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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Just take the champions from the P5 conferences, 3 at-large teams and have an 8-team playoff. Pretty simple. As for your upset special for this week, Josh... I have to be with you. Because I guaranteed my friend that old school Bo Wallace would show up either this week or next and cost them a game. They beat Tennessee so now it's on to LSU. 3-4 picks for Bo and a loss for Ole Miss. As for Marshall... before this season even started I saw a lot of people predicting them to go undefeated. I can't see them sniffing the playoff regardless. If they win out their best win may very well end up being @ Akron. I don't know how the bowl selections work outside of the playoff but maybe they'll get a nice spot in an "access bowl" like Hawaii did several years ago and get trampled by someone. On the topic of the SEC... I think the top teams are worse this year and the bad teams are better which leads to a lot of average to slightly above average teams taking turns getting wins, trading places in the rankings and creating the illusion that all these SEC teams are worthy of top 5-10 rankings. Seriously just take a look at some of the things that have happened in the SEC this season. Florida competed with Bama for a half. Missouri lost to Indiana. Missouri beat Florida 42-13 without even gaining 120 total yards. A&M destroyed South Carolina. South Carolina beat Georgia. Georgia destroyed Arkansas. Arkansas stayed within a point of both A&M and Bama. Bama beat A&M 59-0. There's no rhyme or reason to that conference right now. The top teams (Bama, LSU, Auburn) are down and the usual bottom teams (Ole Miss, Mississippi State) are up and it's created this shit soup in the middle that a bunch of people are eating up.
  2. ND once again finagled their way into a special agreement with regards to this playoff thing just like they had with the BCS. My friend just asked me what the deal was with ND/ACC yesterday so I found this for clarification... http://espn.go.com/blog/notre-dame-football/post/_/id/14424/clarifying-the-acc-arrangement It doesn't really have any bearing on the playoff I guess but it's still annoying that they get ACC-like benefits while only having to play 5 of their teams a year.
  3. Also, a solid burn from UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel with regards to the SEC's ridiculous overranking... "I know how to become a top 5 team. Just play Texas A&M." I've already explained the bullshit ranking disaster that is the SEC and how it all began with A&M's thrashing of South Carolina in week 1 but it's funny to hear a coach come out and say it.
  4. Just watching the game I thought it was the right call. I thought it was a call that goes uncalled 90-95% of the time, but technically it was right. After watching replays and reading more about the rules... yep... robbed. The WR's can do that stuff within 5 yards of the LOS AND one of the FSU defenders actually initiated the contact with one of the WR's. I really couldn't believe they threw the flag in the first place even though I knew what it was for immediately (OSU runs similar stuff - ran something very similar for the last TD in regulation vs. Purdue in 2012) but now seeing that it probably wasn't even technically right... that just sucks for ND. And it sucks for OSU. Because the game was close but you add controversy and some people will consider ND to be basically an undefeated team still. So this game didn't get anyone out of the way. Not that the loser would have dropped below OSU in the first place but it leaves an obstacle further up the ladder.
  5. The thing is, OSU knows how to beat the bear now. Urban even mentioned it earlier this week and said that they're "kinda gashing it" right now when teams give it a shot. Still sticking to my theory that the team and staff were somewhat paralyzed for the first 2 games of the season due to Braxton's injury. It's really like they merely flipped a switch after the VT game. Kent St. is bad all around, Cincy's defense is bad but Maryland isn't an atrocious team. In reality, VT probably isn't any better than Maryland. OSU just didn't know what they were doing at that point in the season.
  6. Jimbo's riding the Winston train all the way off the rails. Since FSU more or less operates under SEC rules though I doubt there will be any consequences.
  7. She was infected, she just wasn't overly symptomatic and you need to be symptomatic to be contagious with Ebola. Dude I know who posts on another forum I do was on the flight from Cleveland to Dallas. In Mexico now and took him a good bit to get through to the CDC number but he eventually did and they want him back in the US ASAP.
  8. E-mail address wasn't a required field. Home address is worthless at this point since it's all junk mail anyway.
  9. Well shit. Now I feel bad. On the other hand, they also sponsor the fuck out of eSports (I would never use this term seriously - I'm using it because even I believe it's ridiculous and helps my argument). One of the bigger names being OpTic Nadeshot. I don't like Nadeshot so I'll take my free Red Bull.
  10. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    The flashback thing was not well executed. I'm always going to be hesitant to say an episode of this show was any good but I think last night's was decent.
  11. clanga clanga clanga clanga clanga clanga
  12. I'm a little conflicted on the lack of TCU movement. On one hand, they lost to a last minute FG on the road against an undefeated top 5 team. On the other, they gave up a 3 TD lead in the 4th quarter to receive that loss. But at least it means we're the same in both polls and I like symmetry.
