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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. USC's sanctions were much, much worse compared to PSU's. They are still working with something like 60-65 scholarship players this year. Reggie Bush last played there 9 years ago. That's just insanity.
  2. PSU students are currently gathered around the old site of Paterno's statue chanting either "where's the statue" or "raise the statue." Pretty disgusting. https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/D39089D6321120927886820466688_2f482dd79fe.5.1.7575647165857691870.mp4?versionId=2SAvjkn1xGzm1tH8qzXSciy1REb7WoS1
  3. Bigger fan of OSU players in the NFL than any single team but have followed the Bengals here and there since I got into football. Loved AJ Green when he was coming out of HS so nice to have him in Cincy since OSU didn't have him. Hyde had a nice game for the 49ers. 7 carries for 50 yards and a TD. Saw a lot of 49ers fans saying it's just a matter of time before he supplants Gore as the starter.
  4. Dropped TD and 2 missed FG's... definitely not optimal. Urban said in his presser today that the defense VT played he doesn't think he has ever seen before. 46 bear with cover 0. Says the only other team he thinks has the personnel to even attempt running that against OSU would be MSU and that no one would have tried that against OSU last year. It checks out because Phil Steele has VT's secondary as the best in the country this year so they can do things (like putting 9 guys within 6 yards of the LOS) most teams wouldn't think to try. Urban mentioned Devin Smith being open as someone mentioned earlier but he said JT just didn't have the time to get it to him. Also said the OL isn't as bad as it looked, there were just too many guys coming free because of the defense VT was running. Urban said OSU's base offense is designed to beat 4-3 which OSU hasn't played a single snap against yet this season. Navy was 3-4, and VT ran that 46 bear. A bit of a cop out under normal circumstances but when you're playing with new OL and a QB you didn't expect to be using until 2 weeks before the season started it makes sense.
  5. Braxton definitely would have made a difference. His threat to run would have kept VT more honest instead of being able to basically bring the house all night. Some of the longer runs JT had would have been TD's by Braxton. And I definitely agree that the defense did fine. The 3rd down conversions were hopefully a fluke/just ridiculous plays by VT and the only drive where I was wholly disappointed in the defense was the one before the half where they seemed to revert to 2012-2013 style and VT just marched down the field with ease to make it a 2 TD game at halftime. Coaches poll has OSU at 18, still ahead of VT at 19...haha. Have to think a good chunk of coaches submitted their polls before the game was over or something because that is just dumb.
  6. I agree with pretty much all of this. Herman has been iffy to me for a while and I was definitely not impressed with him after he pretty much singlehandedly lost OSU the B1G title last year. He nearly choked the Wisconsin game away last year as well because he got scared when OSU went up big. I don't think he can handle being in the spotlight like you are when you're either Urban's OC or simply at a place like OSU. He did some good stuff before OSU which is why he was hired but he doesn't seem to have the demeanor to succeed at the highest level of CFB yet. The defense showed flashes of awesome with lots of pressure, some sacks, tight coverage, creating turnovers, etc. but obviously the 3rd down conversions were absolutely demoralizing at times and the offense gave them little to no help. And on the topic of assistants, with recruiting being brought up, at the end of the Tressel regime OL recruiting was a joke. That's a big reason OSU is at where they are right now with regards to the OL. But Warinner hasn't exactly set the world on fire with OL recruiting. They stole Decker from ND when they showed up but the 2013 class hasn't done anything (since Gardner was basically kicked off the team it's just Evan Lisle who is basically out for the season with a knee injury but wasn't really in the competition before it anyway). 2014 class are obviously all true freshmen so you can't really tell yet but they didn't land a lot of studs they were going after having to settle for guys like Brady Taylor. In the 2015 class they have a 3* kid out of South Dakota and a 3* "diamond in the rough" from NJ who I could definitely see being a big-time guy down the road and both of the kids came to camp to earn their offers but Warinner can't seem to land big-time guys who aren't already enamored with the idea of playing for OSU. Tommy Kraemer (already mentioned) is a tough pull out of a Cincy catholic school but I think he or Eichenberg (another big-time catholic school tackle) was recently interviewed and said they barely knew Warinner. That's not a great sign. The guy turned the 4 guys we lost into really good OL (2 starting in the NFL, one was undrafted and made the team) but he doesn't seem to be a good recruiter. And that's not a good thing when it's the biggest area of concern and was the biggest area of concern when they arrived.
  7. If you want you can pre-order the game online and pre-load it (download basically the entire game) right now. Different versions with all the pre-order bonuses depending on the version you buy. Then it will unlock at 12:01AM PT Tuesday. So if you're someone who picks up games at midnight and plays for a while it might not be for you since you have to wait 3 hours but if you're someone who just wants to avoid a trip to the store and likes having digital games... there you go. On that note, probably not getting it myself.
  8. OSU doesn't have an offensive line then, for whatever reason, decided to revert to the 2012-2013 defense on VT's last drive allowing them to march down the field against air. Whatevz.
  9. Wanted them to get to 500 but oh well. Temple held Vandy to something like 50 yards rushing last week when they beat them 37-7 @ Vandy too.
  10. Top 10 FCS team that was on a 2 year streak of beating FBS opponents not too dissimilar from North Dakota St. Those top FCS teams would easily be in the top 75, maybe top 60 of FBS. That said it was still a bad game for Nebraska after setting the all-time B1G record for offense last week. I watched the whole thing with my Nebraska buddy and the OL really just didn't show up. Abdullah had nowhere to go on runs (barely 3ypc after going for over 220 last week) but he still bailed them out in the end with his amazing TD catch and run.
