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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. i'm curious to see how he does and what happens to the car
  2. throw an ad up on craigslist...my kids have all been watched by mommy's in other people's homes...where do you live?
  3. awesome! i look forward to reading it...that's my fave magazine!
  4. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/204731_10150127377282933_679437932_6648603_3462159_o.jpg
  5. http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/header.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/kneading.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/litter.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/staring.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/dead.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/grass.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/hiding.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/electronics.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/sleep.png http://divisibleby0.com/cat_kill/png/sprinting.png
  6. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/malepermissionslip.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/femalepermissionslip.jpg
  7. http://www.world-challengetv.com/ they don't air on tv until april, but you can watch it streamed live online right now
  8. i use to watch tons of anime and go to conventions and dress up my faves: Lain (my 3 yr old's middle name) Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (me dressed up as nuku nuku ) http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/nukunuku2.jpg
  9. I never have issues with wwf on android
  10. well i'm beating him right now
  11. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/memes-even-inglip.jpg
  12. i lived pretty close to the perry power plant...i used to hang out on the beach pretty close to it, too...
  13. moy's on high st on campus next to buckeye donut (this is my all time fave place!!) panda inn on bethel sun tung luck in carriage place shopping center on bethel
  14. omg!! cute baby butt! more baby butt! my 7 month old! http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_53732_.jpg
  15. same here, but it wasn't like we were really trying to prevent them after the first one, i was like "i'm done" but along came #2! i wouldn't change it at all...not sure if i would go for a third...i'm quite happy having two girls one 3 yr old and one 7 month old...perfect age spread because the 3 yr old can help a little and can entertain herself when i need her to
  16. here's video of my husband at nelson...he describes the track (vs. mid ohio) as driving on back country roads...i think you can tell how rough and bumpy the road is from the video
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