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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. +1 seems to have 4.8 stars at amazon and 500+ reviews.
  2. No, I was not planning on moving until Dec 14, 2012 when my principle told me they were eliminating the Industrial Technology (shop) program at Marysville and I would be let go at the end of the school year. Jan. 21 wife got a job in Albany and we are out of here in June! Ohio sucks. No mountains, state parks, woods, or twistie roads. As for the tank, it might hurt sales, but in ~5 hours (over 3 days) I can close the hole up with some drywall, mud and paint. I was going to build a bench and tile it. Glad I didn't, too much work and too much room gone. The seat is great for wife shaving legs. I don't like sex in the shower, too much friction, but great for getting warmed up!
  3. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0146.jpg Took this at the Detroit Auto Show.
  4. Made a form from melamine, glued glass down,sifted concrete to remove the larger aggregate and poured. I used 4 bags quickcrete 5,000psi concrete from Home Depot. I then grinded it with wet grinding pads Amazon $50 from 50 grit to 1500. I then applied Enviro Lite 64oz Amazon $50 to seal it. The counter top was a lot of work and I will not do it again. The cost was around $150, but the time was probably 20 hours between making the form, pouring, grinding, sealing. Form:http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/IMAG0565.jpg You actually pour it upside down so the bottom is facing the smooth melamine. You can also pour them in place right side up but then you have to float them carefully. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/IMAG0004.jpg
  5. Couldn't move it as it was between joists. I could have made it come out of the wall in front of the tub, but it has weak air flow as it is without adding 2 -90 bends to it. Mirror Wife and I saw that mirror at a "chic" shop somewhere for $240 and she liked it. I spent $30 on hardware and had the mirror. I should have wrapped the aluminum around the frame between the mirror and the frame. You can't tell unless you look close which the picture shows. We are actually selling the house this spring, if negative comments persist like they do here from lookers, I will take it down and put something else up.
  6. Finally finished the master suite. Started it June 2011 and then things came up. Someone tried to "flip" the bathroom and did a horrid job on the plumbing/tile. Ripped it all out down to the studs. Re-used tub, toilet, vanity. The shower stall is big enough for 2 people with lots of room. Jetted tub holds 1 and you can watch the fish. Still have to hang the curtains. Before: http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/DSC_6008.jpg I did all the plumbing, electric, drywall, tile, and custom stuff. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0164.jpg Made the mirror and counter top. Sink from Amazon. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0183.jpg Build a mold and poured this custom concrete counter top. Grinded and polished it myself and sealed it to a “Wet” finish. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0182.jpg Custom mirror frame from poplar and aluminum flashing. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0200.jpg Here is my custom fishtank. I made the background from foam insulation and covered it with cement. Access is from the laundry room on the other side. A switch/timer on the bathroom wall controls the light. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0172.jpg Awesome faucet for the tub from Overstock. They have great prices on fixtures. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0184.jpg Custom shower. Had to pour a custom pan with a rubber liner. Re did all the insulation behind the wall and moved the vent fan into this space. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0166.jpg Duel shower heads and controls. Tile angles were very time consuming and the shower stall took 10 hours of planning and cutting. Then another 10 to lay it all. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0192.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0190.jpg I made the trim around the front of the tub. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0165.jpg Vintage light from an antique store. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/House%20Remodeling/Bathroom%20Done/DSC_0197.jpg
  7. Yellow Viper was to show Mopar parts. They also had a bunch under the hood, but it was not open. The Ferrari looked great, but I think it looks good in pictures and video too. You could not even get close to it, about 10 feet away. The base model costs $300k, so I see why you could not get close to it.
  8. Wow, that was nasty. How did they get so much stuff into that house? How does a job like that pay? What is the pay based upon? It looked clean when you were done. Did you mop and vacuum too? How many square yards did you take out of that one?
  9. I saw it in person, I like the front, has some Japanese aggressive styling and feels like they are marketing more towards a younger audience. The internal frame is sick: http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0116.jpg
  10. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0079.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0072.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0067.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0063.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0059.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0057.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0051.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0038.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0036.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0028.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0034.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0023.jpg Corvette frame: http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0116.jpg
  11. Anyone go to the show this year? It was very similar to last year's show, Ford, Lincoln, Chevy, Benz, Honda all had the same exhibits. Many of the cars were the same and it only seemed like the Stingray was really new. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_9990.jpg Love the details on this Lincoln: http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_9962.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_9963.jpg Lets get right to the meat of what you want to see: http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0092.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0093.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0110.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0099.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0094.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0105.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_9959.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_9952.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0117.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/cars/2013%20Detroit/DSC_0083.jpg
  12. I would say that if someone owns a stick in general they are an enthusiast. When my wife parks the car is smells of rubber and brakes as much as when I park it.
  13. This money stuff is scarey as shit to me. What can I do? I balance my own life, how do we get the feds to do that? I will go to rallies, sign things, whatever, I just don't know about anything. I am ignorant and just get pissed listening to NPR and other news.
  14. When someone says "reliable" to me, the car opposite that is a German car. Get a Jap car. Mazda 5 Mini Van
  15. I have a tungsten carbide ring for 2 years. No scratches and I never take it off. I have done yard work, concrete work, drywall, moved rocks, woodworking, car work, tiling, plumbing and a host of other rough things. I was sized at a jewelry store and bought it on ebay for $50 shipped. Still looks brand new. If you get anything other then the plain finish (black, satin or matte) those coating will wear off.
  16. Mine was $120 a year through Geico bundled with my car insurance. It jumped to $220 once I added an engagement ring.
  17. I had that phone! I like the contrast of the silver
  18. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/PicOWk/2a.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/PicOWk/2.jpg Shot some pics in the dark room at work. I like the irony of digital photography taking pictures of old film photography.
  19. http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/PicOWk/1_zps8af94e11.jpg
  20. Totally awesome! From an outsider's perspective, seems like one would sit around a lot doing nothing and do some dangerous stuff like once a week.
  21. It should be a business. You make money, save it for events like that. Disasters should have a planned "fund" to pay for them, not a $3 tax to pay for them.
  22. Saw this while checking out at Amazon. What a hot deal! http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/Random/hotdeal.jpg http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq342/xyster101/Random/Rit8z.jpg
  23. I dunno, buy a corvette for $2k and drive it a few years at a track and then sell it for parts. I lived in NY, I dealt with major salt winters and it does corrode things, but over 15 years. Figure a "salt water" bath would do that in a few days under water. Strip it and race it.
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