  13. So an autograph dealer who deals specifically with autographs from current NCAA players did an AMA on reddit 6 months ago and mentioned that a probable Heisman candidate for the upcoming season was doing it. 12 days ago he posted again on reddit and said he thought that the player was having a big season, definite Heisman candidate and that he had heard that another dealer spilled the beans. Fast forward to yesterday and Gurley is suspended indefinitely and the guy's reddit account has been deleted. If a dealer who bought autographs from Gurley did talk as this guy says then it'll be at least the same 4-5 games AJ Green and the OSU players got. Here's the guy's post from 12 days ago... Edit: Also, as part of submitting an AMA on reddit you have to submit proof to the mods. One of the mods was PM'ed yesterday by someone inquiring about the AMA referenced and that's when he, the mod, realized that the dealer had deleted his account. But the mod did clue us in on what the proof was and it was actual video of the guy paying players in his car.
  14. OSU should be "flipping" 2 SEC recruits in the next couple weeks. One will probably be made official/public this weekend and the other could come sometime next week. If you follow recruiting at all they should be relatively obvious.
  15. My favorite thing about that is the butthurt from Texas people in the comments.
  16. Went to look at 2008 because of your mention of USC and... wow... what a clusterfuck a 4-team playoff would have been that year. Final BCS rankings... 1. 12-1 Oklahoma 2. 12-1 Florida 3. 11-1 Texas 4. 12-1 Alabama 5. 11-1 USC 6. 12-0 Utah 7. 11-1 Texas Tech 8. 11-1 Penn State 9. 12-0 Boise State I think Florida, Oklahoma and USC would have been in then that 4th spot... 6 teams with pretty legitimate claims. As for the hope with OSU... there is hope. I couldn't believe my ears when McDonough said during the broadcast on Saturday that moving forward VT may be looked at as something of a mulligan and if OSU just rolls the rest of the way (probably not likely but it is possible) they could have a shot. Then you see how the rest of Saturday played out and there's even more credence to what he said.
  17. Something happening with Florida. They won on Saturday (10-9 but it still counts) so it's not a firing. But for the first time in 20+ years they've canceled/postponed their weekly press conference. They even had one on 9/11.
  18. And here's where I kill JT Barrett's momentum and he just goes downhill from here on out... Jameis Winston's numbers through first 5 games of 2013 90/123 (73%) for 1,441 yards, 17 TD's, 2 INT's 36 carries for 135 yards, 2 TD's 1,576 total yards and 19 TD's JT Barrett's through first 5 games of 2014 88/133 (66%) for 1,354 yards, 17 TD's, 5 INT's 71 carries for 276 yards, 2 TD's 1,630 total yards and 19 TD's Granted OSU/Barrett have a loss in that span where Jameis didn't. Jameis was also the starter from spring 2013 forward whereas JT had to step into the starting role 2 weeks before the opener. Also, OSU's schedule has actually been tougher through 5 than FSU's was last year. Jameis put those numbers up vs. Pitt, Nevada, Bethune-Cookman, Boston College and Maryland. Because of that schedule Jameis was pulled very early twice (Nevada and Bethune-Cookman). Barrett has been pulled very early once vs. Kent St.
  19. Based on... hype and rankings. Alabama was seen as good because they're Alabama. Auburn I think is actually good. LSU looked like garbage for 2 1/2 quarters against a QB-less Wisconsin team (who just lost to Northwestern). A&M's claim to fame was clobbering a severely overrated South Carolina team. Ole Miss and MSU's "quality" wins are now against that mediocre Alabama team and the A&M team who vaulted up near the top 5 thanks to the now worthless South Carolina win. And then Arkansas still hasn't won a single SEC game under Bielema. The B1G is still hurting from OSU's issues, PSU's issues and Michigan's incompetence so I won't argue that it's on par with the SEC or SEC West but saying the SEC West is "by far" better and OSU is playing practice/exhibition games by comparison is just parroting the media bias. Pffft... like 2 weeks ago you were asking me where I thought FSU's loss would come since I didn't think they'd go undefeated and you did. :gabe:
  20. If OSU can get to 15 I'd be happy. First time in the history of the AP poll that 5 of the top 8 lost in the same week. Pretty awesome day of football. I watched games from noon until about an hour ago when Washington State-Cal ended with some awful clock management and a missed 20-something yard FG that would have won the game for Wazzu. But hey, their QB set a new FBS record for passing yards in a game with 734. So that was cool too.
  21. That's what I'm thinking. What have they done this year? They dismantled an overrated South Carolina that lost their starting RB during the game, played 3 absolutely atrocious teams (basically 3 bye weeks) then needed to come back down 2 TD's and win in OT to prevent Bielema from winning his first ever SEC game. Mississippi State may be a real good team but I'm still not completely sold.
  22. Are you saying they should as in that's what's going to happen or they should as in that's what they deserve? Based on the precedent already set this season (unranked Mississippi State jumping to #14 after beating #8 LSU) they deserve to be at least 14th. I wouldn't be surprised if they barely make it into the top 20 though since they're not SEC.
  23. They're not the SEC. My friend and I were watching the game last night and instantly thought of how Mississippi State went from unranked to #14 after winning @ #8 LSU. Unranked Arizona wins @ #2 Oregon... if they don't climb to at least #14 then the SEC bias in the rankings has some of its most concrete evidence yet.
  24. Michigan missing the fuck out of Rich Rod right now.
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