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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Probably going to just start off with a stand-alone bumper to get a feel for things, then possibly shell out some change for a setup if I get the hang of it. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
  2. Hmmmm interdasting never heard of this before. What all is included for $199?
  3. I guess I should have stated that I did a small amount of research then (painstakingly) sanded/primed/(spray) painted my OEM/Winter wheels last fall, they came out way WAY better then expected. Got me thinking shit, maybe I should give my car a shot? I mean even if it came out so/so I wouldn't be all too upset. Great advice so far (from everyone), but seriously do I need 3 guns? and a 80gal compressor? Can I "get by" with one gun and maybe a 20 gal compressor?
  4. Yea see I hate paying people to do things im already interested in learning about. Hate it. Sall good, CR wouldn't be CR without peoples honest opinions. So is experience absolutely key then? Like prep work, sanding all that crap im fine with, but I guess time with a gun is key? I mean guys who paint/have painted vehicles, how did your 1st car turn out?
  5. Looking to potentially invest some $ into some equipment so that I can paint my ride come spring. What all will I need to factor in when painting (outside of the cost of paint/primer/clear coat etc). Are certain guns better then others? Will I need to install additional HID lighting? How big of an issue is ventilation? Figured I should ask before I started making purchases.
  6. Im out working on my car right now....perfect weather, and it's fawking january.
  7. Mark IV's will hold there value much better then a 240 or a C5, not to mention they are downright sexsay, Get a Mark IV.
  8. Could be a loose/shorted connection, turn the lights on and wiggle the harness to see if you can replicate the problem. I know it sounds stupid but have you checked the fluid level recently?
  9. Out of curiosity Is the starter exhibiting failure symptoms or are you just replacing it because you think it is the source of your parasitic drain problem?
  10. Rent a pressurizer and make sure. Bump the pressure a tad bit over what the system is rated for and coolant should start spewing from even the tiniest of leaks.
  11. acklac7

    Sorry trolls

    awww u still mad caused I trolled u with the sickness?:dumb::gabe:
  12. acklac7

    Sorry trolls

    Your road has been closed:gabe: http://i39.tinypic.com/rit9wg.jpg Took this one just 4 u gabe http://i41.tinypic.com/eia5hh.jpg And last but not least the Troll http://i42.tinypic.com/2z4mv4o.jpg
  13. np,here's the link http://www.smooth-on.com/Urethane-Plastic-a/c5_1120_1165/index.html?catdepth=1. Just mix part A with part B then brush on the desired component, wait an hour or so for it to cure and it forms a rather tough plastic "shell". Used it before and can attest that while a bit pricy it is sexy stuff.
  14. Look into smooth-on products, used to be a company down off alum creek that carried there full line. Edit: shell shock brushable plastic (from smooth-on) is teh shit u want.
  15. Playing Doctor... http://www.pedobear.org/index.php?option=com_joomgallery&func=watermark&catid=2&id=77&Itemid=27
  16. Adblock plus with the element hiding helper tool. And NO-SCRIPT, probably the most important add-on you can get.
  17. There has to be a network cable going to the router from the modem, unless there is somesort of wireless modem-to-router technology im not aware of. 1.Unplug said cable (at the router). 2.Plug cable into your laptop. 3.Restart modem and your online. Takes 30 seconds. 4.Repeat steps to get the router back online.
  18. I seriously doubt they would risk a $10,000 fine for removing a cat with all the business they seem to do but who knows.
  19. Heard nothing but positive things about Mad Hatter.
  20. pressurize dat sonofabitch, orielys/autozone/advanced rent them. Personally I rented one and ended up keeping it, quite a handy tool.
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