That was all mind numbing. It's really quite simple. They will charge what the market will bear. I think the problem have with dealerships is they don't realize what they are getting for what they are paying for. Granted there are some major tools there but quality is key. It's the writers job "sell" the work being done.
When I quote somebody for a Hazardous Waste drum for removal they get sticker shock all day long. What they don't realize is the cost for my guys to handle the drum, haul the drum, Paper Work, Fuel, Insurance, Processing, Reporting, payout for the reps, Disposal facility, ETC. Parts Washers are the same way. While my company certainly isn't the cheapest out there being a premium provider it'll come with costs.
I asked a guy last week if he wanted my service for a 20G parts washer for 125 a turn, or his current who was charging him 85 for a 20G service, filling the drum with 8 gallons and a brick in the bottom of the drum to weigh it down. Suddenly he realized he wasn't getting such a great deal.
rant over