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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I got the impression it was a happy home just she was horned up and bored with her man. Stillfeltgoodman.
  2. That feel is even better when she mentions she's getting off early and her husband isn't getting home until 7. Sorry girl but I don't break up happy homes.
  3. The 15"'s are sex (actually have 2 atm). And personally I don't see how those plastic dual core (especially quad-core) systems last more then two years with the amount of heat they tend to generate. Always pissed me off with my dual-core dell, thing would run smoking hot under heavy load and eventually freeze up and crash. No way to control the fan speed either...BS. With Aluminum Mac's the entire case is basically one giant heatsink, bitches run cool all day long. Plus you can control the fan speed at will. I will never go back, although I do dual-boot with Windows7 64-bit when I need a PC, and to be honest the NVIDIA graphics control under Windows7 is far superior to anything apple has put out.
  4. Got this one listed for $475, probably would do $400ish though. Got to say that deal on woot was tits, even though it was your typical plastic-junk pc 2007 Macbook pro, 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo Processor, 4gb Ram, 120 GB HD. (NVIDIA 8600MGT GPU W/ L.E.D. Backlighting) http://oi49.tinypic.com/11bl0yr.jpg
  5. Yup. Screw all the apps and whatnot, the fastest easiest way to check radar is just to bookmark this page on your homescreen, opens that .gif instantly. http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/day_None_anim.gif
  6. http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/day_None_anim.gif
  7. Microcenter has 30gb flash drives for like $20
  8. acklac7


    *turns AC down to 60 in preparation to loose power* Although it does look like it's only going to clip Columbus.
  9. acklac7


  10. acklac7


    It was a compliment bruh. P.S. be safe out there.
  11. Extra Large Pepperoni and 8pc wings for $12 :lolguy: :fuckyeah: NomNomNom
  12. acklac7


    whilist eating fried chicken.
  13. acklac7


    *still has power in NW C-bus, although errrryone around me is in the dark*:gabe:
  14. acklac7


    are you fucking for serial?
  15. Nom Nom Nom, pepperocini's so good nom nom nom. Will be using, probably multiple times, thanks.
  16. acklac7


    Be the guy who replaces reflective markers in the middle of the street, be Badass for hire.
  17. *inserts joke about other 6 being in the smoker* *gets perma-banned by Anthony*
  18. http://hipsterhitler.com/wp-content/webcomic/hh/02_juice.jpg
  19. actually just did some research and the Spirit R/T turbos were quite the car.
  20. Seriously though, could be any number of things, any CEL? Trouble Codes?
  21. http://dodge-parts.uneedapart.com/images/dodge-spirit-parts.jpg:gabe:
  22. Yea but usually you have do be doing something absurd to get there attention, and even then they usually don't give a shit. I can't tell you how many times I've passed CPD and was like "fuck im going to get pulled over" only to have CPD speed past me like "dude we don't care".
  23. TBH I can sort of agree with that, I mean nobody else is out there, but within City of Columbus limits is just a slap in the face. Almost like big brother is stepping in because it views little brother isn't doing enough. I <3 CPD Statey's (Kasich) get fucked.
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