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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Good ol' Merle. Dude did some pretty solid work by himself on the Governor's men.
  2. I do not have multiple consoles on my WOW Ultra but have seen this issue pop up on the WOW forums over on DSL Reports a lot lately. I absolutely use my own router though and have disabled as many features as I feel safe disabling on the Ultra gateway. I'll see if I can get another 360 hooked up on my network soon and see if having my own router running stuff doesn't allows multiple consoles. Here's the biggest thread (it's not very big) on the WOW forums about this Xbox stuff. Haven't read through it but maybe you'll find something... http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r28096796-WOW-ARRIS-Media-Gateway-Port-Forwarding-UPNP
  3. He has the same mouse you used for years, Scott. YOU'RE NORTH KOREAN.
  4. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    I mean, I'm pretty critical or the show but I'm not exactly itching for them to spend 2 episodes on them driving from the prison to Rick's hometown so you get a real feel for how far away it was.
  5. Hated U-verse for the 10 months or so I had it. All the bandwidth is shared between TV, internet and phone so if you have a bunch of TV streams going at once it starts to eat into available internet bandwidth.
  6. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    It's not. I was also about to be a little rustled.
  7. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    And wouldja look at that... another not bad episode from the guy who will be running shit next season (he wrote this one, the Morgan episode and also the finale which obviously we haven't seen yet). And as someone who has been a fan of all things zombie since way before this craze began, I loved the Dawn of the Dead homage... Top pic is zombie from tonight's episode, bottom is a zombie from the refueling scene near the beginning of the original Dawn of the Dead... http://imgur.com/a/5JBBZ
  8. They did miss that call but it's impossible to say that it absolutely cost ISU the game. Happened with like 1:45 left in the game, would have put ISU up 3, maybe 4 if he made his FT. Impossible to say what would have happened from there. That's a ton of time.
  9. Pretty crazy that the only seeds left in OSU's region are 6, 9, 10, 12 and 13. It was already a great draw but it's just too good to be true right now. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Iowa State rolled OSU tomorrow.
  10. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Definitely the rest of this season and I'll watch a bit of next season to see how it's going. They switched showrunners again and it's the guy who wrote the episode where they reconnected with Morgan in Rick's hometown which was probably the best episode since season 1. So I'll see how he does and go from there.
  11. I hate Withey for Kansas. Dude is just a monster inside. Absolutely dominated defensively for the last 5+ minutes of that game. OSU-ISU should be an interesting game on Sunday.
  12. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    I don't think this is accurate. Maybe better than 70-80%. But this is far from good. And I knew the second I read the comics that we wouldn't be seeing a good bit of it on AMC. But some of the changes they've made were unnecessary and very bad. Season 2 and the Sophia farm fest I chalked up to the showrunner change with Darabont being pissed at AMC for telling him to make twice as many episodes for half as much money. I may have mentioned this before but maybe this will give you some perspective as to why I'm so disappointed in this show and what they've done to it... AMC actually suggested to the crew during season 2 that instead of wasting time and money on makeup/extras they should just have zombies make sounds off camera sometimes. Don't even show them. Just sounds. But this season, with the show being as big of a hit as it is and the time and money they put into basically building a prison... they've continued to make plot-breaking changes that weren't necessary to get them onto basic cable. There's rape, decapitation of children, suicide attempts, etc., etc. during the prison story line in the comics. I didn't expect that to make it in. I even thought maybe having Maggie take Michonne's place during the interrogation could have been good. But the whole way Michonne ended up with the group, Andrea being in Woodbury, Tyreese showing up so late and ALSO ending up with the Woodbury group... bad choices that have resulted in people not liking their characters (hating in Andrea's case) and little to no story progression since the first half of the season.
  13. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    He didn't leave the truck running so he probably didn't leave the keys in it. I'm all for criticizing the awful show that this is but you have to criticize accurately. And I was also excited for Tyreese's appearance and they fucked it up within the first 2 episodes he was in and it's only gotten worse. I really hope they just tank next season and somehow AMC loses the rights to the show and HBO picks it up and does it right. This has been a disaster.
  14. New Mexico is gone. Thought they'd be a tough matchup if it came down to that.
  15. Pitt is also on huge mistake alert for me. Would just be basically completely out of my bracket within the first 4 1/2 hours of the tourney.
  16. Think I have OSU-Miami with OSU winning it in one of my 5 on ESPN. I agree OSU got the best possible draw but I think all the talk with EVERYONE picking OSU to get to the Final Four is going to have a negative effect. Gonzaga or anyone else in the region will be pumped to play OSU and OSU might feel a little high on themselves. With that said, my main bracket is this... Sweet 16 Louisville St. Louis Michigan St. Duke Pitt KSU New Mexico OSU Kansas VCU Florida Georgetown Indiana UNLV Bucknell Miami Elite 8 St. Louis Duke Pitt OSU Kansas Florida Indiana Miami Final Four Duke OSU Kansas Miami Championship Miami 78 Duke 73
  17. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Was optimistic for first 10 minutes or so of the latest episode then it just all went to shit. Again.
  18. Whenever you upgrade your phone now regardless of its price or anything else you pay $30 on top of everything else.
  19. Have to say I am surprised with how OSU finished the regular season/conference tourney. They had the drubbing in Champaign early in the B1G season, some sloppy wins, nearly letting Michigan get back into the game in Columbus, then later in the season not really showing up for the home game against Indiana then getting killed up in Madison. That really seemed to wake them up though. Haven't lost since that game. Amazing draw for the big dance too. #2 seed in Gonzaga's (the weakest 1 seed) region. Definitely some possible tricky games early on (Notre Dame in the 2nd game, New Mexico in the Sweet 16) but it's the best draw they've had that I can remember. When they were the #1 overall seed a couple years ago they got absolutely destroyed on the draw (UNC, Syracuse and UK were the 2-4 seeds in their region). Now they get a 2 seed in the weakest 1 seed's region and the first weekend of games less than an hour from home. Lots of people picking OSU for the final four now. I can see it but there's been a lot of good things already happen to end this season so I'll take whatever happens and be happy.
  20. I never would have known. Thank goodness for The Huffington Post. Growing up my parents always told me to eat green things because they were good for you. Naturally I lumped Shamrock Shakes in the vegetable food group due to their color. I mean, shamrocks are plants right? Vegetable. Easy. Actually wondering now if The Huffington Post is trolling. Perhaps they've gone the way of The Onion.
  21. Sold. Delete, lock, whatever.
  22. Posted on Craigslist. Added some pictures and also added that I'll include an HDMI cable (since I have some extras and they only cost like $5 now but at least it saves whoever buys it a trip). So for pics head here... http://columbus.craigslist.org/sys/3677874774.html
  23. North Korean propaganda video detailing how we live in modern day America... WE GET TO EAT THOSE BIRDS TODAY. YAAAAAY!
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