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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. F him. Libs have gotten to do everything they wanted since he came in. The country is so much better. Not sure for who though.....
  2. A YOuTube vid my brother and I made years ago was picked for and Internet show. 5:35 is my 4 seconds. http://revision3.com/joegenius/turbocharged
  3. Have you looked at Wagen-Wheels.com, or Raderwerks.com?
  4. Quickie project fro tonight. Been pretty busy lately, thanks to everyone who has shown interest. Here is a little Polishing project we did tonight. someday when I grow up I'll get a better camera. But oh shiny stuff is fun. http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/PandPPerformance/Picture004.jpg http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/PandPPerformance/Picture002.jpg http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/PandPPerformance/Picture005.jpg Goofing around when I made the last product order I bought a color called Black Lava. I shot it on a Water Neck, and I think it's pretty cool. Needless to say when I get a chance to some of my own stuff here shortly I will be using this against the Chrome. Possibly on Project WTF. http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/PandPPerformance/pcwork005.jpg http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46/PandPPerformance/pcwork001.jpg Enjoy
  5. http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo181/tapia4g63/93638850_7a6eaa511c.jpg Still not running.
  6. I need to finish up the interior, buff the paint, Coil-overs, wheels, and spacers. Basically a week maybe two. I'd like to have it done for next weekend. We'll see.
  7. That's been on CL for a while,and it's a neat car. But my vote is Shanton's GTI.
  8. Are you guys are figuring that was my own personal little contribution to the Art world? That's funny. I'm not nearly that talented, and my name isn't Paul...
  9. Latest bump, It'll come on stock suspension (going on WTF), and Steelies, BBS's are going to my Brother. Price is 1000.00. Ugh.
  10. LOL. Just returning the favor.
  11. My chest is still rattling from that. Aside from the bikes the only one I plugged my ears on.
  12. So the water pipe is "fixed". to help get the funk out I went with coffee beans in a sock. So now the car smells like a Columbian whore house. While thats not entirely bad, it annoying. Trekked back out to Indian lake today, picked up a complete 2L, trans, and axles for 75.00. He guy wasn't entirely sure what was wrong, but got it home, started messing around, the distributor was 180' out, goofy assed crank alignment. I set it all correctly, cranked it over by hand everything looks to be good. Did a leak down test little to no blow-by, what a win. Even though the request was made several times Friday night, NO 4G63!!!!! That is all.
  13. http://madonnablog.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/poop_05-29-2003.jpg
  14. Bring em by. We'd be happy to take care I'd you.
  15. Pm me I'll bring them by tonight. The axles are 12mm
  16. No problem man. Thank you.
  17. I looked at that after you guys left and saw it was pretty much useless.
  18. I have a sneaking suspicion this is what I'm faced with. Ugh.
  19. Usually when I get my ass slapped they call me Charlie. Cool B3.
  20. Randomly picking intros to read is great. Another winner. :nutkick: No Rep for you mister.
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