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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/2153660750.html 'nuff said
  2. Based on the info you provided i'd sue the piss out of the bar (to be honest i'd case the bar and find the employee who slugged me....). Keep in mind there are two sides to every story and then there's the truth. My guess is CPD called :bs: on your boy's story and figured it wasn't worth there time...
  3. Why? because he didn't see the guy who hit him? Just because you work for a bar doesn't give you the right to go decking people in the back of the head. At any rate im sure im not the only one who thinks there is much more to this story...Not saying your boy is gay or w/e but maybe he inadvertently pissed one of them off? Sketchy story is Sketchy.
  4. But my guess is it's either shift-solenoid related or Input/Output sensor related - I threw an "incorrect ratio" code when my S.solenoids went bad on my Caddy (although I threw a solenoid code too). Does the car shift at all? like will it shift into 1st? 2nd? Need more info...
  5. I hate Apple as much as the next guy. Although if I was buying a Lap. for my (teenage) son it would be a Mac: Teens and (Windows) Viruses go hand-in-hand. Keep in mind all a haXor needs is a foothole into your network, then ur basically fucked.
  6. Buy your son a mac... http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/03/us-military-con/
  7. While im not familiar with IAC's I know ISC's (Idle speed control motors) often exhibit similar failure-symptoms (high idle, stalling, etc). You hear any unfamiliar sounds from the engine bay once the ignition is turned off?
  8. http://www.frigginrandom.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/see-that-kitchen-bitch.jpg
  9. Exercise and substitution of a Fruit Smoothie for Lunch will knock off weight in no time flat...The hell with all that other fru-fru salad shit. Lost damn near 30lbs over the summer just staying active and drinking a large Smoothie-King for lunch (still drank a ton of brewski's and ate a fair amount of fast food). Bad news is i've gained most all of it all back (fucking S.A.D). http://www.smoothieking.com/
  10. Not typically the sue-happy type but I'd talk to a lawyer. At the very least get his license revoked if he is indeed found at-fault - Doc should have referred him to a specialist after the 2nd visit:mad:, or shit even after the first considering he's over 50...
  11. Hang in-there. My Father was mis-diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, gave him 6-12m to live. After 3 months and countless doctor visits/operations the doc's concluded they detected a "false-positive": the cancer was then downgraded to a stage 2. Two years later the cancer has completely regressed and my father is in great health, I was very very lucky. Hope and a positive attitude goes along way...
  12. Hell, it's better then a Prius :marc2: Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do - I drove a 96 Concorde a few years back. Reliable as hell (except for the fkn evaporator-cores and corrosion on the battery terminals). But the 4-door sedan thing got to me after a year or so. If I had to guess that Focus will be gone within a year, your going to miss that boostage.
  13. I bought mah 92 from the south - mmhmm rust-free. I'd have some $ set aside for rebuilding the engine: While the 1jz/2jz Engines are legends they tend to get beat to fuck when run in a Supra.
  14. You really can't go wrong with Supra's/SC300's. There worth every penny you put into them. Not sure about the issues with the Gen 2's tho.
  15. I can only imagine. The difference in performance when I upgraded from IDE to SATA was incredible. Wasn't even aware there was a new generation of HD's
  16. I don't believe it will. If it's a desktop its probably your standard vertical "snap-in" style. You should be able to just pop open the case and see the ram stick. Should be about 3" long and next to it should be an empty slot with locking-tabs at either end.
  17. No those engines are flawless Yes those engines are nightmares. In all honesty they are bulletproof with the exception of the head-gaskets/bolts. Even with their issues they still have that mean Muscle car look (at least as far as the 95's). http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums...ilure-fix.html Personally i'd pick up a 2000 Sc300 - I'd bet you could make money selling it (without any additional mods) 3 years later...
  18. 95 STS - Classy, yet sporty, old man car w/big balls
  19. http://www.raisingcanes.com/images/logo_raising_cane.png - Best white-boy chicken in the world
  20. Yea don't sweat it, even the "pro's" at Faslube/Valvoline double-gasket filters about once a month.
  21. So you learned about turbos but not checking for double-gaskets? http://images.mmorpg.com/images/avatars/picard-facepalm.jpg Have to cut you some slack tho, sounds like it was almost dark when you went to put the new filter on?
  22. it's not necc. the installation, rather the installation + updates that take FOREVER. And ya, windows 7 installs in like 20min - so nice.
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