I own and shoot AKM rifles (Chinese, Romanian, Bulgarian) as well as SKS45 and SKS56 rifles (Russian, Chinese) and like them both.
Once you get used to the crappy triggers in the SKS rifles, they seem to shoot slightly smaller groups than AKMs in the 7.62x39 calibers.
I think the SKS rifles are more comfortable to shoot as they are heavier and the felt recoil is lower.
Right now, you can pick up original Chinese SKS56 rifles for around $225-$250 on Gunbroker. These rifles are a bargain at that price, IMO. Don't believe anyone who tells you that the Chinese SKS56 is junk - they will shoot and function as well as any SKS and often have better quality finish on the metal and wood. The Chinese SKS56 rifles that I have actually shoot better(tighter groups) than my Russian SKS45 rifles!
Stick with original, unmolested rifles, BTW. Aftermarket parts on these rifles, are troublesome and don't add much in the way of functionality.