 SEC teams in the top 15 with the only one really doing anything remotely impressive thus far being A&M.
  23. They should drop as far if not further. Boston College hasn't been relevant since Matt Ryan was there. Have a couple friends who were all over USC at the start of the season saying "this could be their year" or "they could be really, really good" blah blah blah. I was just like... really? Steve Sarkisian in his first year (I think Washington actually ended up with an upgrade in Petersen), still dealing with a lack of depth from their sanctions, etc., etc.? I don't think so. Then they go and beat Stanford which I thought was surprising. But then tonight... boom. Boston Colollege.
  24. PSU didn't exactly light it up against Akron last week. Hackenberg still looks like a bit of a turnover machine. We'll see how they fare tonight in Piscataway. They have depth issues due to their sanctions so that's another thing to consider as the season goes on.
  25. 4* OL Drew Richmond (considered a heavy OSU lean a year or so ago) just committed to Ole Miss as most expected. He said OSU will always be his #1 and he'll always be a Buckeye at heart. Grades were mentioned with him months ago but I don't know if this is the biggest insult to Warinner's lack of recruiting or further evidence of Ole Miss' extremely dirty recruiting. Reminds me of the alleged conversation Cam Newton had with Dan Mullen when he went to Auburn over Miss. St. "The money was too much." It's really perplexing to hear a kid commit to one school but at the same announcement mention that another school is #1 and he'll always be a part of that team at heart.
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