  11. I honestly didn't know her as anything other than the plastic surgery lady who did red carpet shows until seeing her on Louie. The stuff with her was hilarious... The necrophiliac joke hits a little harder now though... :lolguy:
  12. I didn't read anything about an injury, just saw someone post they were working with a different OL. I heard the same thing though, but Urban never forgets to mention that he's undersized. Praises his family's toughness and everything but always throws in his size. Maybe they're just getting this OL ready in case the size really does become a factor... no idea.
  13. So any excitement to be had over the OL emerging at the end of the Navy game and that OL being the OL moving forward may have been for nothing. Apparently they were practicing with this lineup for a good bit of practice this week... Decker - Price (instead of Elflein) - Elflein (instead of Boren) - Hale (instead of Price) - Baldwin Boren is undersized and the DL's will be hard for him to match up with moving forward (Navy has smaller DL obviously) so I understand having to get him out but I wish that transfer from Bama was worth a shit so they could have just slid Boren out and kept Price/Elflein where they were. The OL was not very good when the converted DL (Hale and Farris) went in on Saturday.
  14. OSU and ND just announced a home and home series for 2022-2023. Obviously a long way between now and then but as it sits now OSU will play home vs. ND and @ Texas in 2022 then home vs. Texas and Boston College and @ ND in 2023. Some nice OOC schedules there.
  15. Yeah, people keep saying the polls won't matter but the committee is absolutely going to use them as a guide for their own rankings. And I think Rice actually does like some football. She's a Stanford person and they've got a great thing going since Harbaugh was there so I'm sure she watches a little more than people are thinking. Just look up "Condoleezza Rice football" on Google and you'll see plenty of pictures of her on the sidelines or doing coin flips for Stanford games and maybe a few others. Also, for whatever reason, she's a big Browns fan...haha. Sounds like Lebron will be at the game Saturday night. And here are some pictures of the new "tunnel" under the newly covered sides of the south stands... http://i.imgur.com/tzAoh7f.png http://i.imgur.com/BT1DNkF.png http://i.imgur.com/oFWitLg.png
  16. Pretty funny article from Gerdeman on O-Zone related to that... http://theozone.net/Ohio-State/Football/2014/News/Buckeyes-Drop-in-Polls-Indicative-of-Same-Ol-Same-Ol
  17. Really glad those three ended up winning it, at least for now. They were the ones I wanted to win out before the game just because I know they'll still be around next year and they were the ones in for the 2 TD drives where OSU started to look more like OSU.
  18. New coaches poll... http://www.usatoday.com/sports/ncaaf/polls/ Top 5 stayed the same, Michigan State jumped from 8 to 6 which dropped OSU from 6 to 7. Michigan still unranked, Nebraska jumped into the top 20 after their B1G record-setting performance and Wisconsin is still hanging on at 19.
  19. I don't think anyone is giving the defense a pass, you just can't really judge them based on a game against that offense. Everyone will learn a lot more about the defense against Virginia Tech. And the offense wasn't so much simplified for JT as much as it was simplified for the OL. The offense can absolutely be judged on the Navy game and early on, playing musical chairs with the interior of the OL, it wasn't pretty. Navy's defense isn't exactly highly touted. They're usually undersized and should be able to be pushed around a good bit but that wasn't happening at all until late in the game when OSU seemed to maybe find their 3 interior OL. I know Hale and Farris (two converted DL) played at different points in there but at the end it was Elflein, Boren and Price in the middle for the 2 TD drives and the offense looked as it should against the Navy D. Anyway, Meyer said it himself after the game, they had to close a bit of the playbook because the OL wasn't opening holes or protecting the QB. They had the one throw deep-ish down the middle to Dontre that was a little off but still catchable on the first or second drive then didn't throw anything but those pop passes and WR screens until the end of the 3rd quarter because Navy was just blowing through the OL and getting to JT.
  20. That's why Sark needs to step his personalization game up like Mark Richt and start drawing pictures for recruits.
  21. Can't judge the defense too much based on that game but it definitely didn't look promising. OL seemed to figure themselves out a bit by the end but it was flat out bad early. They need to find the right combination of guys. They were shuffling all day. Whoever was in near the end there should get first crack against VT. That option play call inside the 5 was atrocious on one hand but not inexplicable based on how the OL had played thus far.
  22. I've had 8x3 for a long time. Maybe as long as I've had TWC. I don't think they have any plans on upgrading the former Insight areas to MAXX anytime soon but maybe the regular TWC areas. I know they were talking about Northeast Ohio having 100mbps by the end of the year. I always check here... http://www.dslreports.com/forum/twc
  23. The fact that an SEC team lost by 30 at home to Temple will go completely unnoticed. First win by Temple over an SEC team since 1938. Also, Vandy wore uniforms with "ANCHOR DOWN" on the back instead of names which is against NCAA rules and should have resulted in a 1 TO per quarter penalty but the refs decided it was OK and Vandy said the SEC OK'd them. I think USF recently unveiled uniforms with a similar slogan-type thing on the backs instead of names and someone on Twitter had to point the infraction out to them to ensure that they didn't get the TO penalties in their opener.
  24. Glad Rutgers pulled out the W. WSU kid who muffed that punt is gonna get put in a dark closet by Leach...haha.
  25. Sumlin's system is crazy. I hated Manziel so I constantly told my A&M friend I couldn't wait until this year when someone steps right into his place and does just as well if not better. Obviously he's happy with the win and I get to be happy about Manziel being a turd who only did well because of the system.
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